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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-14 20:49:52
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
A chuckle slipped out from his maw. "Alright, alright. As you command." It sounded condescending, but he was intending to be playful at best. Everything seemed to be moving along pretty fast since he had met these dogs, so he appreciated the time he had to spend waiting. It gave him a chance to get in the minds of his future accomplices, and to think. He did a lot of that; thinking. A street dog did three things- eat, sleep, fight, and any time he spent not doing any of those he spent thinking. Many hours in one's head would drive him insane, but not Illud. He often held this time of rest sacred, a time where he could mull over all the information he's collected and weigh out any future situations or plans he would find himself intwined in. It was another tactic he used to stay alive, and to get what he wanted, of course.

A shift in the air broke his train of thought then, ears perking at the sound of ruffling foliage, and he turned to look out into the forest. He focused on it, and he knew she too had seen it. The deer. Illud shot his gaze over to her, a promising look in his eyes. "You won't be able to take it down yourself." He whispered to her. "We have some time to kill...we could go for it...if you're game. His heart was pacing now, muscles tensing with growing eagerness. He had never taken on an animal as big as a deer before, it was impossible for just one dog, but now he could. That is, if she took him up on his offer. It would be good for the both of them, after all. She'd get praise from the other huntresses and feel more accepted in her new environment, and he would have something to prove his stats to old Diablo.


Posted 2024-07-14 21:04:39
Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
"Name's Storm, and I met her along the way. We wish to join your pack." He nods in respect before he leads the male to the pregnant female. "Hope you don't mind i took the nearest blanket I could find, just wanted to make her comfortable" He commented before he sits down. His tail curling around him as he starts to relax a little. He nuzzled his beaded collar to comfort himself and to think about his past owner.


Posted 2024-07-14 21:12:03
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
"I've taken down a deer by myself before when i was on the way to a city, you just have to be very precise...if you hesitate, you will get kicked. A kick to the head and you could die if they kick hard enough. Why would I hunt with you though? You can't be trusted yet." Fawn growled out as she kept a eye on both him and the doe. "I already hate being stuck as a respect..." She bared her teeth and snarled.


Posted 2024-07-14 21:18:48 (edited)
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
"Either way, it's too risky on your own." He pressed in a hushed voice, desperately trying to coax her. "If you're looking for respect, this is your ticket! An opportunity is staring you right in the face and you're just gonna let it go?!" He made sure to keep his voice down, but the enthusiasm was nearly dripping off each word.

"Think about what's more important, Fawn." He urged, "Your distrust of me, or the chance to feed your pack."


Posted 2024-07-14 21:23:57
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn snapped at him and snarled, "This wasn't the pack i signed up for, I thought at Diablo's Pack i would be respected. Instead i got stuck in a misogynistic pack where females get stuck as hunters and have no worth..." She then huffed out. "I am only staying because i am worried for the other females of this pack...and i don't need some male to help me..." She then walked away from Illud, slowly crawling into a foliage, trying to get close enough to the doe so that she can successfully kill it.


Posted 2024-07-14 22:08:29 (edited)
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
Illud growled deep in his throat. This she-dog was as stubborn as they come. How could she turn down his help in bringing down large prey such as this? Was her ego that big? If she did care about her fellow females like she said, she wouldn't be risking losing the deer by hunting alone. However, he did admire the confidence she had displayed, even though he doubted her ability to take down such a large animal all by herself.

"I respect your tenacity," He voiced his thought aloud, following closely behind her flank. He was surprisingly quiet for his size. "You'll have a better chance at taking down that animal if you allow me to assist you, but if you insist on acting alone.."

"Then I suppose I'll just stay here and keep watch."


Posted 2024-07-14 23:53:29 (edited)
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
The black she-dog had decided to leave. She had been spotted, and probably recognised. While returning to the house, Halo heard Fawn and another dog arguing. Then, Fawn was crawling through the foliage, probably looking for the deer that she had scented a bit ago. Her fellow hunter could do this on her own, and if not, Halo would be there to help. The retriever stood in the shadows, as still as a statue. This way she could both watch the prey, and the new dog. "He better not try anything stupid" Came a mutter, mainly to herself, but also to the male dog.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-14 23:57:15 (edited)
Balance | The Strays | Warrior Trainee | Female
"So you weren't joking, hm? You really are making a pack!" Balance had been watching from the shadows, her coal covered pelt helping. Stepping out of her corner, her blue and green eyes blazing with passion and curiosity. Did they really think they wouldn't be found by Diablo? Did they think they could fight him? The young husky would gladly claw the pack leader on the muzzle... If she wasn't so scared of him... And she had better training...

-+- Re-posed because of the reset -+-

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-14 23:59:05
-> I'm not posting until tomorrow, I'm quite tired. See you all then <-

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-15 05:17:42
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Giving Storm a glance of appreciation Aloisia wags her tail softly before gently laying down. Practically drooping with exhaustion, she watches as Storm heads towards the male Rottie. After introducing himself as Ruger, and giving both her and storm a nod of recognition, they start to head her way.

Smiling, and thumping her tail on the blanket below her Aloisia greets the Rottweiler "Hello Rugur, I'm Aloisia. I hope you don't mind the use of your blanket, I can get up if need be." Even though she said she would get up if needed, she wasn't really sure she'd be able to. Her body ached, her paw pads stung, and she was so so tired.


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