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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-17 09:45:27 (edited)
Halo | Diablo's Pack..? | Hunter | Female
Pff- He thinks that's going to affect me? Once free, Halo lunged at Diablo, pinning him to the ground. This will show you what for! Without thinking, or and hesitation, a black paw with sharp claws swiped down on the Cane Corso's body, slashing him from muzzle to tail tip. A rough and distorted chuckle came from the retriever. The scar on her neck started to bleed. Letting go of the alfa, Halo decided that he needed a bit more of a lesson. Females could fight! Her teeth came for Diablo's leg, hopefully unbalancing him.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-17 09:46:01
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female 
Thumping her tail at his comfort, she whined her sadness and gratitude at Storms kind words. "I hope that one day I might be able to move on, but for right now its to painful to even think about." Thinking over his words, she couldn't help but hope their would come a day where she could think of her mate with happiness instead of sorrow.


Posted 2024-07-17 10:53:17 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clover nudged Sirena lovingly. "You don't have to call me miss Clover. You can call me anything you'd like so long as you're comfortable doing so. You can call me Clover until you find something you like, or you can stick with Clover. Im glad you understand the consequencesof the actions of disrespectand. Onward now, though."

She said as they quickly lost sight of everyone as the ventured further within the park to hunt. Putting Sirena down gently, she lifted her crown and looked around. They were hidden within dense shrubbery, making for good cover  "Now, Sirena, what I want you to do is put your nose to good use, alright?? Take a sniff, tell me what you smell??" She asked her curiously.

Rooster | Strays | Male

As Rooster walked beside his sister, it wasn't hard to tell just how bored the male Doberman was. Starting on his sister's left, he would leap into the air and over to her other side. Saying that he had some energy to burn off was putting it mildly. He was as hyper as a human child after raiding the candy store. Rooster wasn't dumb, although he left most of the thinking to his sister as she was undoubtedly the more intelligent out of the duo, and Rooster both recognized and respected that. He also respected that his strength out-matched hers, which was why they worked so well together. Not thay Amastasia wasn't strong herself. However, anyone within view was about to see why the thinking was always left up to Anastasia.

As Rooster continued to leap back and forth over his sister with glee written on his face, he suddenly stopped. He was so still, you'd have thought he was a statue if you were just walking onto the scene. His hackles raised as his gaze narrowed. He felt a sudden burst of energy, though he collected himself before acting. Whispering lowly to Anastasia, he spoke through his whines as he pleaded with Anastasia. "Ana.... Ana!! There's a cat, can I get it, can I go get it??"

Posted 2024-07-17 11:11:34
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She nodded to Callie, indicating that she was fine and quickly complied with Diablo's order, sinking her teeth into the deer's other hind leg. She was fine, she just didn't like how cruel Diablo treated his own pack. It reminded her of her second owner who would beat her for every mistake she made and she seemed to make only mistakes in that time. Eventually she ran away, because she thought she would have a better life on the streets. She supposed she isn't really better off, but at least she knew what she could do to avoid punishments: Laying low, following orders and doing her best at being a good hunter. And in her opinion a pack isn't supposed to be run like this pack. She was surprised that Diablo let Fawn go, she hadn't expected that. What she also hadn't expected was that Halo challenged Diablo.


Posted 2024-07-17 11:25:40
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
"So…" She began and trailed off, trying to word her question right. "How is your pack organized?" Now, considering that she hadn't been part of a pack before, she didn't know much about how one works, but from what she understood a pack was organized in one way or another. And she considered knowing what was expected from her as a part of the pack as important information. Her attention was drawn away from Rain for a moment, as she noticed that Apollo and an injured husky female she hadn't seen before approached them.


Posted 2024-07-17 11:28:41
Sirena | Clovers pup | Female | Diablo's
Sirena sat softly as Clover nudged her lovingly as she smiled gently at her as she told her there was no need to call her Miss Clover, Sirena then paused for a few moments as she thought on a name to call the lady, it didn't take long for a name to hit her and without thinking she immediately spoke it out loud as she answered Clover
"Yes mother, I understand now, I promise" she answered with a loving and hopeful gaze, although there was a certain nervousness to her gaze as she called her mother for the first time.

It was then when the little lass was put down and placed in deep shrubbery as she was told by her new mother that she wanted her to use her nose for good, so as she listened to instruction Sirena smiled softly as she did as she was asked, she stuck her small nose in the air as she took in a deep breath.
"Mama I smell something funny, it smells like another dog, but I don't recognise it, but I also smell something very faintly to the left in the bushes," She said softly with an incredibly nervous tone at the scent of an unknown male she had scented.

Callahan | Male | Warrior | Strays
As Callahan continued to venture around, he was still trying to get used to his new surroundings having recently joined a group of dogs and been living with them in what they called the warehouse, he wanted to get out an explore, but he was still so unfamiliar with the areas around them and what their territory and what wasn't. It was he heard the whispered voices of what he assumed was two females, so he approached cautiously yet curiously wondering who these two females were and hoping to possibly have the chance to make a friend.
As Callahan approached he did so in a non-threatening manner as she opened his muzzle and spoke "Hello there, what an adorable pup you have there" his words were short and simple, yet it was his way of trying to strike up a conversation.

Ana | Female | Warrior | Strays
As Ana the Doberman female walked alongside her chocolate brother she couldn't help but notice her brother jumping from one side of her to the other, she couldn't help but shake her head he was always so full of energy and for the life of him he could never just sit still for five minutes. It drove her nuts at times but she couldn't say she would like the goofiness that was her brother to be anything but what he was. However, that being said it wouldn't stop her from looking at him with a disapproving gaze as she spoke " Can you not stand still for five minutes, good god" Although her words seemed harsh they were followed by a very obvious chuckle.
It was then when he suddenly stopped and Ana felt a moment of relief, however, that moment wouldn't last long as she should of known there was a motive behind him suddenly stopping and that wasn't listening to her.
It was then Ana turned to the left and looked over at some garbage bins as she spotted a small feline sitting on top of them, as she listened to her brother's words she let out a soft sigh as he practically begged like a pup to go and chase the cat, Ana would normally say no but she couldn't help but give into her brother's whim when he begged her in that soft way of his, it tugged at her heartstrings to much as she sighed and rolled her eyes at him
"You are making that much noise, the thing has already spotted you, but go ahead and try to catch the cat, but do me a favor and watch out for the trash bins would you, the last thing i need is to be nursing you back to health because you bang your head and make yourself even more dopey" she said with a light-hearted chuckle, yet there was a distinctive concern in her tone.
She then sat herself down, knowing it wouldn't be long before he started chasing the thing, as she took a deep breath and began to think, at least with him distracted she had a moment to gather her thoughts and try to remember the place those strange dogs had told her the name of in passing.
"He'll be back, He'll come back he always does" she chuckled to herself as she allowed herself to start thinking.

Posted 2024-07-17 11:44:20
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo completely snapped. The thirst for blood completely dictated his next moves. He lunged for Halo, pinning her down with ease and just began tearing. Red filled his vision and his snarls echoed throughout the woods. He went for her ear, her shoulder, her flank, tearing and ripping into her without a thought.

By the time the rage ebbed enough for him to step back, his sides heaved for breath. Blood stained his face, chest, and forelegs - Diablo truly looked like something out of a nightmare. His eyes scanned her body for signs of life. When he saw none, he gave a frustrated snarl then trotted off. He'd go wait for Shadow and Illud to return near the pond.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie helped Pandora drag the deer back to the pack house. Nausea swirled in her stomach and, if she wasn't holding the leg in her jaws, she might've retched. Two females down in just one short day, but it had been their own fault. They knew what they were signing up for when they joined Diablo's Pack, yet they wanted to play the heroes. Callie could understand their plight, but they were going about it the wrong way. A dictator like this needed...a subtle approach.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's amber gaze took in the dogs filling the warehouse. Mazie's question brought him back to their little group. "We haven't set up any roles yet, but we're hoping to be more fair and honorable than Diablo." He nodded to Rain. "We probably should start creating some order."

Bear | Strays | Scout | Male
Bear finished the hamburger, careful to avoid the paper around it. He licked his lips in delight at having something filling in his stomach. In spite of his small size, he managed to find at least one good meal a day. He credited his full stomach to his resourcefulness.

The black Schipperke left the alley and the tipped trash can behind him. Where to today? He wondered to himself. An idea popped in his mind. There was a grassy field along the river to the south. Maybe he could catch a few rats there? Bear headed in that direction with a skip in each step.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 12:27:45 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clovers tail curled over her back, and it wagged something fierce when Sirena called her mother. Her heart raced like a wild deer through the woods, her stomach even flipped like she could when she did her tricks!! It made her feel warm and it made her wish that she could stay in this moment forever. Sadly, forever was cut short. When sirena told her that she could smell a male Clover took a sniff as she lofted her snout to the air. Her hackles raising as she stepped over Sirena so that Sirena was now under Clovers stomach.

As the male approached and spoke her hackles raised and she bared her teeth. He didn't smell of Diablo's Pack, which made him a stray. She wasn't sure if he was friend or foe either, and until she was she didn't plan to lower her guard with Sirena around. She knew the male could take her in a fight, but it would buy Sorena some time to run if things went sour. With a snarl she snapped her jaws together. "What are you doing here??" she barked at him. While she didn't like acting in such a manner, she hoped he could forgive her with her having Sirena present and making sure she was protected.

Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster couldn't help but cackle at Anastasia's words. Was she serious?? Rooster stand still?? That was like asking a penguin to fly and that was just silly!! He cackled like a hyena for a few moments.


Rooster waited very patiently for his sister's go ahead. It was clear, she had complete control over him right now and he hung onto her every word. He was so excited to chase the cat that he was shaking by the time she gave him to go ahead. The minute she gave him her blessing he shot off like a bullet at a full sprint. He didn't bark, didn't make a sound... that was until he tried to jump on the trash can with the cat to retrieve it. As he landed okmthe lid his weight caused it to shift onto its side, causing Rooster to fall with a yelp of fright. Rooster and the feline tumbled to the ground, trash flew from the can into the alleyway. Rooster finally barked at the cat as he scrambled to his as did the feline. As they both reached their paws theu darted down the alleyways, the cat racing with Rooster in tow. As he chased it through the alleyway they turned left, our of Anastasia's view where Rooster went barreling into another dog (Apollo), as the cat ran beneath them, getting away as Rooster went colliding with the other male.

Posted 2024-07-17 12:28:11
Fawn | Stray | Female
Fawn stayed quiet as she watched Apollo and Mazie talk, she was still waiting to speak to Rain about her joining the pack. She sits down, letting the 2 dogs talk as she checks her bloodied leg. She glared down at her leg before she starts to lick it again, trying to soothe the pain. She could only think about how she could destroy Diablo and make his reign of terror end.

Storm | Stray | Warrior | Male
"That day will come, I promise. And it will be at your own pace..." Storm spoke softly as he then gently lays down by her to keep her company. He starts to remember a bit of his life before, how he would be with his elderly owner in the backyard. His owner would always sit in the chair and throw the ball for him. " about to help you feel tell me a bit about your mate? Tell me about the good times you two spent together?" He asked.


Posted 2024-07-17 12:53:47
Sirena | Clovers pup | Female | Diablo's
Sirena couldn't help but feel such warmth and love from her new mother, she was so happy to have a mother, she couldn't believe how lucky and blessed she felt right now and as Sirena looked at Clover it was clear from her gaze that it was the look a child would give to the mother, one filled with love, admiration, respect and all the good in the world.
However, their sweet moment was cut short when not only did the young lady's nose not fail her, but a stranger appeared from the shadows, as Clover stood over her guarding her, Sirena couldn't help but feel incredibly nervous and she had to admit fear began to swell in her tiny chest as she cowered slightly under her mother, this male was huge compared to her and after seeing Diablo fight she wasn't as confident as she once was, especially when it came to those larger than her, not to mention her run-in with the cats.

"Mother, what do we do... is he going to hurt us, I won't let him hurt you I will bite his ankles off" she whispered so only her mother would here.

Callahan | Male | Warrior | Strays
Callahan was taken back by the female's aggression at first, he wasn't expecting such a harsh welcome, that was until a distinct smell hit his nose that lingered on the duo in front of him, it wasn't one he recognized but it burned his nostrils, Call realized that there must be a pack around here somewhere and he must have wondered into the wrong place, at least that is what he thought.

"So sorry to intrude, It appears that you belong to a pack, I apologize you see I am new around here and I wasn't aware there were other dogs let alone a pack in the area, please forgive my abrupt approach. I simply just felt like socializing and you are the first ones I have run into on my wonders, I did not mean to scare your little one either, I mean neither of you any harm, I do not wish to fight, nor do I wish to bring you harm, I simply thought I would say hello that is all" His tone was respectful and sincere as he spoke to the mother and pup. Call then sat himself down to try to show the duo that he had no intent on fighting nor harming either of them and his reason for approaching them was innocent and true.

Ana | Female | Warrior | Strays
Ana simply watched as her brother looked like a terrified rabbit the way he shook from excitement and she couldn't help but chuckle at him shaking that way, it was then she watched as he raced off like a bullet and headed towards the cat, she shook her head and rolled her eyes, typical Roo running around like an unruly pup to ease his boredom This was another reason she wanted to find the pair a new home, her brother got bored easily and unlike her who liked to be alone at times he would get bored far to quickly for the life of two lone dogs.
As she watched him race off and turn the corner in pursuit of the feline she simply chuckled to herself as she began to think of what they were going to do next.

After a few short moments, she couldn't help but wonder where her brother had gotten to, after all he was speedy and wouldn't give in and she couldn't help but feel concerned he could get himself lost as the pair still didn't know this area very well.
It was then worry took over her and she called out "Ok Roo, come back now you moron before you get lost" her words held a sincere worry to them, but she also then stood to her paws ready to run in the direction she had last seen him, while still calling out hoping he would here her and return to her side, she didn't like him being away from her as it worried her so despite knowing he could look after himself she couldn't help but feel like half of her was missing in his absence as they had been by each other sides all their lives and it wasn't like Roo not to come back to her when she called as he had always been one to follow her every word especially when she used her serious and more commanding tone much like a leader rather than a follower, although her commands were still gentle as they came from the heart.

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