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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-16 16:02:26
Rain | Strays | Alpha | Female

| Rain stared at the dog, whos name was presumably Mazie. Squinting hard, she took in the female dog, her snout raised high in the air, trying to elaborate who she was, and what she was doing here.ย  Apollo seemed comfortable, so there was probably nothing to worry about, but Rain's nervous scattered brain thought elsewise. "As Apollo introduced me, yes I am Rain" She shifted the weight of her upper body between her two paws, nervously shaking. What if... what if.. |

Oliver | DP | Fighter | Male

| Oliver sniffed the ground, his heavy paws shaking the ground below him as he arose onto his haunches. Diablo had let him sleep in, due to his good work yesterday, chasing off some scrawny looking dogs right into some dogcatchers. Licking his lips in contentment, he lugged his body forward. Just because he had done well yesterday doesn't mean he had to be worthless today. No where, oh where, would that get him. Everyone else had seemed to already headed off, so all there was to do as find Diablo and his fellow fighters for a border control. For there was one thing that Oliver did well, and that was being oblivious. Claws scrapping against the floor, he headed towards the outside, letting himself gulp down a breath of fresh air before trotting off to where Diablo should be. Oliver's nose never lied. |


Rainy Dawn ๐ŸŒฆ๏ธ

Posted 2024-07-16 16:08:37
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Although she felt as if she hadn't been asleep for long, but knowing from experience she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, she glanced around the building for two reasons, one to make sure nowone noticed her nightmare, and two to check out what was going on inside the warehouse. Climbing to her feet, she paced back and forth in front of her blanket.


Posted 2024-07-16 16:56:05
Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
Storm awakens from his sleep, he gets up and stretch before he notices the young pregnant female pacing. He slowly walked over, "You alright dear? What's got your fur all ruffled?" he asked the female as he sits down in front of her. He can read other dogs usually pretty well. "Wouldn't want you all stress now, how about you tell me what's wrong? I won't tell anyone if you want me to." He smiled kindly as he got himself comfortable, the beaded collar clinking a little.

Fawn | Stray | Female
Once Fawn had finished eating the rat, she checked her leg once more before starting to walk again. She remembered exactly where the warehouse would be, so she headed straight towards it. After a bit, she got to the warehouse, knowing that the new pack would be cautious, she very slowly entered the warehouse. "Hello? Anyone in here? I'm looking for the new pack?" She called out.


Posted 2024-07-16 17:20:09
Anastasia | Warrior | Strays | Femaleย 

Anastasia and Rooster wandering the streets...

Ana and her brother were wondering the streets as they often did, the siblings had been at this for quite some time now, however, Ana wasn't wondering aimlessly through these streets she was looking for something in particular looking for a new home, a new pack and a place for her and her brother to call home, as she often she did she was taking the lead on the search as she always did with her and brother. He was a follower when it came to her and he looked at her for guidance and she looked at him for support, back up, and understanding.

Ana had never been one who made friends easily, she didn't trust others easily nor did she get on with others well especially because most were unaccepting of her brother because they didn't truly understand him the way she did, but not that it bothered her too much she was happy just simply being with her brother, although she knew they had been struggling to survive for some time now and their best bet was to find a new home, new dogs to surround themselves with, those that wouldn't expect to much from them, but also those that would welcome them and allow them to pull their weight as well.

Posted 2024-07-16 17:21:36
Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace sat the solitary guard in the yard where he could keep an eye on things as Diablo had ordered. The females hadn't returned from the hunt but, not too long ago, Callie had returned with a plead for Diablo to go with her. Ace had watched longingly as Shadow left with Diablo to see whatever it was Callie was whining about. But he stayed put as was ordered. His eyes snapped towards the door to see Oliver appear there.

"They've all gone to the park," Ace called to the fellow fighter. "Something about a lone dog."

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo gave Shadow a nod of approval for the Malinois had acted quickly and effectively like always. He knew he could count on Shadow whenever they were in a tight spot. The Cane Corso landed his eyes back on Illud, waiting on a response. "Callie, why don't you, Pandora, and Halo bring the deer back to the pack house? There's no reason for it to rot here in the woods."

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie stood at attention the second Diablo said her name. She listened attentively, giving a nod at his order. "Yes, sir." The Catahoula motioned to Pandora and Halo before she sunk her teeth into the deer's hind leg. It was small, probably only a yearling, which led Callie to believe that it wasn't the mother of the fawn.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo let Rain talk while he kept an eye on the pups curled at her side. He took in the sight of the warehouse and the dogs that had begun to fill it. Their numbers were growing...they might be close to Diablo's Pack. Just as the thought crossed his mind, a Husky entered the warehouse, blood seeping from a deep wound in her back leg. Apollo jumped to his paws to investigate. "That's us," He told her, a bit cautious. Although he didn't recognize her from Diablo's Pack...she reeked of it. "Are you one of Diablo's dogs?" Apollo wondered with a slight growl.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
"Let's head to the field along the river," Echo suggested to Chico. "There might be an abundance of mice and rabbits there." Her eyes gleamed with the prospect of a hunt. She was happiest helping others, and hunting to feed her new pack would be satisfying.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-16 17:28:53
Fawn | Stray | Female
"i used to...I wasn't there long...only for a couple days...but as you can see, Diablo didn't like me all that well because I fought back on him...I want to join your pack and help you take down Diablo..." She stood tall as she spoke. "He is a insane tyrant that must be stopped...Lets just say i gave him a face wound that would be there for a while.." She then sits down, her bloodied leg sore as she starts to lick her injury again.


Posted 2024-07-16 17:43:20
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo released a growl at the mention of Diablo. "I've had a couple of run ins with him. He wanted me to join his Pack and didn't like it when I refused, so I get it." He glanced back where Rain talked with Mazie. "Let me introduce you to Rain." Apollo motioned for her to follow him and he hoped that Rain would let her stay. Having a dog that's been on the inside would be incredibly helpful.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-16 17:54:14
Fawn | Stray | Female
Fawn nodded, getting up again as she followed the male. She was a little worried this Rain dog wouldn't let her into the pack since she used of been a part of Diablo's Pack. However, she plans to do anything to gain this pack's trust, and even plans to tell them everything she knows about Diablo's Pack and their plans. She lowered her ears a little in respect as she looked around and noticed the other dogs around the warehouse.


Posted 2024-07-16 17:55:53 (edited)
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
A smug little grin tugged at his maw as the Cane Corso voiced his proposition. It was such a perfect objective for the Ridgeback. If there was anything he loved more, it was meddling around in man's strange proceedings. It seemed Diablo had had his own experiences with the humans and the many treasures they could hold, despite how daft they could be. Something useful was bound to be in that building, Illud knew that for certain. The only obstacle would be getting inside, but Illud wasn't ignorant in when it came to outsmarting man. Diablo couldn't have chosen a better task for this dog to complete.

"I couldn't have chosen a better challenge." Illud drawled expectantly, tail swaying to and fro with bubbling anticipation. "Great minds think alike, I suppose." Then, to his surprise, the brute of a male let out a loud, demanding bark.

A sudden rustle of debri caused his head to snap back, the rest of his body following suit as he focused on the culprit stirring up a commotion from behind him. He watched in irritated confusion as a Belgian Malinois bursted through the foliage with clear enticed gusto. Oh, now what? Illud thought, peeved at his boisterous and sudden appearance. He turned his gaze back to Diablo, who announced this runt would be accompanying him on this mission. The Ridgeback bit back his mortification at the the thought. He shouldn't have been so surprised. Of course Diablo would send eyes to watch his every move. With a deflated sigh, Illud cocked his head to check Shadow out. He looked so...malnourished. He was a good-looking specimen of the breed, sure, but where were the muscles? Was this the best the mastiff could do? "Very well...I suppose I could use the company." He brimmed, hoping that at the very least the Malinois would supply riveting conversation. Although, with his lack of words, Illud doubted it. Rolling his eyes, he started to set off with Shadow in tow. But, yet again, another situation was unfolding behind them. Almost reluctantly, the umber male dragged himself back around with a disgruntled sigh only to witness what could only be described as absolute mayhem.

The stubborned female known as Fawn was pinned beneath the weight of Diablo, who's rage emanated off his muscular form like a foul stench. It was evident he was attempting to make that brat submit, but she just wasn't having it. It was almost an exact repeat of the interaction he had had with Fawn only moments ago, just with more fury and teeth- and blood. He knew this wasn't going to end with the husky leaving with her life. Deciding it would be best for him to sit this altercation out, Illud stood back from the chaos, head lowered as he carefully studied each dog's movements and intentions. His heart was thumping out of his chest now as Shadow raced in to defend his alpha. His amber eyes widened with subtle admiration at the Malinois' ferocity.

"Ah...there are his muscles." Illud muttered, eyes locked on the fight escalating before his eyes. Then, almost as quickly as it had ensued- Diablo put a cork in it, to the Ridgeback's utter dismay.

"What?!" He growled out in disbelief, lifting up into a jog toward the two males who reeked of saliva and blood. "Why would you let her go?!" He sounded exasperated, whatever cool and collected facade and dissipated for brief moment as utter disappointment filled his eyes. Then, he turned to Diablo, shaking his head. "She will ruin everything!" He seethed.

(Sorry for the subpar relpy- It was rushed, I am quite busy today )


Posted 2024-07-16 19:28:35
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
If he was nothing else, he was a guard. Ferocity in protection had been bred into his blood for generations, and at his core, that is what he was. The human who purchased him had twisted that in such a sick way that Shadow would never fully recover, but for a dog to fall so easily into the routine of demolishing whatever was put in front of him, there was a subconscious aspect to him that allowed such a feat. The Malinois had the capability to be a monster from birth, all the humans had to do was twist him just the right way before it all fell into place.

The sable dog's ears flicked awkwardly as the droplets of blood rolled over them, steadily slowing. It had begun to feel more like a tick crawling around up there than like nearly losing an ear. His attention flicked up to Illud, and Shadow buckled as he prepared to gear back up into the elevated adrenaline that he'd just settled down from. Seeing as this stray wasn't directly a part of the pack, and not directly against it, he hesitated before sitting back onto his haunches at Diablo's side. What did he mean ruin everything?

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
"I once heard humans say that you'll starve if all you eat is rabbits," Chico chimed, trotting hastily at her side in attempt to keep up. After getting away from the overwhelming pressure of the other dogs crammed into that warehouse, he was finally beginning to return to the Chihuahua that he had been the day before. He looked around the field as they approached, the grass there had grown up taller than him. If Chico didn't already have fleas, he'd definitely have fleas after this.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

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