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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-15 12:09:58
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo glanced to Rain as she sat up. His heart palpitated in his chest like a hummingbird. This is what they had aimed to create: an honorable, safe pack for the Strays of the streets. "We did it," He whispered to her softly. "None of this would've happened if you hadn't thought of it."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 12:12:51
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Ears pricked forward Aloisia watched as a female Vizsla approached wear she lay. Going tense she watched her, seeing her slow none threatening movements, she relaxed back into the blanket.

Taking in the females statement, she felt like crying at the kindness she was being shown. Whining in a friendly manner towards the female. She felt the hunger knawing at her stomach, and her pups squirming around inside her, and she knew she wouldn't refuse food. Thumping her tail, and shifting positions on the blanket she went to stand. "Thank you for the offer, I'm pretty hungry yes. Do you want me to help you? I promise I'm pretty good at hunting, and I don't want to be a burden to the pack."


Posted 2024-07-15 12:16:15
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo shook her head. "You're no burden at all. In fact, I feel best when I'm helping others," Echo promised with a tail wag. "I'll be right back!" With that, Echo trotted past Storm and Balance to the door that led into the yard. As she passed through the threshold, she noticed a female Border Collie waiting patiently outside. At first, Echo's fur stood on end in surprise with her fight or flight response, but she took in the female's non-threatening body language and calmed. "Hello, are you here to join the pack as well?" She asked.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 12:19:33
Rain | Strays | Female | Alpha

| Rain rested her muzzle against Apollos head, huffing. "I would be dead without you..." Apollo..... I want you to raise these pups with me. As a father." Her voice drifted off, anxiety dripping from her tone. "What do you say?" She whispered. |

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-15 12:20:10
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Even though she could hear Diablo there now, she payed no mind as she was more focused on the doe. Once she got close enough, chaos ensued as she suddenly pounced on the doe. The doe panicked and tried to kick at the female husky, bucking and rearing. Fawn dug her claws into it's back as she bit down hard on the does throat, ripping through flesh. The doe was able to get a good kick to her back leg but it wasn't enough as once she bit down harder, a snap was heard and the doe fell with Fawn on top. Fawn breathed heavily before glare at the group of dogs, but mostly glaring straight at Diablo.

Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
Once he knew the young pregnant female would be alright, he trots off to explore his new home. He wanted to memorize every area of the place, already coming up with various plans in his head. However when he was about to pass a female nursing pups, he stopped and looked at the older female and the little pups.


Posted 2024-07-15 12:20:29
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Feeling emotional at how kind the female was, she decided that she would share whatever the Viszla caught for her. Settling back down Aloisia repositioned herself on the blanket, hoping to get more comfortable. Day by day the pups kicked and squirmed more and more.

Observing the packs bonds she could only hope this was somewhere she could stay and raise her pups. Even if she wouldn't have the comfort of her mate by her side. Just thinking about her deceased mate made her want to howl with grief.


Posted 2024-07-15 12:37:31
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo stared at Rain for a moment in complete and utter shock. She wanted him to behave like a father figure to her pups? Emotion choked him up. Although he hadn't known Rain for long, he already felt so protective of her and the pups. But what did this mean for them? Were they together? He wondered if it was much too soon for that. But acting as a father figure, that he could do without a second thought. "Of course, Rain." He murmured, nuzzling her shoulder. "I'd be honored."

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo tilted her head at the Border Collie female. "Well, I'm going to hunt a little something. If you want to join the pack, you'd better talk to either Rain, Ruger, or Apollo." She was about to walk off then paused to add: "The two German Shepherds or the Rottweiler." Echo slunk off towards the bushes that lined the stone wall of the yard. She could already smell the promising scent of a squirrel.

Excited, Echo moved slowly towards the bushes in the way she'd instinctually done since she could walk. Her ears perked to listen for the squirrel's was on her left. She spotted its grayish fur through the grass. With a graceful pounce, Echo planted it between her paws so she could deliver an effective killing bite. Echo picked it up gently in her maw before carrying it back inside to Aloisia.

She offered it the the pregnant female proudly. "Here you go." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chico attempting to make friends the only way Chico knew how. She vowed to go talk to her friend after she knew Aloisia was satisfied.

Echo was addressing Mazie.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 12:43:36
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Panting happily at the Viszla, she saw the squirrel clamped proudly in her jaws. Thumping her tail once more "I'm Aloisia as you probably already know, however I didn't catch your name." The smell of food was alluring but she had promised herself to share with the female Viszla.

"In addition, I was wondering if you'd like to share the squirrel, since you the one who caught it." While speaking she nudge the squirrel inbetween the two of them. Whining lowly to show her appreciation.


Posted 2024-07-15 12:43:39 (edited)
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
Most nights at the park were spent silently stalking through the underbrush and other flora that grew there, and yet, Shadow wasn't completely thankful to have been skilled in this. The irritation radiated off of Diablo like the stench of death on an old house-mutt, and the near-black Malinois was feeding off of it now. As they maneuvered through the overgrowth, he made sure to purposefully misstep onto a fallen stick and crack it, or allowed a branch coming off of his Alpha to take a swing at his pelt as well. It often wasn't a hopeful plan to further drag attention to something he was already struggling with, and so, Shadow's pride would take the hit instead.

Hesitating just behind the Cane Corso, Shadow didn't immediately step into the clearing; his deep, black-pointed coat afforded him some measure of camouflage amongst the tenebrosity of the thick forest line. Once he received his wordless command from Diablo, he ducked back further into the tree line, nosing his way to the far side of the small clearing as Diablo spoke. Carefully stalking out of the foliage from behind the group of huntresses and their new playmate, Shadow kept his head low, nearly parallel to his shoulders, his elbows bent in a display that showed he was ready to pounce or chase depending on what might be necessary. He did not announce himself.

Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
His stub didn't stop wagging as River approached to second his suggestion. From behind her, he saw that Rain had risen, and he wondered for a moment if he should give her time to catch her bearings. As Echo approached the small gathering group of new arrivals, he nodded to himself with humble joy. Echo had only just announced her joining, and was already offering to help others. It was extremely endearing to see such compassion on the usually rough-and-tumble streets. He didn't want to pressure the young Vizsla into hunting for the entire pack, and instead, looked towards the small stream of light entering through the door, thinking about taking a hand at hunting himself. He'd never tried before, truth be told, the Rottweiler had hardly so much as fought another dog, even since he'd been out here. For this long, he'd scraped by on size and threatening presence alone, most dogs would turn tail if they thought he might hurt them.

As he was thinking to himself in the background of the two groups of dogs, he caught a brief gleam of darkness step into the frame of the door. "Just a moment, everyone." He said softly, mostly to Storm who had been closest to him at the time. Curiously, he separated himself from the newcomers, trudging behind them and towards the door. "Might I have seen someone out here?" He asked, not loud enough to alert the rest of the pack, but enough to hopefully carry through the door. Fighting the fear of coming around the corner into the bright day, he stepped through the threshold blindly, eyes having to redialate rapidly from the mostly dark warehouse. He knew that this could have been one of Diablo's spies, having gathered more than enough information in a brief glimpse into the warehouse -- But, it could be another stray seeking solace amongst them. And, at least if it was Diablo's crew, he had put himself between them and the rest of the band of strays, perhaps allowing them a brief headstart to their permanent chase.

((holy fuck yall how long does it take me to type, there's like a whole new page from when I started. If my reply for Ruger makes no sense now, disregard it and I'll rewrite it later. About to be AFK for a while.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-15 12:55:16
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo opened her mouth to argue, to insist that Aloisia eat the squirrel entirely for herself, her stomach rumbled at the sight of fresh meat. Besides, she could tell that it would make the Chinook happy to share since she already was feeling self-conscious. So, with a nod, Echo settled down in front of the female with the squirrel between them. "I'm Echo, sorry for being so scatterbrained and not introducing myself earlier." She waited for Aloisia to take the first bite and, in the meantime, noticed how many of the pack must still be hungry. Maybe she and a few others could go hunting to feed everyone?

Amethyst Angel

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