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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-17 18:34:50
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Nurse | Female

Clover was beginning to grow genuinely irritated for once. Why was he so persistent on befriending her?? She was a mutt who adopted a pup in a pack of tyrants. A low growl from irritation pushed itself past her maw as she continued to trot gently with Sirena in her jaws. Sighing heavily, she stopped and gently placed Sirena down on the ground between her front paws. "Why are you so persistent on making a friend?? Amd why me out of any dog?? You could easily go and find a stray to befriend but you choose to persistent with a pack dog." continuing to keep her guard up in a defensive manner she pelted him with questions that clearly irked a nerve in her. Huffing dramatically through her nostrils to emphasize her irritation at his question. "It doesn't really matter why I fear him. Does it??" She asked him, pausing for a moment before speaking again. "It's just best to keep your head down and mind your manners if you like keeping yourself in one piece when you run with Diablo. You ask that as though I can just leave. I don't know what I'm expected to do to protect myself against a cane Corso along with a few other larger dogs. I'm just one mixed up mutt that ran away and got into something I shouldn't have and it's bad enough I've brought her into this mess as well." she huffed ahain. It was clear that she was referring to Sirena at the end of her conversation.

Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster continues to sit next to his sister listening in on their conversation. He doesn't rightfully care for this Diablo dog as he's called, known that he's been told he's known as a feared dog alongside the pack that male seems to rule. Standing up Roosters nostrils flared. "Diablo Schmiablo we'll turn him into a taco" he sad half jokingly. Rooster wasn't worried about this Diablo, he just wanted to find what he and his sister were here to find.

Posted 2024-07-17 18:42:36
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo winced at Rooster's complete disregard for a dog who torn into dogs for fun. "I wouldn't be so callous when speaking about Diablo," He growled, hoping not to come across as demanding. "There's a few dogs in our pack who've been personally affected by him. He uses fear and sadism to hold his pack together."

Apollo studied both Rooster and Ana. He knew that Rain and Ruger would want to meet them. "Let's head back to the warehouse," He suggested. "You can meet the rest of the pack."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 18:54:25
Fawn | Stray | Female
Tired of waiting for Rain, she starts to get up and explore the warehouse. She wanted to be useful and not just sit around, injured or not. She follows Apollo's scent to join him on the scouting, since she was the only dog in the pack currently she can trust. Once Fawn finds Apollo, she sees the 2 doberman and cautiously walked up. "Everything alright here Apollo?" She asked, staying cautious around the 2 doberman as she glared at them. Her bloodied leg and neck injuries very much so visible to the 2 dobermans.


Posted 2024-07-17 19:01:15
Sirena | Clover's daughter | Female | Diablos
Sirena remained still and silent as the two conversed once more, Sirena couldn't help but notice this male was not doing well at befriending his mother, but yet she couldn't help but find it somewhat amusing as she sat chuckling at his failed attempts.
Sirena then snuggled into Clover as she could sense her irritation growing in an attempt to soothe her anger, she then attempted to jump up to meet her mother's muzzle so that she could give it a soft lick before landing back on the ground.

Callahan | Warrior | Male | Strays
Callahan could tell that the questioning he had given seemed to have irked the lady before him, clearly this pack of hers was quite some trouble by the sounds of it, he had met a few Cane Corso's in his time, they were often aggressive, stubborn, hard-headed and liked to push their weight around, which had never interested Call in any way he found it cowardly and downright ridiculous the way they were so quick to anger.
As he waited for her to finish speaking he offered her an apologetic look as well as a gentle smile as he spoke once more "I am sorry Miss I did not mean to step on your toes so to speak, I meant no harm in my questions, I am simply curious" He first uttered before he took a deep breath trying to remain calm and not wanting to escalate the situation any future.
" As for why you, why not some stray to befriend well, I would say I have my reasons as to why I wish to befriend you of all dogs" he replied in a somewhat mysterious answer to her question. In truth it was because he could tell she was a good soul in a way because of the love she had for her daughter and the way she protected her, it reminded him that there were selfless souls that still walked the earth.
"Why couldn't you leave, dogs come and go in packs all the time if you want to leave can't you simply pick your pup up and walk out, I do not know this Diablo but to me, he sounds like nothing more than a large bully, bullies are usually cowards in disguise, or they have gone through something and now wish to make the world suffer for it, but again this is simply my opinion but following one that seems so harsh and cold seems ill-advised in many ways, I am simply trying to understand why you can't simply leave, why would you need to protect yourself from him and other large dogs to leave," he asked with a curious yet still respectful tone, Call was trying to understand her situation.
Call then paused for a few moments before he spoke up once more "What do you mean you brought her into this mess, I am sorry but she seems rather happy to be with you, she seems healthy, she is being taken care of, and raised by you, you clearly love her so I honestly don't see that as a mess" He stated in a serious tone, trying to help her see that she did right by the pup.

Call then took one final breath before he spoke up again "Perhaps if you had some more friends outside of that pack of yours they could help you leave if you so wished, of course, this is simply just an option for you, I am not in any way trying to order you or tell you what to do, simply trying to think of a creative way for you to have a way out should you need one" He replied softer his tone gentle and relaxed yet still respectful.

Ana | Female | Warrior | Strays
Ana looked over to her brother and couldn't help but find herself chuckling at his comment, it wouldn't be the first time the pair took on someone stronger than one of them and worked together to see the job done, she knew her brother would never allow her to fight alone if the situation required a fight she would always have someone on her side to watch her back.
"Brother you don't need to reveal all our secrets now do you" she said with a chuckle at his own words, although she couldn't help but wonder what a Diablo taco would taste like.

Ana then turned to the male as she heard word of a pack, her assumptions seemed to have been correct there was indeed another pack that was formed here, this seemed promising after all she had been in search of a particular pack one that was told to her was new on their travels. "I am serious about joining a pack, but you see we need more than just a pack, we need a family, we need those who will accept us and our ways as well as we will respect them and theirs, we are not interested in serving someone who already serves there own selfish needs, we are not interested in being someone's pawns, we need a home not just a pack" Her tone was serious, yet still remained respectful as she spoke to Apollo.
"So tell me Apollo is this something your pack has to offer, if it isn't you won't need to worry yourself about considering taking us to meet them," she said with a serious look and tone, yet it still remained respectful although held a hint of curiosity.

Posted 2024-07-17 19:06:43
| Rain | The strays | Female | Alpha
Shorter reply, since I dont have a lot of time

| Rain's head, was, well, obviously in the clouds. She was thinking of some warm food, some meatballs.... mmm. Of course, this meant she didnt pay mind to the fact that she was, well, now alone. Now wanting to disturb anyone, she picked up her pups and started padding towards the offices. One was bigger, with a huge floofy carpet, and the other smaller, with a velvet chair. That would do. She hoisted herself and the pups onto the chair, snuggling around them. Rain dozed off |

Going to bed in a bit, goodnight!

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-17 19:14:59
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's amber gaze leveled with Ana and Rooster, his tone serious as could be. "That's what we're trying to build: a home for all the strays of the streets who've suffered far too long under Diablo's shadow. We've already amassed a sizeable pack that could possibly fend off Diablo if he decided to attack."

Apollo was studying them both for their reactions when a voice from behind took him by surprise. Turning, he saw Fawn standing there with her bloodied leg and neck. What was she doing away from the warehouse? She should be resting!

"Fawn," Apollo sighed, "You should be resting with those injuries."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 19:32:45
Fawn | Stray | Female
"i don't like just sitting around...I will be fine, my neck is already healing and my leg will heal in time. This ain't the first time I have been injured and Diablo was clearly too much of a coward to even finish me, who are these two...? No offense but the male seems...oblivious to the situation here in the city." She spoke out as she turned towards the 2 dobermans. She meant no offense to the 2 siblings, but she worried that their oblivious to the situation at hand when it comes to Diablo and his pack. After all, her injuries were proof of just how far he will go to continue his tyranny.


Posted 2024-07-17 19:40:54 (edited)
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
Dark ears pinned against his head as Illud motioned for him. He glanced back to Diablo momentarily before dipping back to follow Illud.

The construction site wasn't fair from there, just a bit through the park's forestry and then down a block or two. Shadow maintained a steady pace alongside the Ridgeback, keeping his nose tied with the other dog. Typically for him, positioning was crucial, but seeing as this particular dog was neither friend or foe, he had a difficult time gaging exactly how he should carry himself.

Being in Diablo's Pack, there was a clear order. Known motions, routine. The recent disruptions to those very crucial things had been irritating Shadow since the Ace pulled him off of his post without a change of guard that morning. Followed by the turmoil at the clearing moments ago, Shadow was at his own wit's end with his packmates. Perhaps an escapade with a stranger would be worth his time, and if not, he'd have a pleasant time sniffing around at the human's playground.

As Illud had noted, Shadow rarely spoke. He just didn't have much to say, the fly-on-the-wall approach always seemed to get him further. Always listening to what was going on around him allowed room for negotiation where he might have otherwise not had it. The amount of blackmail that he had stacked on any dog in the pack unfortunate enough to be within earshot of him was astounding and yet, Shadow would likely never unload his armory. He was beyond content with the way life was, most dogs were afraid enough of him to stay out of his way. It was always nice to have a back up plan, though.

The malinois cast a peripheral glance towards his newly found expedition partner, a slight disdain twinged, deeply set in brown eyes. It wasn't personal, Diablo knew he preferred to work alone, and escorting missions weren't ever his strong suit; the escorted rarely made it to their destination alive. "I'd seriously consider against any games." He croaked out, nose never pointing away from where they were headed.

(i tried i hope it's okay)

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-17 19:56:42 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Nurse | Female

Clover gave ankther irritated growl. She didn't knkw what it was with his persistence, but it was downright infuriating. Rolling her eyes she spoke once more. "You really don't get it." she huffed before dipping her head and picking up Sirena for the last time. Bringing her head back up she turned around and made her way back to Diablo's Pack house with Sirena.


Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster dismissed Apollos growl, this time. He wasn't a fan of being growled at. Yes, his comment did make him seem Naive, but he only attempted to lighten the situation, while he also knew subconsciously that it was in fact a serious matter. He was glad that his sister seemed to appreciate his humor though. Continuing to listen to them speak so he could gather all that he could he followed as Apollo invited them to follow him. Ana had given him the speech about what they were looking for and the whole nine yards and Apollo had reaffirmed that he was someone who could take then to those who were also trying to achieve the same goals.

As he followed Apollo he watched as an injured female came onto the scene. Apollo seemed concerned for her, but again, Rooster felt insulted for the second time. With a growl in her direction he spoke. "Just because I use a little humor to lighten a situation doesn't make me oblivious to a conversation about a tyrant that needs to be taken seriously and approached with caution. If it came down to it in a fight with him I know Ana and I would stay and die to ensure his downfall rather than turning tail and running when faced against a dog like that." He said with a huff before rolling his eyes and falling in behind Ana. He wasn't all idiot, it just seemed as though he preferred a more light hearted approach on life, even if it did include poorly executed jokes.

Posted 2024-07-17 20:24:19
Sirena | Clover's pup | Diablo pack | Female
Sirena could see this male was getting nowhere and before she could say or do anything she could feel her mothers agitation so this time she allowed herself to be picked up and carried towards home, although a small whimper left her for she hadn't been able to hunt today and she was disappointed by that fact.

Callahan | Warrior | Strays | Male
Callahan this time thought better of trying to stop the damsel and her pup, after all the young one looked tired and so he simply nodded his head as they wondered off as she opened his jaws to say one last thing before they departed "Until next time, miss and her little one" his words were sincere, almost as though he knew they would meet again another time and another place.

-Exit Callahan and Sirena-

Ana | strays | Female
Ana nodded her head to Apollo's word as he reaffirmed that the pack he referred to did indeed share their common wants and needs and so Ana wasted no time in following the male, it would seem that perhaps she had succeeded in her goal after all, she watched her brother as he growled at him, her lips raising slightly in a reminder that again only she was to growl at him, but she soon allowed herself to settle as her brother seemed to pay no mind to it. It was then she spoke to Apollo once more "I am glad to see we are on the same page, as for this Diablo I needn't worry I have my training as has my brother here, we are not afraid of other dogs, nor will we run from a fight" she reassured him allowing him to know that she wasn't fearful.

It was then Ana caught an unknown female approaching the trio, immediately Ana was irked by her presence, but she remained calm that was until the female opened her mouth outwardly insulting the duo, as though their lack of knowledge about this dog made them any less capable. Ana turned her attention to the dame as she mentioned him being a tyrant Ana frowned before she spoke "Firstly, did we ask your opinion on this matter, in fact, who are you to come questioning who we are, secondly don't proceed to assume my brother's intellect nor his or my abilities, thirdly I don't believe that Diablo was to cowardly to not end your life, he likely left you to live so you would suffer, although if you ask me he should of ripped that tongue out of that mouth to stop you from butting your nose into others affairs" she snarled before squinting at the female before she spoke "Insult my brother like that again and I will happily finish what that dog Diablo started"  Ana snarled in warning, Ana was not the friendliest to strangers let alone ones who spoke out of turn without thinking.

Ana then turned her attention back to Apollo before she spoke "Apologies for that Apollo, but I will not allow someone to make assumptions about me or my brother, let alone one who lost her fight even though she knew the situation at hand, as I previously told you my thoughts on this dog Diablo before she arrived, I and my brother are well aware of the dog and what he is capable of, as well as being aware that this no laughing matter, but as my brother stated we will not run from Diablo and we will not stop until he is down so to speak" Her tone was more respectful and calm as she spoke to Apollo. Ana kept her eyes on her brother from the corner of her gaze to ensure the female wouldn't say anything else stupid that would end up leading him to whack her or worse making Ana snap, she had always looked out for her brother and being here around strangers would not change that.

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