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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-15 08:07:51 (edited)
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
Just short of a gasp, Ruger inhaled sharply at the female's offer to move. "Absolutely not," he began, a firm shake in his head, "Don't you worry a hair on that pretty head of yours, Miss." It was the only blanket they had managed to come up with so far, having drug it in last night from underneath a bush; it was ragged, and more like a discarded piece of clothing than a blanket at all, obviously it had been left out for some time. "It ain't much, but we'll get you an upgrade as soon as we can." It was better than laying on the cement -- The Rottweilers head perked up instantly at his own thought, flicking back towards the offices with their carpeted floors.

No roles had been established yet within the pack, and perhaps Ruger was overstepping boundaries by making this offer, but it felt like the right thing to do. He turned his massive body back to the rest of the group, raising his voice to reach them. "What if we made one of the offices a nursery?" He called out, an excited wiggle in his hind end as that stubby little tail took off at a high-rated speed, wagging away with his new idea.

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
While the agreement to stay was cut short by the introduction of a new pair of Strays, Chico's excitement for the day didn't falter. He watched from Echo's side as one of the largest dogs in the group steadily approached the strangers. It behooved him how some dogs could be so quick to trust, but maybe size played a role in confidence that Chico could never know.

Hesitating as the group spoke near the main entrance to the warehouse, Chico swallowed thickly and glanced to his friend before approaching further into the other pack of dogs that he had had a chance to meet the night before briefly. "Hi." His voice was meek at first, anxiety rippling through him in a visual tremble.

Though, once again, the small chihuahua was startled by yet another new stray who had wandered in, likely having followed the scent trails of their herd inside. At this point, Chico was beginning to question the security of this place.

Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
From the shadows, just behind Storm and Aloisia, a bright-eyed Husky female emerged. Ruger immediately recognized her as the one from the altercation from the day before, the one who led the pack of Strays to form in the first place. Without her, none of this would have ever happened. He could see the fire in her eyes, and he was confident that after a long night out there, alone, the young Husky might have reconsidered their initial offer. "No, miss, we weren't joking." He told her, confidence rich in his voice. "Have you changed your mind about joining us? We could use such a tenacious young lady on our side." A soft chuckle passed his lips again, the coal dust covered Husky in front of him could surely hold her own, but she'd be an asset if she stayed.

Editted because i forgot Mazie wasn't part of the group just yet, anyone who wants to interact with Chico is free to

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-15 08:33:50
Balance | The Strays | Warrior Trainee | Female
"With two nurses at your side, and a coal covered pelt, how could I say no?" Dipping her head and putting one paw forward, Balance had always used this as a form of respect. A kind of 'bow'. The blaze in her two-coloured eyes never faded. This would be great! Fighting and hunting for a pack. And if she couldn't fight in her new home... Well... They didn't want to know what she would do to them...

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-15 08:58:33
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
"My name is Pandora." She introduced herself and quickly followed Fawn and Illud. She agreed with Fawn: Illud couldn't be trusted yet. She glanced at him. They probably shouldn't leave him alone until Diablo met him, but she also had a bad feeling about Fawn hunting the doe on her own, even if the other hunter thought she could take out a deer alone. "You shouldn't do this alone." She stated quietly. Maybe letting Illud hunting with them was the best they could do in this situation. This way no one would have to hunt a deer alone and they could keep an eye on the Ridgeback.


Posted 2024-07-15 09:14:06
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She greeted the newcomers with an exited wag of her tail. They just decided to form a pack yesterday and it was already growing! She knew they still needed more dogs before they could be a match for Diablo's pack, but it was beginning. "I think it's a good idea." She replied to Ruger. She really liked that idea. The carpet in the offices was more comfortable than the concrete floor of the warehouse and nurses and pups should have it comfortable. Perhaps they also could protect them better in one of the offices.


Posted 2024-07-15 09:16:25
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
"I'll watch him, don't worry. You take on the deer with Fawn" The quiet whisper came from behind Pandora, still in the shadows. Halo made her amber eyes visible for a moment, making sure the two she-dogs knew she was there. The black retriever was as still as possible, the slight breeze stirring her only slightly. The emotionless shell had returned to Halo, the anger and sadness seemingly gone. Soon after, the glowing amber eyes disappeared as the she-dog hid behind a shadowed bush.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-15 09:21:50
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
While waiting for a dog to come out of the warehouse, she sat down on her haunches and observed the yard. She saw two dogs entering the warehouse and wondered if they were part of the pack. She hadn't seen them yesterday, but she doubted she had seen all dogs who were part of this new pack. She took a few steps closer and stopped for a moment before walking over to the entrance and peeking inside. She didn't want to enter the warehouse without an invitation, because it might be seen as rude or hostile. Since she wanted to join them, she didn't want to be seen as that.


Posted 2024-07-15 10:17:12 (edited)
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Almost crying with relief that she wouldn't have to move, she smiled thumping her tail on the blanket once again. Looking around Aloisia figured this just might be the only blanket in the warehouse, knowing that made her feel even more grateful. Watching as Ruger got lost in his thoughts she decided to take a quick glance around. Their seemed to be a hallway leading to a set of rooms apart from the warehouse.

Hearing Rugers announcement Aloisia got excited, almost forgetting her tiredness and pain. A nursery for her pups, in an office, it would be safer their then in this open warehouse. Snapped out her thought Aloisia notices a younger female husky approaching from behind her. Curling tighter on herself, she brings a faint growl forward. Mind racing of possibillities on how to defend herself, that is before she noticed how the husky approaches Ruger... Well she must be known to the pack then, since Ruger has greeted her.

Relaxing back down in the blanket she stops growling and continues to watch everyone around her. Seeing a Merle female step forward greeting herself and Storm, before agreeing with Ruger on the Nursery idea. It must be more comfortable in their if every dog seems to be agreeing to the idea.


Posted 2024-07-15 11:56:42
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo followed Callie into the woods, his lumbering frame for once came at a slight disadvantage when it came to moving gracefully through the trees and foliage. He held back a growl of irritation as yet another branch brushed roughly against his face. After what seemed like forever, he spotted Fawn, Pandora, and Halo with the strange new male. Diablo released a growl to announce his arrival.

Stepping into the clearing, Diablo immediately locked eyes on the lone male. A Thai Ridgeback...there had been a Ridgeback in the dog fighting arena that he'd gone up against once or twice. They were a formidable breed. He huffed a signal to Shadow with a flick of his tail: flank him on the other side. Diablo approached with his head raised. "I hear you want to join my pack?" He asked without bothering to introduce himself - he assumed the lone male would figure out quite quickly who he was.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie fell back beside Fawn, Pandora, and Halo as Diablo approached the new male. She watched the exchange carefully, searching both their body language to see if this would break out into a fight. Her sides heaved slightly from racing to and from the pack house.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 12:01:50
Apollo | Stays | Warrior | Male
Apollo sighed with relief when Chico gave the news. The pack was coming together well. They now consisted of him, Rain, the pups, Ruger, River, Chico, and Echo. Soon they might be big enough to stand up to Diablo without fear. His head snapped to the door where movement caught his eye. Two more dogs? He listened as Ruger addressed them, then he noticed the same young Husky who had been at the center of the altercation the day before. "You're more than welcome to join," Apollo told her eagerly. "I'm Apollo."

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo wagged her tail as Chico announced their decision to join the pack. She was about to speak to the Rottie who introduced himself as Ruger when a pair of new dogs arrived. Echo watched curiously as the Border Collie introduced himself as Storm. The other, a female Chinook, was obviously very heavily pregnant. Her heart clenched at the sight - the streets were no place for a pregnant female. Feeling bold all of a sudden, Echo padded slowly up to the female. "Are you hungry?" Echo asked. "I could go see if I can catch something in the yard?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 12:07:12
Rain | Strays | Alpha | Female

| Rains jaw opened slightly, her tongue lolling around as a show of friendliness. The pack was already growing! Sure, it still needed a lot of organization, but it would do for now. Raising her self onto her haunches, she rose into a sitting position, studying the dogs around her, she let out out a sigh of contentment. There was another pregnant wolf, Rain had forgot her name, but they could raise their pups together, in peace |

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

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