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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-18 19:49:09
Illud | Stray --> | Male
Whatever sly playfulness etching the Ridgeback's features began to slowly morph into something more intense and ruminative. Moments were ticking by painfully slow as he watched Shadow battle back and forth in his mind. He realized then that he'd have to do something drastic in order to get the male to break away from the chains Diablo so tightly held him down with. He really was going to pass up this exciting endeavor just to appease whatever vague or nonexistent desire his alpha had intended when he sent Shadow off with him. Illud wouldn't let him, not without a hard fight.

"You know..." He began softly, taking a stand before him to close the gap between them. He hoped the close proximity would make the other uncomfortable enough to do something, anything, to not have to feel the cool night air break up from the heat of Illud's breath. "The choices you don't make lead you nowhere." It was a tone that seemed foreign to Illud in the moment, having not been forced to use such whole-hearted manners with an almost complete stranger. It made him wince inwardly, but maybe something about the odd incantation dripping from his mouth would set Shadow in action. However, he couldn't just sit here and wait alongside him while he came to a conclusion. They were beginning to run out of time, and besides- why did Illud care if the Mal jumped this hurdle? Why do I care? He thought to himself, doubting the reasoning behind his own motives for a moment. He shook his head to clear his mind of the unsureness. Inhaling sharply, he took one last glance down at Shadow before stepping away toward the fence.

Then, without so much as a warning, Illud turned around on a dime and charged toward the other dog, gaining momentum to shove his right shoulder into his side with all the force he could muster. The impact would hurt, and would surely send the male tumbling back. Even Illud struggled to keep upright as he dug his claws into the dirt to stop his propulsion forward, but he managed to regain his composure quickly enough to turn and start sprinting before Shadow had the chance to get up. His triumphant laughter echoed through the area as he put distance between him and the Malinois.

Quickly, Illud searched for an opening in the chain link, trying to get through before the other dog caught up to him. It wouldn't be long, and his heart raced with giddy anticipation at the thought of what the male would do when he did eventually catch him. The thrill of it all was keeping a crazed grin plastered on his face, panting through laughs as he shot his head under a tiny break in the fence. Wriggling his large body through, back legs kicking up a cloud of dirt behind him, he didn't even attempt to look over his shoulder to see where Shadow was. Finally, he broke through to the other side, his umber coat powdered with dust.

The slight awe he experienced from taking in the lot before him distracted him from the chase just for a moment. It was dark now, but the buzzing lights from the portable buildings offered just enough light for him see. There were large metal machines parked here and there, dormant like sleeping giants. And there were mounds and mounds of gravel piled up high, sitting beside large moats. They were probably the biggest holes Illud had ever seen. For a moment he wondered what the humans were planning on doing here. What would they bury in such massive ditches? Big bones? Bodies...? He hummed pensively. Whatever he would find here, he was almost certain it would be more than enough to convince Diablo to let him join his regime. But which building should he search first...or, break into first?



Posted 2024-07-18 21:09:52 (edited)
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
It wasn't the first time that someone had gotten this close in an intimidation tactic, and Shadow surely wouldn't be fooled into it by this mutt. He held his position as Illud crept closer, the words he spoke laced with something magical that he couldn't place. Perhaps it was the illusive nature of him that was so appealing, and even when their breath crossed, Shadow didn't smell the fear on him that every other reeked of. The artificial light pouring from inside the fence just barely highlighted the moisture on his nose at such an angle that gave away the mostly inconspicuous twitching that had begun. He was sniffing around for that familiar trepidation, hoping to catch a bite on the Ridgeback's words.

Finally he thought passively as Illud walked off, beginning to shuffle his front paws together as he so often did, a sort of self-soothing in preparation of a long wait. Just as he glanced down to his feet, the sheer force of an unexpected body blow nearly threw Shadow completely to the ground, his legs buckling tightly beneath him to prevent himself from collecting a mouthful of gravel as his chest fell forward onto the sharp rocks. The husky blood that covered his chest and chin was suddenly much more prominent, illuminated with dust and dirt against his jet-black points. Shocked, the Malinois stumbled once again before coming-to and turning tail for the instigator.

By the time he had gathered himself enough to begin his pursuit, Illud had already begun scrambling underneath the fence. He's fast. He acknowledged silently before looking up to the fence. At this point, he was charging straight at the barrier, and there was only one goal, get to Illud. The incredibly agile dog tucked his neck further back into his shoulder blades, positioning his head lowly as his pace quickened further. It was like he wasn't even touching the ground now, long strides extending his legs to their very ends, toe tips only grazing the gravel beneath him.

From any other perspective, it likely looked a lot like Shadow was going to bust right through the fence, but instead, at the last moment before he would have crashed, the Malinois turned his body towards the sky, his paws finding easy holds within the chain link. The young fighter practically flew up the side of the fence, unbridled rage sending him through the barbed wire at the peak, and over onto the other side. Seeing as the fence was so tall, the landing was as graceful as it could get; Shadow braced himself for the shock of impact as his paws hit the gravel on the other side, before ducking to his shoulder in a tight roll. Standing to his full stature once more, the pain rattling up his body without so much as a visible grimace. The wire had torn into his hocks and forearms, fresh blood seeping from the new tears across his sleek coat, and he was angry.

"You cowardice son-of-a-bitch!" He sneered, approaching Illud steadily. There was the slightest hint of a limp in his front shoulder, though the Malinois moved on the obvious sprain casually, like he'd lived with that injury his entire life. His lips were drawn back to expose his teeth as he snarled, flecks of long brown fur still snagged in between pearled canines from the clearing in the park. "If you wanted so badly to die, you could have saved me the trouble of the walk." His barking filled the quiet night, a feral ferocity escaping him like the slobber flying from his mouth with every word.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-18 21:13:06
(Jack please be mindful of your language please, it could cause our forum to get shut down)


Posted 2024-07-18 21:22:12
(Not meaning to be combative here, but I just combed through the ToS, Code of Conduct, and the RP Forum rules and I don't know what you're talking about, because here's the only thing I found on swearing, in the Code of Conduct.

Do not use profanity in a harmful way
We are a 16+ site and so we do allow mild profanity. However, it must not be used in a harmful way towards other members or groups of people. Discriminatory words, including racist and sexist remarks, are prohibited - even if presented in a joking manner.

Anyway I changed my wording, hope everyone is satisfied, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.)

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-18 21:31:35
There was nothing wrong with it imo as I felt as though it followed the ToS, Code of Conduct and the RP Forum rules. Please make sure to ask amethyst to see if it goes against their rp rules before bringing it up in the rp directly if anything rather than calling things out directly. That, or privately message the person personally. Calling people out like this is rude and can make them feel a type of way when there's better ways of approaching the situation 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Posted 2024-07-18 21:32:14
(guess i was mistaken, my bad, guess i am used to other sites having much stricter rules)


Posted 2024-07-18 21:36:02
I would suggest either reading up on the rules and or messaging the person who created the entire rp forum next time you have a concern like this so as not to call out people publicly and embarass them please 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Posted 2024-07-18 21:42:30 (edited)
{Making Oliver do some random stuff to distract everyone}

Oliver | DP | Male | Fighter |

Oliver wandered after Diablo, his tongue lolling in pleasure. It was a nice day, the wind breeding through the trees and making leaves flutter. Again, his mind drifted. Rain...... that useless piece of scum. Maybe her pups would be better then her... in fact- that gave him an idea. He opened his maw, about to speak, and then found his snout banging into a tree. Gee Oliver, cant get more embarrassing than that. Luckily Diablo hadnt noticed. "Diablo." He trotted towards him, nodding his head respectively. "Remember that stray I told you about? The one that is carrying my pups? Well... maybe shes with that warehouse you were talking about earlier. Diablo had mentioned something about a stray pack joining up together, but Oliver hadn't payed much mind, he had been eating at the time. "Her pups could be worth something if they are anything like me. Bring me on the raid, and I'll recruit them" Oliver grunted. That was the most amount he had talked in awhile.

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-19 00:11:58 (edited)
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
The sound of pads ripping over gravel broke him from his rumination, and Illud spun around only to witness a feat that left his jaw agape. His breathing hiked. His stunned gaze followed the Malinois up as he ascended the chain link. He was scaling over it with ease, but what would he do when he reached the barbed-

Illud stepped back and let out a wince, nose scrunching up as he watched this lunatic tear right through the serrated metal loops.  Holy shit. His heart was nearly racing now as Shadow barreled down the other side, chest heaving, his tail rapidly paddling back and forth behind him. This is what he was trying to pry out of the Mal this whole time. Something to remember, something to add a little zest to his otherwise mundane street life. It was almost too much for him to contain, the exhilaration pulsing through his entire being. It was magnificent, he thought.

Like an overly exuberant puppy, Illud pranced in place, the condition of his elation being too strong to hold back now. His jubilant laugh filled the tense air between them. It was melodic and rich, a stark contrast the to palpable vexation radiating off of the bleeding male, who's hostile invocations fell upon deaf ears. Not for one second did he regret instigating. Not for a moment did he think it a bad idea to ignite that spark in the other male and play with fire.

"Now, that's more like it!" He exclaimed, words dripping with laughter. Feeling practically invincible, the taller dog didn't even wait for Shadow to finish speaking. He trotted over to him, wild eyes examining the injuries he acquired from the barbed wire slashing through his flesh. He wondered if the Mal ever went one day without being covered in blood as the tinny smell filled his nostrils.

"I knew you couldn't resist.." He surmised with that same sultry voice that got him into this situation. "Perhaps I was wrong about you, killer." His head was spinning from all the excitement now, tongue lolling out over his teeth like a thick, wet sheet. He made no effort to venture further into the lot just yet. It seemed he was trying to catch his breath for a moment, panting heavily as he stood before Shadow. He was eyeing him now, his grin not faltering the slightest despite his company's distaste. He was too caught up in how good he felt right now. For the first time in months, Illud was actually having fun, and he didn't necessarily care if Shadow felt the same way- even though he was trying his best to get him to participate in his mirthful entertainment. It wasn't realistic to make a dog so stuck in his old ways abandon all his strict precepts in just one night. In fact, it would probably take a lifetime for this particular Malinois to do so much as smile. In that moment, Illud began to feel a twinge of pity for the young dog. Once again, it was a distastefully unfamiliar feeling for him, and he closed his mouth repentantly.

Whatever was happening here tonight, it was by far the strangest and yet most invigorating memory the Ridgeback will ever make. That was one thing he knew for certain. What he didn't know is what was going to happen after they finished up here and report back to Diablo. He remembered then, and suddenly the reason why he was here came flooding back into his mind like a black cloud. His gaze left Shadow's face in favor of a large orange moon rising into the black sky, painstakingly slow. He filled his lungs with brisk air, exhaling audibly. A feeble attempt at trying to go back and relish in the lighthearted moment, Illud trotted lightly through rows of bagged concrete and wooden pallets.

"Enough with the frivolity, Shadow." He teased in a wispy tone. "I have a job to do.."

Hope this is aight lol, I got stuck in a writer's block for a minute there Also yeah, cursing in forums is fine as long as you aren't harassing or bullying other people- Jack should put the expletive back into the post cuz it shows how angry their character is from being royally DUPED by Illud, who is awesome and cool and king of the construction site (:


Posted 2024-07-19 05:39:20
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Huffing, she got to her feet scrunching the blanket up turning in a circle and lay back down. Deciding she felt tired enough to go back to sleep she rest her eyes. With two walls on her sides she was safe enough, and a blanket under her she was comfortable enough. Exhaustion pulling her farther into dream lands, Aloisia sighed low in her throat before melting to sleep.

Hey what happened to moving to the offices, it was talked about but no one specifically told the Nurses that they could move their?


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