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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-17 20:35:58 (edited)
Fawn | Stray | Female
Fawn snapped at Ana and growled out, "You don't know anything! You weren't there! You weren't in Diablo's pack! So yea, i pointed out your brother because clearly yall know nothing about what we're dealing with, no one knows except for those poor dogs trapped in his pack, or the ones in his pack that actually enjoy killing other dogs. So shut your mouth before I do it for you!! I fought Diablo to try to give freedom for those dogs that were trapped in there, instead of fighting me like a real dog, he made his lacky attack me instead and busted up my leg. So yea, HE IS A COWARD!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT MY EXPERIENCE, MISS DOBERMAN!!" She snarled out before the injuries on her neck reopened, causing blood to spill onto the ground.

It didn't make her flinch at all, she instead look down and spoke, "All of you don't understand just how serious this is....the danger everyone in this pack will face...the only way we'll win is either help the dogs in his pack escape so they can help us fight and kill Diablo...or we have no choice but to leave the city...This isn't a game...and not something for anyone to joke of...dogs are dying and will continue to die in his pack and outside of it from his cruelty...When i fought him...there was nothing behinds those eyes except for a demon..." Once she finished her rant, tears form in her eyes before she passes out from blood loss. Her body falling to the ground with a thud as a pool of blood formed under her body from her reopened neck wound.


Posted 2024-07-17 21:41:29
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
Illud pushed forward out of the clearing and through the thicket, not taking the consideration to wait for his new partner. The Ridgeback's long, lean legs were quick as he moved through the park with intention and haste. Once he felt the presence of the Malinois beside him he stole a scrutinizing glance. He noticed the other's rigidity, almost as if he were hesitant on where to place himself. Illud stifled a chuckle. It was difficult not to find Shadow's character a little amusing, even if he was the most formidable part of the pack he had witnessed thus far. Besides his master, of course. He wondered if this specimen beside him was as good as it gets. Sculpted muscle, fearless nature...

The bigger male tore his gaze from the other suddenly, teeth clenching as he tried to focus back on why he was here. His stare hardened when he lifted his head to inspect his surroundings, a shiver running down his spine at the realization that the Malinois might have notice his rubbernecking. He was scolding himself now, shooting his nose back down to the earth. What the hell are you up about? Keep your damn wits about you! With a sharp inhale, Illud continued his search, but when Shadow suddenly broke his silence his strange behavior was replaced with his usual snarky aura.

"Me?" He raced his tongue over the left side of his maw and laughed aloud. "I wouldn't even consider." He picked up his pace, a little relieved that the other male had dissipated the grueling silence, even if the air between them was as tense and fragile as Diablo's ego.

"Relax, killer. I wouldn't waste my time crossing you or your band of berserkers." He scoffed. He had not failed to recognize the intelligence and prowess behind Shadow's eyes. He could definitely worm his way into Diablo's head, but not this dog's. For how recently they had just met, Illud could already tell that Shadow's mind was like a steel trap. There was no point in trying to break into it. Although, the thought of doing so was quite alluring to the Ridgeback for some reason. He shook out the thought as quickly as it had veined up into his head like venom. Shut. Up. He cursed inwardly at himself.

"Besides, we're a team now." Illud drawled out as they neared the construction site. He stopped behind the chain link fence that surrounded the plot littered with construction vehicles, equipment, and other strange human objects. With a roll of his shoulders, he turned back to Shadow and smirked slyly. "Let's try and have a little fun while we still can, eh?"

As the sun crept down behind the horizon and painted the sky in deep hues of pinks and purples, the solar lights that illuminated the site began to automatically switch off one by one as if to signal to the two thieves it was ready to play. He raised his gaze to study coils of barbed wire atop the fence. Damn. They would have to find an opening somewhere and dig their way through.

"We'll get lacerated if we jump over." He stated in a hushed voice to the Malinois. "Let's split up and take either side to try and find an opening we can slip through. It'll be quicker that way."

It's perfect 😭


Posted 2024-07-18 05:08:06 (edited)
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Comforted by Storm Aloisia thunped her tail, keening with her throat. "My mate was a black Chinook, handsome as her was. When her found out I was with pup he was over joyed. He Leaped around like a puppy. Which was understandable since we were but puppies ourselves. "

"We didn't choose to be mates, not at first anyways, the humans forced it on us. Overtime we came to love each other, adore one another. "


Posted 2024-07-18 05:44:20
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo tensed because Fawn was only making the situation worse. What right did she have to follow him and proceed to insult two dogs she didn't even know? The nerve! He couldn't hide his irritation even if he tried, and he didn't blame Rooster or Ana for snapping at Fawn.

"Fawn, you need to cool it," He growled slightly to show her that he was irritated. "You can't just walk around an insult whoever you meet because soon you'll push away everyone you meet."

The white German Shepherd turned to Rooster and Ana. "I apologize, she's new to the pack and had a traumatic experience with Diablo." As he was apologizing for the Husky's actions - which shouldn't fall under his responsibilities anyway - Fawn collapsed from blood loss. "I'd hate to say I told you so," He grumbled under his breath.

"I don't suppose one of you would be willing to help me carry her back to the warehouse?" Apollo asked the siblings.

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace noticed Clover returning with the little pup, Sirena, alongside a male he didn't recognize. He immediately rose from his post to investigate the situation since he was the fighter on duty. Where was Aria or Aragon? He really could use their backup. The Aussie trotted over to the male who doubled Ace in size. "Clover," Ace growled, addressing the nurse, "Who is he and why have you led him back to the pack house?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-18 08:48:02
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
From that glance, Shadow had enough time to see the way the muscles in Illud's neck flexed, his eye quickly darting back to look in front of him before the Ridgeback's head fully turned. While there was a brief moment of worry that he, himself, might have been caught-out and nosey, that feeling was washed away by the immediately penetrating sound of speech. When Shadow had broken the silence, he didn't realize that he would regret the decision so fervently.Β  Seriously? He thought to himself as the fire red male seemed to find a foothold for conversation hidden amongst Shadow's warning. Like opening the floodgates, Illud's talk flooded his mind and filled the gaps between the occasional crinkling of leaves or passing car. It was nearly unbearable, but Shadow would allow Illud to talk himself into his grave if that was what he so desired.

A team? Shadow's mind reeled at the phrase. Absolutely not, those were not the orders. His nose tilted up ever so slightly to further take in the huge scene in front of him; the openness of the lot gave an uneasy feeling that twisted itself along the bottom of his stomach. It was easy enough to swallow that down, and the Malinois took a firm seat on his haunches in front of Illud. Near soulless eyes glared down his muzzle at the other, reeking of superciliousness as usual. "This is your trial." He stated, plainly.

Not ever since Shadow first joined the pack had he even so much as fudged an order, Diablo rarely left room for them to be misconstrued -- However, the order to join Illud on the excursion was vague at best. It was a secondary order to Illud's trial, but Diablo never directly stated that Shadow would or wouldn't be helping him, only that he needed to go with him. This put the Malinois in a very peculiar situation where he might have the semblance of a choice. Perhaps he could be swayed, though however unlikely. His nose finally turned up and away from Illud before looking over to the fence in front of them, scanning briefly for a sort of access point silently.

Don't get him wrong, Shadow desperately wanted in there. The adrenaline still hadn't truly faded from the fight with Fawn, and the idea of getting into the humans' precious little building to destroy whatever was in there might take his mind off how badly he wished to have ripped the Husky's fuzzy leg off altogether. Even when he was just a tiny puppy, the Malinois voraciously excelled in shredding activities, having punctured and torn the ears of his littermates almost irreparably while teething. While flesh was his preferred medium, Shadow would lovingly share his artistic capability with any material or object that he was able to get his mouth around.

(use that fast talk and convince him Illud, I'm begging)

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-18 09:13:01
Halo | Diablo's Pack..? | Hunter | Female
Everything was black. For a long while, anyways. Once the black she-dog regained her conciseness, everything felt like it was being torn apart. Diablo must have thought she was dead, to leave her alone. The amount of blood around her didn't surprise Halo. Despite the pain, the retriever got up and half-dragged, half-walked to a nearby cave. It was an abandoned coal mine, by the look of it. Must have been that husky's place, because of the coal dust on her fur. The scent is stale though.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-18 10:35:08
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Nurse | Female

Clovers gaze narrowed as she stopped in jer tracks, lowering her frame to the ground. She dipped her chin to her chest, causing Sirena to push into her chest as well. Her auricles fell back and she fell silent for a moment as she removed her jaws from around Sirena. She told him, she told that pesky male to leave her be and get out of here. Whining gently as he growled her name. "I don't know his name Ace, and I'm sorry. I wasn't bringing him back, I told him to leave us be and returned when he persisted." Her heart twinged as she gave the truth without so much as a fight. Her banner curling itself around her frame as she kept her jaws close to Sirena, hoping that she would be dismissed. If he did dismiss her, she didn't plan on sticking around here with Sirena.

Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster watched the female known as Fawn, she definitely had a few screws loose if you asked him and that was coming from someone who probably had a few screws loose himself. Rooster stepped in fromt of Ana as his hackles raised as Fawn snapped at Ana, letting out a low growl in warning to the female. He understood that this male dog needed taken down, but she was going to get herself and everyone around her killed if she kept yapping and going about it the way that she was. "You have a complex lady. You're trying to play the role of a hero when you're really a fool without a plan and you're going to get yourself and everyone around you killed by doing so." he growled back at Fawn.

It was then that she fainted, causing the male Doberman to sit own and roll his eyes dramatically before sighing. He wasn't sure how to feel about this female other than pure annoyance at this point. He looked at Ana as if asking who should take her back, sighing as he realized his sister wasn't going to help the female. He tried his best to slump her over his back without hurting her, but with her wounds he wasn't sure what hurt and what didn't hurt her at this point, but Apollo was right, she needed to get back to the pack. "You owe me a cheeseburger or something for this." He grumbled to Apollo. He then looked to his sister, a look she knew the meaning of *you too*

Posted 2024-07-18 10:59:10 (edited)
Ana | Strays | Female

Ana watched as the female snapped at her she immediately felt a rage and was ready to lash out and finish the unfinished job that had been done to the one known as Fawn that was until her brother stepped in front of her and raised his hackles at the female. Luckily for the damsel absentmindedly saved her from Ana's wrath as she would not race to harm another with her brother standing before her in case she was to accidentally harm him, so instead Ana remained calm giving the damsel a look of disapproval.
'blah blah, me, me, blah, blah' is all Ana heard when the female began ranting on and on.
She listened as her brother spoke, and couldn't help but smile as he called her out on her foolishness it was then Ana added: "Please you act like you did it to free others, well firstly no you did it for you, you wanted to play hero, you wanted to make a name for yourself, that isn't selfless is attention seeking and truly just pathetic, secondly you say you did it for them yet you left but who is likely to face the wrath your loud mouth clearly left behind in who you claim as a demon, your selfish acts have likely worsened the situation back there for them and for someone who claims to know so much you didn't think things through, as my brother said a fool without a plan." she snarled back before she then added "As for you shutting me up that is rich, you wouldn't stand a chance, especially in your current condition perhaps you should step back and learn to keep your mouth shut before you end up as my brother said getting yourself killed, he is the only reason you haven't met my wrath unlike you I fight intellectually not on selfish impulse" Her tone serious before she rolled her eyes.

Attention then turned to Apollo as she spoke "Do not apologize for her Apollo, you have done nothing wrong, it is not up to you to apologize for her ill manners and lack of intelligence that is her problem, but I do not hold her actions against you, as for whatever she suffered from Diablo that is on her, if she truly wished to save herself from what she suffered she could have just left or planned a rebellion from within both smarter tactical choices should she have wanted out, there is no one to blame for her injuries other than herself and her lack of self-control" Ana said in a serious yet respectful tone to Apollo.

Β  Ana then watched as the female before her hit the deck after clearly opening a freshly healed wound, Ana simply rolled her eyes at the pure stupidity of this dog, she had been given sound advice and due to her arrogance and stubbornness had chosen to ignore it and therefore ended up making herself once again face a life or death situation.
Ana returned the gaze her brother gazed at her as if to say it got itself into this mess it can get itself out of it I'm not helping it.
Ana then rolled her eyes at her brother as once again and as usual he was thinking of his stomach, she didn't know what she was going to do with her brother at times but then again she wouldn't change him it wasn't until he gave her the same look as though she owed him to that she raised her brows at him before she spoke "Don't look at me, I didn't ask you to take the trash out, or back in as this case may be" she said with a light-hearted chuckle, that was one thing about Ana she was never shy when it came to what she truly thought or felt, although yes she could be respectful to those she disliked if she needed to be, this female had done nothing to earn even that little of respect from her, Ana then stood as she looked on to Apollo waiting for him to take the lead and bring them to this pack that he claimed shared their goals.

Posted 2024-07-18 17:01:37 (edited)
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
A gust of wind picked up over the barren metal graveyard, picking up fallen leaves and debris about the two dogs before dropping them gently onto the ground again. His short coat hardly ruffled, but the oncoming weather was certainly adding a sort of charge to the air that made his excitement mount up. He could tell Shadow possessed that same red hot fever within his bones just by looking at him. His stance was tense, jowls pulled tight over his teeth.

"I have no qualms with doing this alone." Illud replied back, locking his amber eyes on the hardened brown pair that bore into him. If anything, he took the Malinois' strict and unmoving behavior to be a challenge. He knew this job wouldn't be easy on his own, but if it were possible for any lone dog he was a perfect candidate. But Illud loved to press, and the fight that he witnessed moments ago had only made him itching to see more of what the other male could do. It was almost intoxicating, all this action. He wasn't ready for it to end just yet. The Ridgeback's taste for excitement and conflict is what led him here to Diablo's territory. It's what kept him from ever staying in one place for too long, but with a nomadic life he had found it difficult to make any lasting fellowship with other dogs. Despite his brash and condescending manner, a small part of Illud craved solidarity. So, even though he may never admit to having such a sentimental need out loud, it definitely wouldn't stop him from seeking it out subconsciously. Clearly, Shadow craved something a bit similar, albeit not with Illud of course. He needed structure, dependency and leadership from another dog. Illud saw it in the way he never faltered to jump at Diablo's beck and call. It made him sick, but he understood it. Some dogs don't fend well without guidance. Illud was different, though. He placed other dogs in two categories; they were either equal to him or they were moldable. Which one was Shadow?

"I know you want this." He droned in a guileful voice. "I'm simply offering you an opportunity to let loose a little, to do something besides guarding and killing...and whatever else it is you do." With a roll of his eyes, he followed Shadow's gaze for a moment as he searched the fence, before turning his head back to pierce him with his convincing gaze.

"Besides," He continued knowingly. "Your master didn't exactly say you couldn't."

On it.


Posted 2024-07-18 17:06:46
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
"My mate was so strong, not only that but the short time we were together he was the light of my life. Nevermind the fact his coat was midnight black, he was handsome, and so smart. He did have his faults of course, like thinking that he had to be the strong one of us two. Or his over-protectiveness, dare I say possesive at times. Which was fine, it made it to where no other male bred with me. "

"Oh how he was looking forward to our pups, we were so excited. Its why we tried to leave you know" Thumping her tail while leaning into Storm for just a moment.


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