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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-12 15:34:45 (edited)
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female

| Rain stared at the little Chiwawa, disbelief in her eyes. Maliciousness clouded her gaze, the angry fire in her belly feeding on this. "How dare you." Her voice was quiet yet deadly as she approached the small dog. "These dogs could rip you up in a second, and you still stand against me" Rains voice drew louder and louder until she was barking. I am NOTHING like Diablo. Diablo would have ripped the likes of you up within seconds. I refuse to take on such actions" She drooped her head, her eyes filled with anguish. "Leave or stay dog. But until you learn respect, you will not be respected. Its hard out there you know? Your not the only one who has gone through pain. Mentally, physically... when does it all end? The thing is though- it doesn't. You learn to live with it. Straining her head, she looked around the pack. We have all been hurt by Diablo. Her usually harsh voice had turned softer, sadder. To all of us, Diablo is an enemy, a killer. But behind that, hes just broken. We all are. We need to get our act together before we die. And if you cant take the truth chico?" She scoffed. "Then your as good as dead" |

Rain being a badass tho

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-12 15:57:49 (edited)
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
As the two's altercation became more heated, Ruger found himself approaching Rain. "I believe that's enough, Chico." He gently pushed his neck against hers defensively, placing his body in between them, as if the pipsqueak of a dog threatening them had any amount of bite to back up his bark. He kept his eyes on the small dog, his stubbed tail perked confidently at the base of his spine. While he hoped to diffuse the situation before it got any worse, he wasn't going to hold out for that.

Chico | Strays? | Scout | Male
Chico only buckled down further in on himself, growling through her words. To him, everything she spoke dug a continuous grave of why he was right. His hackles were at length's end, creating an almost red toned strip of hair down his back. He was completely surrounded by these hive minded dogs, and he knew it was them all against one. "I know all about the truth, I've lived these streets since I was 6 months old. I don't need you, you need me. I've got more street savoir faire in the tip of a shedded hair than you've got in your entire body, m'ija, and I know these routes better than Diablo's own. So, kill me, I dare you. This 'pack' won't last without me, and you know it." Chico was over 2 years old now, and he had successfully evaded Diablo for the vast majority of his stay out there. "So how about instead of writing me off for size, you act like a real leader and not a power-tripping tyrant."

The tan chihuahua was over this. He looked up to Echo before turning around from them. "I'm gone." He wasn't going to tell her to come with him, but he desperately hoped that she would. This wasn't the place for them, not with those Shepherds in charge. Without waiting for a response, he began to pad off back towards the office where he had originally climbed into what could have been the best place he'd ever known. He glanced back to Echo once before crossing the threshold of the door.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-12 19:16:40
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo's heart raced in her chest as anxiety gripped her like the ice cold claws of winter. Sure, she felt that Rain could've been more diplomatic, but wasn't this what they wanted? A pack meant security and safety from Diablo's pack. Every day that Echo had spent on the streets alone had been miserable - she hated it. Her gut was telling her to follow Chico, to be loyal, but her heart was telling her to stay. She was at war with her very being. "Chico..." Echo whined after him.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's fur stood on end at the audacious little Chihuahua. He came to stand at Rain's side with Ruger, but it was more just as a show of loyalty than protection. Apollo saw the little pack crumbling just as quickly as it had come together before his very eyes. What was happening? This wasn't how it was supposed to be! Apollo glanced at Rain, "Let me go talk to him. Maybe it doesn't have to end like this." He didn't wait for a response, and maybe that was disrespectful on his part, but he couldn't stand idly by without doing something. It was in Apollo's nature to help. The white German Shepherd trotted after Chico who had just passed through the threshold. "Hey, Chico, can we talk for a moment?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 19:19:31
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo entered the house with Shadow at his side. Now, where were Aria and Aragon? He needed his two oldest comrades at his side if this was going to be successful. "Aria! Aragon!" Diablo barked. He sat down in the main room, waiting for them to obey.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie picked up the same scent that Fawn spoke about. A doe, the same scent as yesterday. She nodded her head. "I think it's the same one," She whispered. Callie's paws glided over the foliage underpaw, not making a sound. She was a lethal huntress stalking her prey. "What's the plan?" She asked Fawn and Pandora.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 19:35:23
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
"Well...the scent still seems a couple hours old, I say for now, we follow the scent. If we see the doe, we should keep our distance and then come up with a hunting plan. if we plan before we even know the area the doe could be in, the hunt could go south quickly." Fawn explains, putting a paw up as she uses it to point towards the forest. She knew the other 2 females didn't trust her yet, but it was the best plan she could come up with at the moment.

Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
Storm slowly trotted through the streets, he had heard from some other random strays that there was apparently a stray meeting at a warehouse. Once he gets to the location, he cautiously entered through a half opened gate. He pokes his head through before entering. He looks around and then speaks, "Hello? Anyone here?"


Posted 2024-07-12 20:04:08
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie gave a sniff of the trail to find that Fawn was right - the trail was a couple hours old. Still, the deer couldn't have gone far. There weren't many places in the city for a deer to go. "I agree," Callie concurred, "Let's find the deer to see what we're up against. Then, we can come up with a plan." Callie found herself warming to Fawn in the last couple of hours. She'd proven to be caring in the face of Sirena's arrival and willing to contribute to the pack. In Callie's eye, there was nothing else she could do to prove herself.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-12 20:40:27
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clover touched her nose to the young pups head, almost as though she were reassuring some Ken, but who?? Was she trying to reassure the pup, or was she trying tk reassure herself?? Clover knew the answer to that question deep down. "We do not fight because that is the way of Diablos Pack, now hush with the fighting nonsense please. I need you to understand that things are done in specific manners, certain dogs are to be given the utmost respect, Diablo of all of then us to be respected, and feared. Do not step out of line like you did earlier. Your fiery spirit will be good for harnessing and training you hoe to hunt, but put your nose kn the wrong areas and you along with myself can be harmed, do you understand Sirena??"

Clover questioned whether she was being too harsh having such a serious discussion with the pup. However, she needed Sorena to understand that Clover would give her life to ensure her survival, but thats just it... she was willing to give her life, and that scared Clover to think kf what would happen if Clover were to be removed. Clover sat on her hand end, using a paw to pull the pup close as she began grooming her again while explaining what she needed to know and answer any questions she had. "An alpha is a leader who leads a pack of dogs or canines. They help ensure the packs safety and survival though, nkt every aloha rules the same. Some rule woth a soft paw, while others reign with an iron paw. The Alpha is the highest amongst the ranks, and should be respected above all else. You must always show him that you're able to do your part for the pack as well as follow the rules. To go against the rules is to go against the aloha and to go against him is sure to provoke his wrath. You should always respect the warriors as well, they are the males. They help protect us when we need it the most. You should also respect those who are your elders, meaning anyone older than yourself. That will be part of your training woth your manners."

She smiled as her tongue rasped over the small pups fur. Clovers anxiety had eased from the conversation, grooming the pup seemed to eas where nerves the most though. Clover had very much claimed this pup, and with Diablos order that she be her caregiver Clover would do her best to nature and love this pup while training her in the ways of Diablo's Pack. "Those females earlier were fellow hunters. The one that went to fetch Diablo to discuss our situation with you is known as Callie. The other one recently joined, I believe her name is Fawn, I think."

Posted 2024-07-13 05:46:04
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She couldn't help, but scoff at the audacity and arrogance of that little chihuahua. Who does he actually think he is? Now the pack would need every dog they could find to survive, she wouldn't deny that, but to think that he is the only one who can ensure the survival of the pack? She couldn't stand dogs like him who thought the world revolves around them. While she knew it was probably better for the pack if Chico stayed, she personally wouldn't mind it if she never had to interact with him again.


Posted 2024-07-13 05:51:20
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She nodded agreeing with Callie and Fawn. They should wait until they have seen the doe before they made any plans. It would make it more likely that the hunt was successful. "We should be careful, so that it doesn't notice us before we're ready." She stated and sniffed the trail, but she didn't follow it yet. She waited for Callie or Fawn to take the lead.


Posted 2024-07-13 06:01:03
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
While waiting for a dog to come out of the warehouse, she had said on her haunches and observed the yard. She noticed a male border collie who entered the warehouse. Was he part of the pack too? It wasn't one of dogs she had seen yesterday, but then again she probably hadn't seen all of them. She decided against following him inside. It could be seen as rude or hostile if she were to just enter the warehouse without an invitation. It was her intention to join their pack, so she'd rather not be seen as that.


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