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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-15 20:01:09
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo nosed Chico's side gently considering he was a quarter of her size. "Hey, they'll warm up to you," She promised with eyes brimming full of hope. "They just need to get to know you. Plus, it's super hectic right now. Let's go hunt." Echo trotted towards the warehouse entrance through the door - they really should find a way to open and close that.

As she turned the corner, she collided with a solid mass of muscle and let out a surprised yelp. Mortification drove her body still as stone. It was Ruger. She had walked straight into the Rottie. She parted her jaws to speak, but words evaded her when she needed them most.

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo's ears pricked forward at the proposition Illud laid at his paws. A spy in the midst of a newly formed pack? The idea was too delicious to pass up, but could he trust Illud? Was he really to believe that this dog had walked a great distance just to submit to him?

Diablo had no problem expressing his thoughts: "And how do I know that you won't betray me the moment you're out of sight?"

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie's gaze darted back and forth between Diablo and Illud. Their repartee kept her on her guard. Would Diablo allow Illud to serve as a spy for the pack? How would that work? Questions swirled in her mind like heavy fog. She felt a little dizzy.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 20:18:31
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
The Ridgeback's eyes shone brighter as the light around them began to dim, dusk drawing nearer. The smirk on his face never seemed to falter, until Diablo questioned him once more. He was a smart cookie. There was no doubt about that, but Illud had no plans of mutiny. At least, not yet. He didn't mind working for this sick puppy, but he wasn't going to do anything for him unless there was something in it for himself. Whatever that something may be, it was currently unknown even to Illud. Perhaps he was just bored, or maybe he wanted to take over the Cane Corso's pack and be top dog himself. Being an alpha...having everyone come bother you with their problems...having to constantly defend what's yours. Illud grimaced. It was something he'd have to think about.

He hummed pensively. "You're right, you really couldn't know!" He forced out an airy laugh, but it sounded so natural. "Perhaps I could prove my allegiance to you somehow..?" Illud's digits flexed as he shifted his weight to one side. He was about to make a suggestion, but pulled back on speaking it aloud. It made more sense to allow Diablo to decide what he wanted the Ridgeback to do in order to gain his trust. He wanted to make sure the alpha always felt in control. Besides, whatever the brute's idea was it was sure to be an exciting one.


Posted 2024-07-15 20:22:40
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Finishing up her squirrel, Aloisia watched as Echo left with a smaller male dog. Looking around she noticed things seems to calmed down at least some. Feeling tiredness, and soreness dragging herself towards sleep, she yawned jaws strectching wide. Still not feeling secure enough to sleep, she painstakingly got to her to her feet. Grabbing the blanket in her mouth she started making her way to a corner in the warehouse, where she would have a wall on two sides of her.


Posted 2024-07-15 21:00:28
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Once she has taken a breather, she slowly starts to drag the doe carcass towards her pack, her teeth deep into it's neck as she drags it. She was able to drag it towards Diablo and the others and she drops it, panting slightly hard before she sits down to listen to the conversation.

Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
Once Storm has finished exploring the warehouse, he finds a place by one of the offices and lays down. He had a long day and honestly wished to sleep, to dream about his life before. He lays his head on his front legs and relax, closing his eyes. He would hear the sounds of the other dogs speaking as he slowly fell asleep.


Posted 2024-07-16 09:23:07 (edited)
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
A thousand ideas raced through Diablo's mind. He had no doubt of Illud's fighting, he needed to test his loyalty. Diablo needed a test that would show just how far Illud was willing to go for him. Just about any dog could hold their own in a fight. He snorted at the thought because even a number of the pack females could be a formidable opponent if backed into a corner.

In the distance, Diablo heard the racket the humans had started a little over a week ago. They'd demolished an old building and had brought in enormous vehicles of the most vile yellow color. It seemed they were building something new and they were there everyday. When they first had moved in, Diablo had sent Aria and Aragon to scope out the site. The two had reported a small, rectangular building on wheels that the humans frequented.

The idea struck him sudden like lightning. A wicked grin curled on his face as he contemplated the level of tactical awareness a dog would need to perform this task. It was certainly not for the light-hearted and, asking Illud to do so, would prove all Diablo needed of him.

"There's a construction site a couple blocks south of the park," Diablo drawled lazily. "My beta reported a building on wheels where the humans guard like their life depends on it. Get inside and bring me something useful. Then we can talk."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-16 09:44:55
Chico | Strays | Scouts | Male
Yeah, that's what it is... He thought to himself after Echo attempted to cheer him up, though he feigned a small smile and nodded at her insistence on going to hunt. Chico had a feeling that he was merely being overlooked like he had always been, reminding him painfully of how every sibling from his litter was adopted when he wasn't. It had always been this way, realistically, Chico knew that. That's exactly why he rocked it alone for all this time, even if he had reached out for help or to look for a companion, most dogs just acted like he wasn't there at best, or at worst tried to hurt him. The cream chihuahua had learned early in his time out there a myriad of life lessons, chucked onto him when he was still just a puppy, and yet, he persisted.

The beautiful Vizsla was the first one in his entire life to pay him any amount of positive attention during their happenstance crossing in the early morning before this one, and he had spent long hours since then contemplating how she would pull him into completely unchartered territory. Lost in his own thought, he padded through the door and directly into the collision of the two large dogs, bouncing his nose off of Echo's back. He shook it off before backing up a little to see how the Rottweiler would react.

Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
Basking in the warm, morning sunlight and relishing in the way it warmed his dark coat, Ruger had found the most peace he'd felt since he sat on the stoop of the porch with the Veterinarian, just before the police started to pull in. It was the same feeling he'd had then too, the serene calm, the quiet rustling of brush in the wind, an unadulterated bliss. He inhaled deeply, sniffing into the air for a moment in search of anything that piqued his curiosity.

As he was enjoying this brief moment of solitude, he was suddenly knocked forward from behind, letting out a deep, involuntarily grunt followed quickly by a hearty bellow of a chuckle. "I do apologize," he spoke first, acknowledging that sitting directly in front of the door was a poor decision. The Rottweiler rose to stand, swinging his large frame around to face the victim of such a silly accident, his flaccid ears rising with curiosity. "Are you alright?" Taking a step to the side and backwards from Echo, he moved out of her and Chico's way with an apologetic bow of his head. From his angle, his giant, soulful eyes looked more of a pot of honey; the light highlighting every ridge and shade that swirled around inside of his irises.

Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
From the back of the clearing, Shadow's attention had been recaptured by the conversation. He hadn't heard tale of this new building, but the thought of such a challenge was beyond captivating. Just barely the Malinois' dark tail thumped against the ground, exactly one time, before returning to his side in a tight tuck around his hock. If this new male couldn't pull off such a heist, Shadow would jump at the opportunity if presented to him. It was a drab thought to know that he'd likely never be offered, and approaching Diablo with such a request would mean breaking his rigid patrolling schedule -- Perhaps not.

Another deep huff escaped him, eyes narrowed against the bright light piercing the green canopy of leaves above them.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-16 10:02:58
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo caught herself staring into Ruger's eyes of pooling honey, completely mesmerized. Chico running into her was the only thing that pulled her from the trance. She shook her elegant head in embarrassment, giving a low whine. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault!" She began rambling as she did on occasion when she was nervous. "I should've been looking where I was going but I was distracted and..."

Echo clamped her maw shut, her canines grinding from the tension. Shut up! She scolded herself in her head. You've just made yourself out to be a bumbling idiot!

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo gave a low bark, signaling for Shadow to join them in the clearing. He needed someone reliable to accompany Illud and ensure that the lone male did not cheat. Shadow was one of the most loyal in the pack, always putting his responsibilities before himself. Illud could learn a thing of two from the dedicated Malinois. Diablo's eyes, a shade of molten copper, settled on Illud.

"Shadow will be going with you," He announced without a hint of doubt. "When you're finished, I'll be waiting here in the park."

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie's azure eyes widened at the proposition Diablo offered Illud. The pack avoided humans at all costs - humans brought nothing but trouble for the pack. To send a dog straight into a construction site was madness. Has Diablo lost his mind? She wondered to herself. If he ever had it in the first place.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-16 11:18:24
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
The rottweiler watched patiently as she stumbled about herself. He permitted her time to gather her bearings before correcting her. "I'm afraid not, miss." He reassured, head cocking to the side ever-so-slightly as he tried to appear as gentle as possible for her. "This mess was undeniably my doing, and I'd like to apologize once more." Lowering his head to the Vizsla, he made eye contact before flicking them away submissively. "I should have been more away of myself, considering that I was completely blinded by the sun when I came out here." Offering up another breathy, shy chuckle, he returned to his former, taller position

"Is there absolutely any way that I can make it up to you?" His words were completely genuine, and the curious but expectant expression that he wore matched.

Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
The moment Diablo's voice wracked through the clearing, Shadow bound from the bushes, a sudden crash of sticks snapping and leaves violently shaking before resettling behind him. He was preparing to rear down into an offensive stance as Diablo continued to speak, and then he stopped entirely. Diablo just read my brain. He thought frantically, ears pressed flatly to his skull as he looked to his alpha.

Trying his best to hide his shock, he looked back to Illud. He hadn't given the strange dog a chance to reply to Diablo before barking at him. "Let's go." That same, raspy voice choked out from behind dry and unused vocal cords. Shadow had known of the construction site and the demolition, but the wheeled building would be a completely new experience for him.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-16 11:52:18
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Once Diablo finished talking to the new male, she clears her throat. "Well I don't mean to be a bother sir....but think I could get some help taking this back to the house?" She asked as she puts a paw on the dead doe, glaring at Diablo as she then looked at Callie. She kept her ears perked as the blood from the hunt dripped from her maw. She was clearly proud of herself for hunting a doe all by herself, weither Diablo saw or not, she didn't care.

Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
As he slowly fell asleep, he would start to have a vivid dream about his life before his elderly owner passed. Storm would be pet and cuddled by his owner in his cottage home. However the dream would always end up the same when his owner fell down and passed away. Storm always felt like he could of done more to help his owner, He would always blame himself. As he slept in the corner by the offices, he whimpered in his sleep and moved his back legs.


Posted 2024-07-16 12:29:22
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo's nerves ebbed a bit at Ruger's mannerisms. It was refreshing to see such a large dog with an even bigger heart. His sincerity was enough to give her the boost of confidence she needed to say her next words: "Chico and I were going hunting for the pack." She cast a glance back inside at both Rain and Aloisia who couldn't yet hunt for themselves. Not to mention, she was sure the others were starving - food was hard to come by on the streets as evident by too many jarring rib and hip bones. "They need to eat," She murmured softly.

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo erupted with rage at the glare cast towards him by Fawn. He lunged at her without a moment's notice, wrapping his jaws around her neck. With only a fraction of the strength harbored in his muscular body, he pinned the husky down by her neck. He didn't want to kill her, but the arrogant female needed a reminder of who she blatantly disrespected. Diablo's canines drew blood, but he was careful not to puncture her windpipe.

Amethyst Angel

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