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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-13 07:05:45 (edited)
Chico | Strays? | Male
He was preparing to wiggle through the window as the cream-colored dog had heard the sound of nails clicking behind him, he almost breathed a sigh of relief to know that Echo had decided to come with him. Small paw reached through the glass, hesitation only in the fact that he didn't want to give up his home. He knew this would happen, from the second he laid eyes on the group. They would be no different than Diablo or his croonies, and it would just be another problem to watch out for once life returned to normal. Though, once he heard the voice that matched the clicking he had just heard, Chico froze in place at the sound of anyone besides the Vizsla. Spinning on his heel, he jumped to face Apollo, returning to that same, aggressive pose from early. "I don't know what you think we have to talk about, your queen already said her piece, showed everyone who she really is -- And somehow I'm the one who's wrong?" Scoffing, he shook his head instinctually, the confusion riling him like a flea in his ear.

"Look, Alastar -- Apollo, whoever you are," he snarled back, "the only thing we have to talk about is how I'm out of here, and you're gonna leave me the hell alone." The bark that escaped him echoed off of the small office walls, and the frustrated whine in his voice had broken into a hostile sneer. Chico knew that what he was doing was the right thing for him and Echo, refusing to backdown to a manipulative and malicious wanna-be Alpha. His eyes darted behind Apollo and through the doorway, hoping to catch a glimpse of her approaching to leave with him. He saw no such thing.

Admittedly incredibly defensive towards Apollo from the moment he approached him in the office, Chico didn't care. He wasn't going to be the one to diffuse the grenade that Rain threw, and he genuinely thought it was pathetic that she'd even attempt to send Apollo after him to clean up her mess. Every moment more trapped in this warehouse with them was driving him insane, and he knew then that everything he had learned on the streets was true: Everyone is out to get theirs and screw you in the process.

Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
The rottweiler stood in disbelief, but not due to the perceived disrespect from Chico, moreover the entire happenings of the pack. He didn't falter from his stance, keeping his neck pressed firmly into Rain's throat as he watched the two head off. "Maybe he's just not ready for a pack," He offered softly to his new leader, large auburn eyes flicking away as he tried to stay in the moment, rather than slipping into a dissociative state where he'd be forced to relieve the most traumatic parts of his life with that monster-human. This situation felt a lot like those ones, placing himself in between someone for their benefit; but what wasn't like those happenings from his past, was that the person who he was guarding was likely the person to start the altercation.

Ruger didn't know how to feel about that, and slowly he slumped away from Rain and back into a sitting position as he looked around to the rest of the pack, sighing under his breath as he saw the looks of confusion and anxiety that painted their faces. "Well, there's no reason we can't continue on our plannings," he half-insisted, looking expectantly to Rain, silently praying that she would just move on at this point and let Chico go. The entire time she had been barking at the chihuahua, Ruger had been flinching against her, the sharp tone frightening him. He could feel the desire to serve her from loyalty slipping away the longer the altercation went on, steadily being replaced by fear.

Shadow | Diablo's | Fighter | Male
The two entered the hideout, Shadow slowly reforming to his own body after that horrific flash of anxiety outside. He lowered his nose to the ground, sniffing a few times in attempt to pick up on a scent from the two they were looking for. The scent lines inside the house were almost always impossible to track, the amount of constantly-moving dogs crossing trails and layering them over each other. He managed to catch a light whiff of the Beta, though it led up the stairs and towards her room, and while he assumed it was old, he started up the stairs to look.

Alastor is the Greek god of Justice, Retribution, and Blood Feuds

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-13 08:16:55
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
As every dog started to return home, Halo stayed in place. Disappointment, curiosity and hopefulness rose in the dark she-dog. The small pup had courage. 'Why can females only hunt?' Why was that? Diablo wasn't scared... Did he think that females were incapable of fighting!? Outrage swept over all other emotions in the retriever. How dare he! Halo would show him what females could really do! All she needed was to be taught... Or... Watch the others... That would be her only option.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-13 09:25:56
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Aria heard Diablo bark her name and she raced down to see what he needed. She had been grooming herself quietly in her room, still trying to get the blood of the two dogcatchers out of her fur. As she raced down the stairs, she almost ran into Shadow, halting quickly, she gave him a small nod. "He wants to go and find those strays, right?" She asks the fighter. She looked quite tired from the night she spent worrying about the strays. Could they be forming a pack? Would they try threatening Diablo and her packmates? These were the thoughts that had kept her from getting the sleep she needed.

Posted 2024-07-13 09:51:47
Halo | Diablo's Pack..? | Hunter | Female
What if.. She joined the strays? Halo would be a valuable advantage to them, knowing all of Diablo's tricks. Her black tail started to wag, for the fist time after loosing her parents. A smile rose on her face. Padding over to the warehouse, a happy hop started to show in the retriever's trot. The emotionless Halo ruled by the mindless cane corso seemed miles away. Yet, the she-dog knew this was all a dream. The strays would never trust her. This stopped Halo in her tracks. No dog would trust her. No dog did trust her, as far as she knew.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-13 10:04:56
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn then started to follow the scent trail, her head low to the ground as she slowly walked through the foliage. Her ears stayed perked up in case she hear any sudden movements. She kept her tail low so that she can navigate through the overrun nature. She decides to speak to stop with the awkward silence, "'d yall end up at Diablo's Pack..? I'm regretting even joining right now..."

Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
He continued to look around the warehouse, searching for the pack that was supposed to be here. "Hm...maybe they're deeper in.." He mumbled to himself as he continues to explore the warehouse. He sniffs the stale air, the scent of iron and rust filling his nostrils. The sounds of his bead collar making slight noises as he walked through the warehouse, he finally spots a male and female just a bit away. "Hello?" He called out.


Posted 2024-07-13 11:12:44
| Rain | The Strays | Alpha? | Female

| Rain looked around her, taking in note everyone. This pack would fall apart in a howl of wind. Maybe, she had to apologize... Groaning, she lowered herself onto her haunches. River seemed eager to rip the chihuahua apart, and with good reason. But not everything Chico had said was misinformation. "I'm sorry. Sometimes.... I can't control my actions. And well most of what Chico said was out of spite, I do admit to acting like Diablo. I want to lead. But its going to take all of you by my side. Will you have me as your leader?" her voice trembled, the thought of losing this small, shaky pack already hurting her. |

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-13 12:44:27
(Going to post our page 25 update after this response)

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo stood up when Aria entered the room alongside Shadow. Now, they only needed Aragon. He watched his beta's approach with a calculated gaze. What would they find when they ventured to the warehouse? "I don't want to face them, not yet," Diablo informed her of his decision. "First, I want to see what we're up against."

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie trotted alongside Pandora and Fawn. Her eyes and ears were peeled for any sign of the deer. She panted, taking in the smells of the woods and the nearby park. Callie's heartbeat quickened when she caught scent of the deer. "This way!" Callie whispered excitedly as she led them further into the woods.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo flattened his ears at Chico's harsh response, but he suppose it was well-deserved. He hadn't agreed entirely in the way Rain had handled that situation. In fact...she'd given him a glimpse of Diablo. Apollo lowered his head slightly and licked his lips in an attempt to show Chico that he meant no harm.

"Look, Chico," Apollo started, a little unsure, "Rain didn't send me. I'm out here on my own because I care about the future of this pack. Call me a meddler, but I only want to help. We need dogs in this pack, and good ones." Apollo raised his head slightly. "There's a chance that we can still fix this."

Echo | Strays | Warrior? | Female
Echo glanced nervously between Rain and the door where Chico disappeared. Apollo had followed him outside and, while she didn't think the Shepherd would hurt him, she needed to be sure. She took a step then paused to meet Rain in the eye. "If you want to be our alpha, then you need to prove you're not like Diablo." Her voice was soft, meek even. But she meant every word. With that said, Echo loped out of the warehouse to check on Chico. She sighed in relief when she spotted him still in the yard with Apollo. "Chico!" Echo called as she approached.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-13 12:48:37
As always, if I miss someone or something, please let me know! Newcomers, I try to post updates every 5 pages to make it easier to catch up.

Diablo | Shadow | Aria
Waiting for Aragon so they can go scout the warehouse.

Callie | Pandora | Fawn
Hunting a deer in the woods.

Clover | Sirena
Sirena just joined the pack and Clover is teaching her about the pack.

Is coming up with a plan to prove her worth to the pack.

Rain | Ruger | River | Mazie | Echo | Storm
Debating the roles of the pack. Just had a huge blowup between Rain and Chico. Storm just discovered the dogs.

Apollo | Chico
Apollo is trying to convince Chico to stay.

Is watching the pack in the warehouse curiously.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-13 13:35:49
(I proposed a vote in the OOC. Everyone please go check it out and vote before responding further!)

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-13 17:25:16 (edited)
Illud | Loner | Male
A soft breeze made the oak branches above his head dance and sway, sunlight trickling through the canopy and spotting the grass beneath his worn paws. The skies were nearly cloudless, and the heat of the day was warming up his recently dormant muscles. It was a nice feeling, and his eyes were not disappointed either. Illud stopped atop a slope overlooking the nearby woods, taking in the scenery around him. Open rolling hills darted with trees and shrubbery. A stream rolled through the land as well, splitting the beautiful meadow in two. It was a stark contrast to the grime and filth of the city streets he had been wandering the past few days. He inhaled the fresh, non-polluted air. With a satisfied exhale, he grinned devilishly, tail wagging with anticipation.
After all this time...dodging animal control, scavenging through trash and fighting off other strays...could it be he had finally found the infamous Diablo's territory? Howl of mouth travelled fast in this state, and Illud was a dog of the people-well, other dogs- and their tales must have been true. It was staring him right in the face now! This had to be the place, he thought as he pushed on down the hill toward a trail that humans must use to ride their metal machines on. He lowered his nose to the dry road and sniffed about, until his eyes noticed tracks embedded in the cracking dirt. They weren't metal machine tracks, nor were they human. They were canine. Multiple scents filled his nostrils as they flared. "Man, too easy!" He snickered, following the scent trail until it led him into the trees. Only then did a third anomaly alert his senses.
Voices. His head shot up like a bullet, ears flexed forward as he searched the area for the culprits. Then, he saw them. A group of females in the distance. They looked to be hunting...of course. They must be from Diablo's pack! He was upwind right now, they'd pick up on his scent soon if there were any good hunters among them. He decided to make it a little trickier for them, because it would be fun to get the jump on them! With a toothy grin, Illud lowered himself and crept into the brush, following up behind the females at a safe distance. He lay down on the cool earth once he was satisfied with his position, and snapped a couple of branches between his teeth to get their attention. Let's see how brave Diablo's girls are.. He thought with delight glistening in his Amber eyes.

(Approaching Callie | Fawn | Pandora)


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