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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-18 17:48:14 (edited)
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
There had never been much room for choice in Shadow's life. From conception, there was a plan for the young dog laid out in a slew of expectations. He was born, he was told what to do. He grew up, he was told what to do. His job was to protect, and then it wasn't, and then it was again. Truthfully, the only choice that Shadow had ever made, fully on his own accord, was the decision to attack his handler and escape the fighting ring -- But was that even a choice? Shadow had simply followed the lead of Diablo and his Dobermans some months before, and his only goal once he made it onto the street was to find that Corso again.

Those days between fleeing the ring and finding Diablo again had nearly met the Malinois with his end. It was then that he learned that he was hopelessly insecure, the wanton bloodlust that coursed through his veins was merely the product of an irrational anxiety and desire for approval. The only time he recalled receiving recognition was when he was violently assaulting another living creature, whether that be the human in that giant, cushy suit during his guarding training, or another pit-fighter in the basement. This wasn't the life that was meant for him, but it was the life he had, the product of the cruelty that humans demonstrated. However, this was always a tricky combination: an unending facade of arrogance used to cover crippling self-doubt, it was a miracle that nobody had seen through him in such a way. The amount of self-discovery that he experienced in those few, hungry days was infinitely more than Shadow was comfortable with anyone discovering.

Those dark pointed ears would never fail to betray his innermost thoughts; as Illud spoke, a sudden unease fell over him once again, and his ears flattened backwards. Most didn't dare to speak this much to Shadow, and he was usually the last chain of command that someone would use to communicate a report to, just before Diablo himself. "Are you insinuating that I go against direct orders?" He grilled, snout leaning in just that much closer, as if he needed to look harder to tell if this was some sort of joke. His eyes flicked haphazardly around the Rhidgeback's muzzle, flickering towards his neck and then down to his feet, looking for any tell that would give away that Illud couldn't possibly be serious. That was a question that Shadow had caught himself asking multiple times during their short knowing, is this serious?

Quite frankly, the entire day had felt like a cruel joke, and Shadow could go further into saying that that cruel joke of a day was on a repeating loop for the last week. Somehow, it felt as if he had been reliving the same day for months now. Whatever else it is you do... The phrasing echoed through his skull like a bad headache, reverberating off every nook of bone before settling deep into the brain matter inside. A haughty snort passed through his nose, his eyes seeming to glaze in thought for a brief moment, and as soon as it started, he returned, piercing stare refocusing on Illud.

(I saw that reply AS YOU POSTED IT and started replying IMMEDIATELY and it STILL took me 45 minutes )

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-18 17:58:02
Haven't been here today, but will do my best. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Shadow | Illud
At the construction site for Illud's test.

Clover | Sirena | Callahan | Ace
Met Callahan on their way back to the house; Callahan left the RP. Ace asked Clover about him.

Nala | Cato
Nala watched Cato play in the yard.

Apollo | Ana | Rooster | Fawn
Apollo met Ana and Rooster; he invited them to join the pack. Fawn followed Apollo, got angry at them, then passed out from her injuries.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-18 18:00:43
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo leveled his gaze with Ana's as she told him not to apologize for Fawn. She had a point - he'd done nothing worth apologizing for. "Very well," He responded softly. "Rooster, if you'd help me carry her back to the warehouse?" The Shepherd moved to lift half of Fawn's body on his shoulders. He didn't want harm to come to the Husky, but if she went around mouthing off like that, sooner or later she'd get hurt...or worse.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-18 18:21:13
Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster lowered himself in an awkward position so that he could pick up the other half of the limp female. Yes, she was passed out due to her injuries, but it reminded him of how heavily he used to sleep when he was a pup and how easily it was to pick him up and move him just about anywhere you wanted to move him to. Holding in a cackle as he remembered a few of his good puphood moments, he looked at Apollo. "I'll walk alongside you so long as you show us the way."

I did make a reply with Clover on the previous page as well in case it was missed. I know my posts are a lot and I'm so sorry for that 😭😭

Posted 2024-07-18 18:43:52 (edited)
Genivieve "Jenny" | Independent | Female -- Introduction Post
It was another beautiful day in paradise; the morning sun had been greeted with the same enthusiastic love-for-life that the young female had displayed since her eyes first opened up to the world around her. Within the comfort and love of her private, semi-suburban home, Genevieve was permitted the unrestricted right to be herself. Her personality was what landed her the life-time gig with the folks who accidentally allowed her creation in the first place; it seemed Jenny always knew what the humans needed, sometimes even before they themselves did. Her ability to empathize with them quickly earned the cream and white patched dog her slice in life, and as it stood, she'd never have to fear for her future.

The humans spent hours of her time sweet-talking her as she gazed wistfully out the giant glass panes that were considered her place, her Tempur-Pedic dog bed filled the entire window nook and she'd often find herself sharing it with the humans during these times. Jenny had never had to wonder where her meals were, except for the occasional late lunch when her doting fathers would practically beg for her forgiveness, falling over themselves to provide her with edible gifts of human delicacies and dog snacks alike to compensate for the mere minutes that they had missed her dinner reservations.

Today, Genevieve decided that she was bored with simply being let out the back door into her privately fenced in yard, and after bringing her leash and collar to her human father and demanding a walk, she found herself pacing alongside him, her rubber booties creating a surprsingly rythmic thud on the pavement. Oh, how exciting! An outing meant new sniffs, and perhaps even meeting a new human! She did so enjoy the company of them, their loving touch and the way they hugged her when their eyes poured.

Padding down the street, the end of her restraint tugging slightly against the baby pink martingale collar she wore, she held her head high. Her regal posture only dimmed after they crossed the road from their cul-de-sac and began heading deeper into the city. As they stepped into the crosswalk, Jenny's entire body lit up from maw to tail tip with the sudden realization of where they were going -- She was going to get a pup-cup today! Her tail thumped ardently between her side and the back of her human's knee as she starred up at him, legs lifting in an excited stomp as they continued walking.

The walk that she knew well would take them past some weird, abandoned buildings and the park, which sometimes they would stop at so she could play with sticks, before arriving at their destination. Perhaps the human could be persuaded into a quick trip into the locally owned pet boutique for a new collar or bows. The Icelandic Sheepdog was hardly paying attention as she trotted in front of her human father, determined to make the most of her little excursion. Though, the streets were surprisingly empty for what she was used to.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-18 18:48:28 (edited)
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo shot Rooster a look of appreciation. He didn't know how he would've gotten Fawn back to the warehouse without his help. Come to think of it, he didn't know what any dog would be able to do for her. She needed more than just rest. "This way," He  chuckled, heading in the direction of the warehouse.

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace's hackles raised slightly at her nonchalant response. "Well, you shouldn't have brought him so close to the pack house!" He argued with a flash of worry in his eyes. What would Diablo do to her if he knew that she'd led a stranger so close to their doorstep?

Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala noticed the argument between Clover and Ace. Torn between minding her own business and helping the younger female, Nala gave a growl of frustration. She rose to her paws to approach the two. "Ace," Nala gave the fighter a soft grin, "I'm sure she had no ill intent on the pack. You know how it is, sometimes a stray gets curious and follows you home. Happens to the best of us." She gave Clover a knowing look.

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace studied Nala in search of any ill intent or malice. When he found none, he backed off with a sigh. "Very well, Nala." He relaxed his body posture before giving Clover a nod. "You're dismissed, more careful in the future." With that said, he decided to go on a walk to clear his head.

He left the yard without looking back. Much occupied the young fighter's mind. Often he thought about his sister, River, and wondered where she was, if she was okay, or if the worst of the streets had gotten to her. Guilt plagued him every single day for turning his back on River. She hadn't wanted to join Diablo's Pack while he eagerly pledged his allegiance.

Just a heads up: I'm super tired from being gone all day so idk how long I'll be able to stay on tonight.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-18 19:07:00 (edited)
Edited because oof lol

Posted 2024-07-18 19:14:22
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
After a few blocks, the warehouse finally came into sight. Although Fawn wasn't heavy for a Husky, she still brought extra weight down on each of his steps. He led Rooster and Ana into the yard where he spotted Ruger on duty. Apollo let out a soft bark to alert their presence to the large Rottweiler.

"I found new recruits, but we've got to get Fawn inside since she's lost a lot of blood." He explained to Ruger before leading the Dobermans straight into the warehouse. Apollo guided Rooster to the back corner of the main room where they could gently lay Fawn down.

Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala flattened her ears with worry before quickly shushing the anxious female. "It's not your fault," She consoled her like she'd done with all her litters of pups. Being motherly came as easily to the Amstaff as breathing. "You were only doing what you believed to be best."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-18 19:14:27
Rooster | Strays | Male

"It's not a problem." Rooster said as he followed Apollos directions. He wondered what Apollo would have done if he hadn't run into the Doberman duo, rhe injured dog may have had to lay there while he went for help, or is injuring her more than likely. Despite the fact that he found her obnoxious he was glad theu were there to help. Apollo seemed alright, and if he could lead them to what Ana's been looking for then he was ready to boot scoot and boogey.

Clover | Diablo's Pack | Nurse | Female

A small whine pushed itself past her maw as the males hackles raised. Turning her crown, Sirena was now shielded by Clovers neck as she curled into a small ball, hoping not to encure the wrath of the male. "I-I'm sorry.. " Clover stuttered so fast it was almost hard to understand what she was saying. As Nala entered the scene and gave Clover a nod she nodded back at her. She was correct, Clover had told him to leave her alone and he still persisted, it wasn't exactly her fault for that. Standing up as Ace left then be, she sighed gently as she pressed her nose to the small pups forehead. After taking in her scent and calming herself she lifted her gaze to the older Nurse, almost looking as though she were ready to cry from gratitude alone. "Thank you so much, thank you thank you so much."

Posted 2024-07-18 19:16:10
(Nala's last posted bumped down here lol)

Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala flattened her ears with worry before quickly shushing the anxious female. "It's not your fault," She consoled her like she'd done with all her litters of pups. Being motherly came as easily to the Amstaff as breathing. "You were only doing what you believed to be best."

Amethyst Angel

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