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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-12 13:45:30
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
The rottweiler turned his great head to face the rustling female as she stirred. It was wonderful timing, with the lot of them all having awaken, Ruger's anxiety faltered. Though, the break in his constantly thumping heart was only momentary, his neck snapping towards the red Vizsla as she approached. His ears perked up at her, the bow where they bent raising in an almost goofy manner. He hadn't expected such an easy answer after such a long night of standoffish stares. Large eyes drifted just behind her to the small, trembling dog standing in the doorframe of the office where the others had slept that night.

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
At first, he had begun to walk with her, though his legs seemed to freeze in place as he crossed the threshold. He was beyond terrified, and his legs stirred restlessly beneath him. With how his entire body was racked with fear, one might wonder if there was a blizzard raging on the warehouse floor. He watched as Echo pushed forward without him, the way her tail barely stiffed as she approached. Even from the distance he held from them, the air was dripping with tension.

After a long while, Chico slowly began padding back up to Echo, brushing his frame against her back hock to silently announce his presence to her. He sported a haughty expression, unable to keep the hair on the back of his neck from pricking itself upwards into a dark strip across his back. He hadn't originally heard the conversation that had started before his arrival, but he didn't need to in his mind. All he needed to do was sit there and look mean so they didn't push the two around. Sure, Chico would be in the pack, but he would hardly be joining right now. Up close, the group of dogs seemed a lot more rag-tag than he had originally thought. They were large, and probably capable of breaking his neck without a second thought, but they weren't thriving out there like Diablo and his crew.

Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
The crowd that had congregated around the garden was annoying at best, and incredibly anxiety inducing at worst. Shadow didn't often show it, but his inability to interact with large groups affected him deeply. He had always much preferred creeping along the outskirts of the pack, hiding amongst the shadows that gave him his name. There was little reason for interpersonal connections here, and that's exactly what Shadow liked about being a part of the pack; the routine, the orders, and the ability to be alone. The muscles in his throat tensed under his dark fur, maw clamping down tighter on the opossums that he had trudged back from the park.

He watched as Ace split off from him and headed directly towards the large group of huntresses, Diablo leading them. His eyes widened with an almost-visible fear, a split second of panic that rode from the deepest pit of Shadow's stomach. The even steps he was making hesitated, his nose turned to Diablo, though his body carried him past and closer towards the house. Get ahold of yourself. He growled to himself, before ripping the rest of himself around to follow his nose. With a soft splat, he dropped the carcasses and assumed a seat to the side of Diablo.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-12 13:46:43
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clover was ready to leap in front of the pup to give her some sort of mercy when, thankfully, Diablo seemed content with the pups apology. Her frame quivered with fear and anxiety. This pup would be the death of her, but she was overjoyed when Diablo told Clover that the pup was now her responsibility. With her frame still low to the ground she slowly crawled forward with her tail wagging, her tongue lapping at his paws as a token of her gratitude and thanks. As she stopped she nodded her head and agreed to his words. 'I will do my best to make sure she's properly socialized and trained once she comes of age. Thank you, Alpha Diablo, thank you." With this said, she looked to Callie with a smile as Diablo likely he better things to do than remain here. "I'll watch after her, and perhaps teach her some manners about respecting those who hold authority. I'd hate to see her yap at the wrong dog…" she said as she turned her gaze to the pup. Rising to her paws, Clover lowered her crown. Her jaws parted as she picked the young pup up with her jowls before taking her within the pack grounds. She took her to a corner by their lonesome before placing her down on her small rump. "I'm in charge of your well being now, which means I need you to take in everything I say with open and listening ears. You need to mind your manners, and be respectful of those who are higher ranked and have been here longer than ourselves, alright??"

Posted 2024-07-12 13:54:14
Apollo | Stays | Warrior  | Male
Apollo tried to hide his reaction at being singled out by Rain. She wanted him to share a room with her and the pups? His heart warmed his chest like a flame at the thought. He already had vowed to look after Rain and the pups, but it made sense for Ruger to be the beta. Ruger was older and, with age, came wisdom.

"I think you as alpha is the most obvious choice, Rain," Apollo stated, dipping his head to her in respect. Then, he huffed with amusement. "Imagine the day when Diablo realizes the only pack bold enough to oppose him has a female for an alpha." His amber gaze moved to Ruger. "Ruger would serve well as your beta."

He got to his paws before moving over to where the warriors were meant to gather.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo averted her gaze as her pelt grew hot with embarrassment. Claiming the office was really more of Chico's idea, but she wanted to stand by her friend. After all, he was the first dog on the street who showed her any kindness. Echo's gaze moved over to where Rain sat beside the Rottie named Ruger. "We'll contribute," Echo promised before joining Apollo on the warriors side.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 14:00:19
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo gave a terse nod to Clover before his attention snapped to Ace and Shadow returning from the park. To his surprise, Ace waltzed straight over to sit nearby followed by Shadow. He left the females to give them their orders. "Ace, I'll need you to stay here and guard the house." Diablo's brown eyes settled on Shadow. "You'll be joining me, Aria, and Aragon to scout for the Strays." Diablo's claws flexed as he spoke - he needed to see exactly what they were dealing with.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 14:11:34
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She had watched everything from afar, not daring to interrupt. She was glad Diablo didn't hurt the pup and let her stay. While she still thought this pack wasn't the right place for a pup, she'd hate to see a pup suffer and she was sure a pup would suffer alone. She padded over to the other hunters. If Callie and Fawn are going hunting she should join them. "I'd like to go hunting, too."


Posted 2024-07-12 14:15:39
Sirena | Clover's burden | Female | 6 Months

Sirena listened to the words that were spoken, she was severely confused by the male and his thought process of how females couldn't fight, was he serious did he think males were superior to females in strength, yes it was true he was larger than her but she felt there was much more to strength than the male seemed to, she wasn't sure this would be the end with her troubles with the one Clover called Alpha Diablo, she was much more stubborn and hard-headed for that, but at least for now she would keep her muzzle quiet and learn from those around her, primarily she needed to learn how to properly socialize and understand how things worked around here at the very least.

It was then Sirena felt herself being lifted from the ground as she was taken away from the large amount of wolves, she couldn't help but admit that she felt happier knowing she wasn't going to be surrounded by strangers, especially those who kept coming forth to what she could only assume was to speak to their Alpha, but what the heck was an Alpha, what was ranks, so many questions and so much the little lass still had to learn, but at least if she was able to learn how to be a hunter she surely would be able to feed herself.
It wasn't until she was placed down on her rump alone at last with just herself and Clover that she looked at her with a confused gaze as she spoke

"Why doesn't he let females fight? is he scared?" she asked first ensuring she did so quietly as to not get herself into any more trouble at least for now before she then nodded her head at her words of minding her manners and high ranks, her eyebrow raised as she spoke
" What is an alpha, what do you mean high ranks.. what is this? what do all of these words mean, I don't understand, why females only get permitted to hunt?" Her tone was very curious yet held a slight hint of offense to it from the close mind of the alpha.

It was then that Sirena began to look at the others, there was the small duo of females that came towards them at first the ones who had smelt like hunting she was curious as to who these females were and what they meant to Clover.
"Who were those other females that came to you before the alpha, I vaguely remember two females are they your family? why are there no pups here?" Her curious tone and questioning gaze lingered as she awaited for answers.

Sirena's attention then fell upon the alpha once more as she looked at him with a curious day, he seemed so angry, so tense and so ready to fight all the time and she couldn't help but wonder what made him that way, was he like her, did he have to fight to live before he got here to, how did he become alpha, what brought these dogs together.
Sirena was determined she would find out one day, but she would wait until she was older, more socialized, and stronger just in case things were to go wrong.

Posted 2024-07-12 14:15:56
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie closed her eyes for a moment, just taking in the sunshine dappling her red merle pelt. A part of her missed living on the farm with her humans. They'd provided for her and had been gentle. She hadn't needed to worry about any power battles or survival. Life was just more...simple. Callie yearned for those days of her puphood. Her eyes snapped open at Pandora's voice. Callie was relieved to have at least two other hunters willing to head out. "That sounds perfect, Pandora," Callie replied softly. "Fawn, are you ready to head out?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 14:21:22
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She listened to Rain's suggestions and nodded. "Sounds reasonable." While they would do things differently than Diablo's pack, a pack still needed order and assigning each dog to a certain role would do just that. Rain would make a good alpha and Ruger a good beta. She may not have known them for long, but she was sure they were the right choice for these roles. She took a moment to think before she padded over to where the warriors are supposed to gather. She would protect her pack no matter what and she could do this best as a warrior. "May I make a suggestion?" She asked. She had been thinking last night and she had an idea that might improve the safety of the pack.


Posted 2024-07-12 14:28:04
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
She look a sigh of relief when Diablo left. Fawn then turned towards Callie, "Lets go...I know where a deer least the area, we could search there" She mentioned before getting up, she lovingly nosed the pup before walking towards the entrance of the yard. Her tail low as she didn't feel comfortable leaving the pup with Clover. Guess it was just her motherly instinct that is clouding her judgement.


Posted 2024-07-12 14:31:03
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie allowed Fawn to take the lead, opting to fall into step beside Pandora. She couldn't wait to reach the park - it was her favorite place in the entire city because it reminded her so much of the countryside. What she wouldn't give to run on the farm again! "Clover and I caught deer-scent in the woods when we were out hunting yesterday," Callie offered up the information willingly. Maybe it was the same deer that Fawn saw?

Amethyst Angel

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