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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-17 13:00:04
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo felt certain that the dogs in the warehouse were safe for now. What he wasn't sure about was if Diablo's Pack lingered nearby. He turned to Rain to speak his thoughts carefully: "I'm going to go patrol around the warehouse. We need to be sure that Diablo's not hanging around." With that said, he stood and left the warehouse.

He trotted a few blocks, nose to the air so he'd catch any suspicious scents. As he was about to turn the corner, a massive wall of muscle ran straight into him. Apollo's hackles instantly raised and he growled at the unfamiliar dog. He was tall, a Doberman, and another Doberman lingered behind him. "What are you doing here?" He growled, eyeing them cautiously.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 13:29:02
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She tried not to think too much about what happened on the they back to the pack house. While she didn't knew Halo all too well, she didn't want her to die. It was better for now not to think too much, she had an order to complete. But once they reached the house, she wasn't sure what to do next. Should she go out hunting again or should she wait for new orders. She thought about saying something, but she didn't know what to say, so she stayed silent.


Posted 2024-07-17 13:35:14
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie set the deer down with Pandora, her throat tight with emotion. She'd just watched Halo get torn to shreds...was she dead? It was hard to say. All Callie knew is that she needed to lean on the dogs she trusted, now more than ever. She cast a sidelong glance at Pandora, gently bumping her shoulder into the Springer's. "We'll be okay," She murmured softly.

Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala sat in the shade of the tree watching Cato tussle in the dirt with a stick. It was refreshing to see her only pup able to play in the open air. For all of Diablo's faults, she had to give him credit where it was due: he'd created a safe place for her to raise her pup. As long as she kept her head down and taught Cato to do the same, then Diablo would have no reason to lash out at them. She hoped Cato would keep his head on straight.

Cato | DP | Pup | Male
Cato crouched down and gave a wag of his rump before pouncing on the stick. "Aha!" He yelped playfully. "Gotcha!" He shook the stick between his jaws as if it were prey meant to be killed. His brindle and white coat made him appear half-shadow in the yard. Soon it would be time for him to be named a trainee. He often wondered who would train him.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 14:06:07
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Nurse | Female

Clover dipped her head ever so slightly, whispering back to Sirena. She hated to be so short with her, though she needed her to understand everything she said to her. "We do nothing and you hush, dear. You remember where the packhouse is, yes?? If he lunges at me I want you to run quietly back to the packhojse and male as much noise as you can to alert the warriors or even Diablo himself and let them know whats happening. I'm going to need you to be brave and show them the way back as well, it could very well save my life..." she whispered lowly to the pup.

She continued to glare at the male as she listened to him. Was he insane?? He wanted to socjalkze, so he thought wandering within Diablos territory was a good idea to do this?? "Are you mad!?!?" she shouted at him in a hushed tone. She couldn't tell whether to take himself eriously or not. She turned her crown from side to side, scanning their surroundings. They were alone, thankfully. "You're going to get yourself killed simply by being here. You have to go, you need to go." she warned him again.

Rooster | Strays | Male

Before Rooster had a chance to answer his sister he had run into the other male. He was about to jump up and wag his stub of a tail when he starting growling at Rooster. This caused his goofy demeanor to change as the males hackles raised, his auricles fell flat and he bared his ivories at the male before him. He didn't know who he was but he definitely wasn't a friend right now. He let out a low grow as he waited for Anastasia to reach his side to assess the situation they currently had on their hands.

Posted 2024-07-17 14:17:15
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo kept his distance, realizing that he was horribly outnumbered. He knew what a set of Doberman teeth could do. Still, if they attacked he'd make sure to leave a few marks of his own. "Are you from Diablo's Pack?" He asked with a hint of a snarl in his tone. They were certainly Diablo's type - he knew that personally.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 14:35:08 (edited)
Sirena | Clovers daughter | female | diablo pack pup
Sirena nuzzled her mother as she dipped her head down to speak with her, she listened to the words her mother had to say, but she wasn't sure she could listen to those words, she knew what her mother said made sense, but she also knew she wouldn't want to leave her mother alone especially with one so large and clearly built of muscle.
"But what if he..." Sirena stopped she knew that arguing or disobeying her mother's orders wouldn't work out and the moment Clover said it may just save her life Sirena knew exactly what to do if she needed to.
"Ok mama I promise if he does, I will run swifter than the wind and I will find Diablo" she whimpered softly while snuggling and practically clinging to her mother's leg, not wanting to let go out of fear of losing her.

Callahan | Warrior | Strays | Male
Callahan waited patiently for the lady to speak, despite her glares he kept a cool and level-headed demeanor paying no mind to her glaring, that was until she asked him if he was crazy and claimed he was going to get himself killed, Callahan found himself very confused by both of her statements, but then again he was also foolishly brave, fearless which was a dangerous combination within itself.
"Well as far as I know I still have all my faculties so I wouldn't think myself insane, not yet anyway" he said with a light heart trying to ease the tension within the air but also to reaffirm he meant neither of them any harm.
"I am not afraid of a little danger, in fact, I laugh in the face of danger" he teased gently making a joke to the damsel before him before he continued
"I do not see why I should fear, you do not look like you wish to kill me, your pup however, looks very intimidating and I would not want to get on her bad side, she looks as though she could give me some serious injuries" he said with a soft smile trying to encourage the pup and allow her to feel some confidence instead of fear, or at least he hoped that's what he would do.
"Where even is here, why should I go, I thought I could perhaps make a friend or two in this case Miss...." he stopped as he hadn't gotten her name so was unsure what to call her, as he stopped he then went silent and patiently awaited for her to speak once more.

Ana | Warrior | Strays | Female
As Ana reached the side of her brother she was faced with a male who had growled in his direction, Ana's protective instincts kicked in as she stood in front of her brother, using her head to shield his neck before her eyes focused on the unknown male in front of them.
"Who do you think you are growling at, that is no way to make an introduction. This is my brother only I am allowed to growl at him" she stated in a clear and confident yet protective tone.
She eyed the male for a moment it seemed that this German shepherd had some nerve within him, although Ana was not afraid she was quite the opposite knowing full well if she started a fight with this male her brother would also have her back as she did his.
it was then she watched him step back before he spoke of a pack named Diablo and she looked at the male with a strange curiosity when he mentioned the pack.
It was then her aggression calmed slightly into a more formal tone  "We are not from a pack and who is Diablo?" she questioned with a sincere tone yet confused expression because she had no idea what this male was talking about.

When he stepped back she had stopped revealing her ivory canines and then turned to her brother as she whispered to him her whispers soft so only her brother could hear. "Settle Roo, I don't think he is a threat, at least not yet by the looks of it he knows he is no match for both of us"

Posted 2024-07-17 14:45:05
Apollo | DP | Warrior | Male
Apollo narrowed his eyes as he took in the bold female. The pair of Dobermans seemed close, possibly littermates. Not many siblings managed to stay together on the street - the world seem to get to them. His amber eyes softened a bit since the female appeared to have a rational head on her shoulders.

"You haven't heard of Diablo?" He asked a little skeptically. Not many dogs lived in the city without rumors of Diablo getting to them. "He's the alpha of the most feared pack in the city."

He hesitated briefly, wondering if he should mention the pack back at the warehouse. No, not quite yet. He wanted to see what they knew and observe their mannerisms. "You really don't know about him, huh?" Apollo mused, taking a seat on the concrete. "Well, you will if you stick around in the city. I'm Apollo, by the way."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 16:36:36
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Nurse | Female

Clover was thankful that Sirena seemed to listen so well to her. She'd really hate for the pup to try and be a hero and end up losing her life over it. Her plan woth Sirena going to to Pack to get help was the best chances for Sirena's and her own safety right now. She didn't know if she could trust this male and the nonsense he was speaking made him sound like a mad dog. He wanted to make friends?? Was he that dull I'm the head?? Diablo would kill him if he caught him on the packs territory. "You definitely seem like a mad dog to me." she said in a bit of a snarky manner. She really did feel like he did have all of his screws loose. "I'd rather keep my head low and survive, which means followomg the rules set by my alpha, Diablo. So, good day to you." She said isassily n reply to him speaking of laughing in the face of danger. So woth this she dipped her crown, gently picking up the pup before raising her head as she began to gently trot back to the pack house. Should he leave her be, her and Sirena would arrive at the pack house. However, should he pursue her, she may have more to say.

Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster had nothing to say to the male until his sister got to his side. As she stopped next to him he watched and listened to their conversation. He was listening, waiting for things to go sour before he would leap upon the smaller male like a large cat with its prey. His gaze narrowed on him, almost like a human master had told its guard dog to watch someone and make sure they don't move.

When Anastasia asked told Roo that she felt as though the male before them was no threat Roosters demeanor softened. He sat down, his jind leg lifting as he itched at his ear, his tongue lulled out of his koutj as he did so. He wasn't sure who this Diablo character was that this guy was talking about as he and Anastasia were new to town, though he was sure they were about to find out, if not soon enough. "Nope, don't really know him. Ana and I just recently got into town. We heard about something and came to look." he said as he sighed with content as he finally seemed to get that itch that was bothering him. Roosters little nub wagged happily as Apollo introduced himself. "Names Rooster, Ana is the only one who calls me Roo."

Posted 2024-07-17 17:06:43 (edited)
Sirena | Clover's daughter | female | Diablo pack pup
Sirena remained silent as her mother and the other spoke, she simply stayed beneath her mother refusing to move, she didn't know this male and her mother hadn't yet deemed him a friend and therefore she would not trust him because of this, although she couldn't help but to admit she was curious about the male.
Sirena then suddenly felt herself being picked up and carried back towards home, the little lass began to wriggle as she had yet to be able to have her training so was reluctant to return home without something to show for it, so she continued to wiggle remaining silent trying to show her mother that she wasn't quite ready to leave yet. The male seemed friendly and the little lass couldn't help but feel that maybe he could make a good friend for her mother, but more importantly, she thought perhaps if they became friends and Diablo got mad at her or her mother maybe he could protect them from him, as a naïve and hopeful pup would think.

Callahan | Warrior | Strays | Male
Callahan listened as she claimed he seemed like a mad dog to her, again he couldn't help but allow a light chuckle to escape him, he couldn't understand why she was so fearful and why an alpha would harm her for simply talking with someone, the mere thought of it reminded him of a tyrant rather than a leader. So he remained silent on her claiming him to be a mad dog once more, that was until she dipped her head to him and turned to leave, Callahan then followed slightly, still maintaining a respectful distance as he spoke
"I am sorry Miss, I do not mean you any harm, nor do I wish harm on you or your pup, I simply just want to make a friend, that is all, I mean no harm, as for your alpha I do not fear him, I am a free dog so to speak, although I may follow some kind of order I would never follow one who would bring harm so eagerly to their packmates, especially pups" Callahan answered honestly and sincerely, yet held a worried look in his gaze as though he was worried about what could or would happen to her.
"I have to ask, why do you fear him so... If he is so fearful why do you stay? I mean no disrespect but I am curious surely there is another pack or place out there you could both be happier and safer is there not?" he asked with a gentle and respectful tone. Callahan was trying to attempt to keep her in conversation and not depart so soon, after all, he saw this as worth the risk. It was then Callahan said something unexpected "You see miss, to me some things are worth the danger and or risk such as a good friend, when you feel inside that something is worth the fight then what do you have to lose." he said in a serious yet sincere tone.

Ana | Warrior | Strays | Female
Ana listened as this male spoke of this dog named Diablo, she had no idea who this male was as she and her brother had only recently arrived, but then again she did not fear him nor the reputation that came along with him and so she opened her jaws to speak "I see, well no I do not know him, you see me and my brother are new in this town. We are looking for something in particular and that would not be this Diablo, I have no desire to listen or join what sounds like a savage, I only assume this as you said he and his pack are feared, so I simply assume this would be why." her tone was serious, yet held a respectful and calm tone as she spoke.

She then turned to Roo as if to say if we ever meet this dog it looks like we will have to fight, her look was mischievous yet intrigued.. It was then her attentions once again returned to the male before them as she spoke once again "As my brother said he is Roo, I am Ana" she questioned respectfully after all her brother had been mannerly enough to introduce them it was only right for this male to do the same right.

Ana then looked at the male as she had so many thoughts running through her mind before she spoke "So tell me if you are not one of this Diablo's dogs who or where do you come from?" she asked curiously, Ana was no fool and she was trying to find out just how many packs may be lingering in this area as she was indeed looking for a new home for her and her brother and although the pair were both capable of protecting, defending and fighting themselves she had no interest in joining a pack just for those reasonings.

Posted 2024-07-17 17:21:01
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
"Name's Apollo," He replied to Ana. Apollo felt more at ease even knowing their names. Since they were new to town and didn't know of Diablo, that meant they probably were reasonable dogs. They both looked strong and would make valuable assets to the pack, especially if they were level-headed.

"I'm actually part of a recently formed pack," Apollo declared. "If you're serious about joining a pack, then I might consider bringing you back to meet them."

Amethyst Angel

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