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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-16 12:39:54
Sirena | Diablo's pack | Adopted daughter of Clover | Female | Pup | 6 months

Sirena felt the gentle touch of Clover's nose as she gently pressed it upon her forehead, it was somewhat comforting and reassuring yet didn't do anything to dim the questions within her mind on everything and anything.
It was then that Clover explained that's how things were done here, females didn't fight Sirena couldn't help but frown slightly at the dismissed question she was still curious yet she remained silent deciding when she was older she would approach the alpha himself, and ask him directly why females weren't permitted to fight.
"But why should he be respected, I don't know him, so why should I so freely give my respect to him, what has he done to deserve it, other than allowing me to stay here which I appreciate but that alone doesn't warrant my whole respect," she said softly before pausing for a moment.
It was then when she spoke of Clover getting harmed for her curiosity that her ears pinned against her skull as she asked her if she understood "Yes miss Clover I understand" she spoke softly trying to be respectful of the damsel who had saved her.
"So when do we start my hunting training?" the little lass questioned curiously all of this was still very knew to her and she wasn't sure if she liked it, but she wanted to try, after all she owed it to Clover.

It was then Sirena found herself being pulled close once again as she was groomed once more, she couldn't help but feel her excitement dull to a contentment at the loving nurturing actions of Clover, she also couldn't help but wonder if this is what having a mother who loved you was meant to feel like, listening as Clover began to explain what she needed to know and understand.
As she listened there it was again that pesky males will protect us, Sirena still couldn't understand why it had to be males that protected her, but she remained silent simply listening before she spoke "Ok I understand, I will try" was all she could say in return to Clover as she spoke of the ranks, it was then Sirena couldn't help but ask "So is there only one alpha in a pack, is there an alpha female, what happens to pups of the alphas what do they do, what do they become, what if they only have girl pups, who becomes alpha then, what rank is below alpha" so many questions spewing out the little lass as she tried to comprehend and get a better understanding of the pack and how it worked.

It was when she felt Clover run her tongue across her fur she couldn't help but giggle slightly as she rolled over slightly as she chuckled as the licks continued to tickle the small pup. "Call...Call.. Call Callie" It took the little lass a few moments to remember the name Clover had given her, before she looked over to her "She seemed nice" she added softly before turning then speaking once more "Why did that other one, what was her name again.... oh yeah fawn... why was she trying to protect me, why was she allowed to disrespect the alpha and growl at him, why was she so determined on feeding me, I don't know her, how do I know she isn't trying to poison me," the pup asked in a nervous and unsure tone to Clover while tucking herself further into her thick and soft fur, the little lass wasn't used to anyone looking out for her let alone more than one trying to do it.

Posted 2024-07-16 12:51:57
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn yelped as she got pinned by the large male, but she refused to be pushed around. She used all the muscle she had to push him off with her back legs. She snarled as she then circled Diablo, blood seeping from her neck and the scar along her neck reopening. She didn't care though, the pain was nothing, she then lunged at Diablo with quick speed, chomping down on a part of his muzzle and the right side of his face. Her canines ripped into his skin, causing blood to pour as she then violently shook her head around, tearing more of his skin. She was done being pushed around by a cruel tyrant!


Posted 2024-07-16 12:54:04 (edited)
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
The Rott's eyes seemed to brighten further as Echo briefly explained her plan with him. "Well, pardon me further, miss, I'm just rightly ashamed that I might have delayed your hunting excursion." His large frame creaked against itself as he leaned further into his front legs, a subtle attempt to relieve some pressure from his hocks. "I would love to join you two, but with the uh..." He glanced through the door just after Echo had. "...Surprising amount of individuals who've found this place so fast, I reckon I ought to stand watch here for a while longer." His large head swung to look behind the female and to the small dog practically hiding behind her. He offered him a soft smile and an acknowledging nod before returning his attention to the Vizsla once again. He didn't doubt for a second that this pair could accomplish the goal they'd set out for, Ruger had met many small dogs in the show ring, and he knew well that they all had their own individual strengths in things that the Rottweiler could never dream of accomplishing.

Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
The Malinois had hardly made it into the tree line before he smelled the crimson metal that he had been so desperately looking forward to. Diablo had sent him and Illud off, but Illud hadn't even begun walking away yet, and so Shadow took it upon himself to turn back towards the clearing. He leaped once more out of the bushes, charging towards the altercation with a gaping, snapping maw full of preciously sharp teeth. The snarling that erupted from his throat filled the forest around them, perhaps even the whole park.

Perfect. He thought, watching as the husky pushed Diablo off of her. Now it was his opportunity, charging from behind the disobedient Husky to grab a mouthful of her hock. His teeth slipped through the thin skin between the two bones there easily, and as the precious blood that he was so infatuated with began to coat his tongue the usual arrogance in his face had been replaced with feral craze.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-16 13:12:54
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn yelped in pain when the Malinois bit the hock on her leg. She let go of Diablo's face, her maw bloodied as she quickly turned. Her hock still in the male's maw, she snapped her jaws at the male malinois' left ear, blood splurting out as her canines pierced through his ear with ease. She starts to pull and tear at his ear as she used her left paw to start to scratch and tear at his fur coated shoulder.


Posted 2024-07-16 13:16:13 (edited)
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Rage ignited every nerve in his body; he was seeing red. A flash of brown and black rocketed past him as the unmistakable figure of Shadow sunk his teeth into the Husky's hock. Diablo flashed his ivory fangs, slobber flying from his jowls as he flew at Fawn. With Shadow holding her from behind, Diablo took the opportunity to pin her with his gigantic paws. His canines were a hair from her face, droplets of her own blood dripping from them.

"You either submit or die!" Diablo roared. "Those were your choices when you entered the pack!" He pressed his claws against her neck, drawing streams of crimson.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo nodded slowly at Ruger's response. That made sense to have someone guarding the warehouse while they were still so new and unestablished. At this point, almost any dog could walk in unchallenged. "Okay, well," She shot Chico an excited grin, "We'll try to see what we can bring back for everyone."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-16 13:25:03 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clover couldn't help but smile as the young pup seemed to be more than full of questions. However, she was happy to answer all of them as they were kot only valid questions, but very important ones for her to know. "Diablo is to be respected as Alpha because he keeps this Pack alive with how he runs it. He allows us to join him, which means we are provided eith a home with a roof over our heads rather than sleeping out in the cold at night. He helps keep us protected and we all do our parts. While everyone only has one role, the Alpha has many to bear on his shoulders alone."

As she asked about her training Clover wondered what would be the best way to train her. So until she thought of something, she gave her a vague answer for now. "Soon, little one, soon."

Clover was glad to see the pups excitement dull down. Spending quality time with the pup was very calming, for now at least. She could tell that she wasn't content eith some of Clovers answers and she hoped that Sirena would forgive her for that, but also hoped she wouldn't go putting her nose into any trouble to figure it out for herself either. Clover seemed to be bombarded with questions from the young pup suddenly, questions involving things she wasn't too sure about herself, therefore, it was time to distract the young pup. Rising to her full height on her long legs she stretched for a moment before shaking her frame free of any loose dort or debris. "I know how we're going to train you. Come on, up now, let's go." She said as she lowered her crown and nudged Sirena's rump with her nose before bringing her head up. She then proceeded to make her way to the streets with the pup and a plan in mind. Squirrels, they would start with squirrels!!

She laughed gently at the pups words as they walked. "Callie does indeed seem to be nice, doesn't she. As for Fawn, she's simply protecting you. It's what fe ales do with young pups they see who don't have anyone to protect them. You're under my care now, though, so you'll always be safe as long as I'm around." Her voice was soft as velvet and smooth as honey as she spoke to Sirena. Her heart felt like it bubbled every time she looked at the young pup, chasing her curled tussle to wag gently for a few moments.

Posted 2024-07-16 13:28:01 (edited)
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
After the malinois had been tossed into the fighting circle for the first time after he was purchased from his breeder, the taste of blood and the thrill of the kill had become the only thing he had to live for. Diablo was one of the only dogs domineering enough to control him, and if not for Diablo's strict regime, Shadow would have fallen feral the moment he hit the streets. It wasn't that he so much liked the taste that cannibalism left in his mouth, but his body thrived on the fear of another animal taking it's gasping final breaths.

As the she-dog tore her teeth across his face, Shadow only grew more impatient. The blood from his ears poured down over his muzzle, dripping haphazardly onto the husky's leg. When Diablo pressed further into the Husky, Shadow took the opportunity himself. With a quick, sudden jerk of his head, the dark coated dog ripped Fawn's leg as he viciously shook the limb between his jaw. He wasn't just holding her there now, he was actively attempting to break her leg. Black pupils had extended to the far corners of his eyes, and he was just relishing in the excitement. If he listened closely, he could almost hear the voracious cheering of humans from behind the safety of the fence separating them from the fight pit. Just like old times.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-16 13:30:18
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
"Screw you Diablo!" She barked out, her teeth bared. She kicked Shadow in the face, forcing him to let go, not caring how much pain her bloodied leg was in, "How about you stop your lacky and fight like a real dog!!" She snarled as she then kicked her legs, loosening Diablo's grip on her neck. "You're just a dog that is scared! You rather create a army and force dogs to bow to you! You can kill all the dogs you wish, but deep down you know one ack will rise above you and end your tyranny...So kill me if you're so afraid, but I will haunt you and see you in hell..." She snarled out as she growled, a smirk forming on my face.


Posted 2024-07-16 13:53:18
Sirena | Diablos | Clover's pup | 6 months | Female

Sirena listened as Clover spoke about the alpha and as to why he was to be respected, although she was new to this she was beginning to understand just what it meant to be a part of a pack and to why the alpha was given respect, although she still had her reservations she remained silent and simply nodded her head to Clover before she spoke "Ok I think I understand, I will try to respect him, although I'm not sure I know how to show respect, this is all still so new, I have never been wanted nor accepted and I don't know how to act now that I kind of am" the little lass admitted sincerely before looking down to the ground.

It was then Sirena's heart fell slightly when Clover answered her in an extremely vague way as she said soon little one soon, Sirena couldn't help but feel disappointed with this answer so she spoke up "But I want to prove useful, I want to make you and Diablo proud so you know neither of you are wasting your time with me" the little lass said, although confident it was clear deep down she harboured insecurity. 

It was then when Clover mentioned the word training and told her to come on the little lass wasted no time in jumping to her small feet, her tail wagging uncontrollably, her eyes sparkling with excitement, as she began to bounce around like the hyperactive self she was when the two first met. She began running around in circles unsure as to where she was meant to be going. It was then she felt Clover nudge her with her nose to her rump and point her in the right direction that Sirena began to bound towards what looked like a park.
Eager paws practically ran as she continuously looked back with an inpatient yet light-hearted complaint to the elder behind her "Come on, come on, we are going to miss all the things to catch" she squeaked in an excitable tone.

It was then she began to listen as Clover spoke of the two females they had met, "I think I might like Callie, maybe we can play with her sometime?"" the young lass asked eagerly hoping to try and at least make a friend, there were no pups so she knew she would have to make friends with those older than she at least for now.
It was then she looked at Clover when she explained why she had protected her, her head tilted in confusion unsure if she was meant to trust this other female or now, but Sirena had a feeling Clover herself wasn't sure of the dame either so she simply nodded her head before the pair continued towards the pack accepting what Clover said about her but not wanting to ask to many questions there were more important things to focus on such as training.

As they approached closer to the park Sirena stood still for a few moments as a large commotion was heard, it seemed like there was a fight and instinctively Sirena ran for cover, yet got close enough to the fray to see what was going on.. It was then she spotted the alpha and the female from before and a few others in what seemed to be some kind of fight, there was crimson all over the grass, yet Sirena couldn't help but look in awe and amazement as she watched the scene before her unfold.
It was then she turned to Clover as she asked "Miss Clover, what... what's happening, why is Diablo attacking that female from before, do we do something?, is he going to do that to me too?" she asked in a curious tone, although there was a hunger in the young lass eyes as she watched the female and male fight, it was then Sirena looked up to Clover as she asked another question "Why is that other dog holding that fawn lady, why is Diablo fighting her" she questioned in a curious tone, yet still keeping a distance far enough that she wouldn't be involved but not too far she couldn't see or know what was going on either, she simply remained hidden in some nearby foliage as she awaited for Clover to not only catch up as she had ran for cover but also explanation and instruction.

Posted 2024-07-16 13:56:48
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo scoffed at the arrogant, immature comments flooding from the Husky's tongue. She was tiny and weak compared to full-grown Cane Corso and Belgian Malinois males. He snarled in her face. "See, that's the thing about being Alpha-" His voice was chilling, calculated, and betrayed every bit of sadistic pleasure he gleaned from this. "-I don't need Shadow to hold you down for me - I'm quite capable of ripping you limb from limb on my own. But see, Shadow's loyal and would die for his Alpha." Diablo sneered, pulling away from Fawn. "Shadow, release her. She's not worth our time. Either the streets will take care of her, or we'll kill her on sight if we see her again on Pack territory."

Amethyst Angel

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