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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-19 17:10:14
Pandora | Diablo"s Pack | Hunter | Female
She looked to the ground and snapped out of her thoughts as Callie bumped her shoulder. "Yeah, I suppose so." She tried to convince herself that they would be fine, maybe not today, but tomorrow. Though it did not work very well as she had always been someone to worry too much. She looked up and into the direction of the park. She needed to do something to distract herself from her worries and hunting always worked well for, though she was a bit hesitant to suggest that. "Should we… Go out hunting again?"


Posted 2024-07-19 17:17:12
Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
"Oh, that sounds good." He half-agreed, trudging along behind her. "I hope we catch something good." The fields weren't far from here, just through a couple of neighborhoods. It had been the first place he experienced the outside world after he escaped from the shelter, he had managed to avoid getting anywhere near the dog pound since. At this time of day, the shelter employees should have all went home for the day, so it should be a relatively safe trip out.

Jenny | Independent | Female
As she waited for that familiar signal of the slightest nod, Jenny's tail began thumping at her side. She was so happy to have such a doting family, and it was an excitement that she couldn't often contain. As she stood once more, she readjusted her fur back into place with an adorable shake that ended in her feet kicking backward behind her. Through the still traffic and fumigated scent of motor oil, Jenny caught the peculiar scent of another dog. Not like the ones she was used to meeting in her grooming salon, or even like the ones that she politely acknowledged in passing during walks in the park.

She hesitated in the middle of the crosswalk as she looked around, her owner tugging gently at her collar to encourage her further across the street. That was when she saw him -- a dirty, yet surprisingly dashing tri-color Australian Shepherd. For some reason, she was unable to peel her eyes away, her front legs walking away from her across the street as she was gently pulled that way. It wasn't until the startling sound of a car horn sounded from behind her that she finally stopped looking, her eyes jolting forward as she briskly paced back to her human who had already crossed.

The human knelt down at her side, brushing his hands over her face gently. "Are you feeling okay, Jenny?" The man asked softly, and as Genevieve nuzzled further into his hand, he placed a soft kiss on her fluffy forehead. "We can't just stop in the middle of the road, honey." She seemed to nod in acknowledgment to him, licking apologetically at the man's cheeks and nose, which sent him into a sort of giggling fit. While her owner was distracted, she cast one last sideways glance over her shoulder, looking for the dog she'd just seen a moment ago. Where did he go?

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-19 17:36:31
(Do we want to try the order thing? Right now it's just me, Nightfox, and Jack.)

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie could tell that the whole ordeal of Fawn and Halo had unnerved her fellow hunter. She had hated watching the whole ordeal as well, but somehow she was able to compartmentalize it. It's something she learned to do very early on when she joined Diablo's Pack. His cruelty could easily unnerve a dog if they didn't find a way to shove their emotions deep down.

Callie tried to keep on a brave face for Pandora's sake. "Sure," She grinned, nosing her fur gently. "Let's go."

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo led the way out of the yard and towards the fields to the west. They sat on the riverbank where the city met up against the countryside. A few trees surrounded the field, but on the most southern side sat the Kennels. She shuddered at the thought. It's where she was brought after her humans died in the car crash. It'd been by some miracle that she escaped.

"I hope so, too!" Echo responded with a tail wag. It was now that she noticed Chico trudging his paws which was so uncharacteristic of the Chihuahua. "Hey, are you okay, Chico?" She wondered.

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace started slightly when her eyes connected with his. She was so ethereal; she was too perfect to belong to the same world he lived in. There wasn't a mat in her coat, not a speck of dirt, and she smelled so clean and sweet. He wagged his stumpy tail slightly. Then the light changed and he lost her in a sea of humans.

Ace caught sight of her again as she cast him a glance over her shoulder. He desperately wanted to follow her, to introduce himself. But he knew he would instantly be shooed away like the vermin of the city that he was.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-19 17:37:19

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-19 17:38:24
(Sorry Rainy lol I didn't see you were on until now. So, let's try me, Nightfox, Jack, then Rainy. See how it goes.)

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-19 17:58:11
(Going to hop off for a short while. I'll be back on in a bit.)

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-19 18:01:58
I'm On Too


Posted 2024-07-20 05:18:57

Warning for mention of murder

Illud | Stray --> DP | Male

The Ridgeback stalked silently through the construction site, head low to the ground as he searched for any promising trail. There were several modular buildings on this plot. He didn't want to have to search each individual one when he could just put his nose to good use. Hopefully anything of value would reach his eagerly sniffing muzzle. As he wounded about the area he noticed he was picking up on quite a lot of human scents for a place that was supposed to be abandoned. Maybe they still operated this place during the day? Or possibly, whatever it is they do here has been put on pause. It didn't worry him too much, though. Illud had never bonded with man, but he knew their habits well. Most of them preferred to stay inside their homes at night, at least in a quiet town like this. If they were lucky, the dogs wouldn't have any unexpected guests interrupting their mission tonight.

Illud was beginning to lose himself in his thoughts, the alertness in his posture dissipating for a brief moment as his eyes trailed over to the other male beside him. It was hard to ignore his presence when he was trailing along so closely, the smell of his blood wafting through the umber dog's nostrils. That grimace plastered on his face was just so damn funny to Illud. He grinned at how in denial Shadow was about his own desires. He should be grateful, if anything. Illud was the one that lured him into this high stakes party. He could've just kept all the enjoyment to himself. He puffed out a breath softly, turning his attention back to the task at hand, and that's when he smelled it. It was so familiar that it practically transported him back in time to a specific memory where he had last smelled that bitter yet sweet malodor. Suddenly, he could see two men before him, lit by fluorescent lights in an empty kitchen, save for a table and some chairs. Illud was only a yearling then when he found himself following around the younger man. He had been stuck in a busy city teeming with animal control, so he attempted to avoid them by adopting a human for the time being. That young man, cladded in a dark suit, was conversing with a much older man sat at the kitchen table. Illud was there, keeping out of the way as he rested on a pile of unfolded laundry in the living room, but he could see and hear them still, watching with a callous stare. He had never been fond of that sort of life, but the suited man left him alone for the most part unless to feed him. He was different from the other humans- colder. He had empty, soulless eyes akin to a shark's.

As Illud laid there, he watched as the suited man produced a small glass vile from his pocket and slipped it into the coffee cup before him. He sat down with the man, feigning congeniality as he pushed the mug toward his older counterpart. He watched intently as he put the cup to his lips and drank. Not more than a few minutes passed before Illud watched in shock as the old man reach for his own throat, struggling to breath as he fell to the floor. Convulsing and writhing, mouth foaming, it wasn't long before he stopped moving all together.

Whatever the suited man had put into his coffee had killed him almost instantly, and now Illud smelled that same chemical here, in this lot somewhere. That feeling of exhilaration hit him again like a ton of bricks. He whipped around to beam at the other male.

"I've found it." He exclaimed hurriedly. He was trying to keep his voice hushed, but his vigor was clear. "It's perfect. It's exactly what we need- it's...It's..." He was too excited to even finish his thought before racing off, following the smell with such intensity he looked almost frantic.

It's all good! Sorry for being AFK guys, yesterday was rough <3


Posted 2024-07-20 06:02:29
Aloisia | Stray | Nurse | Female
Waking up, she had never felt so well rested. With the breeders the morning usually started with a kick, on the street it started with the hollor of some other animal in pain. So it was safe to say that waking up to a peacful environment was strange for her. With everything calm in the warehouse, Aloisia got to her paws stretching. Along with her rising from slumber so did her pups, the squirming around brought a doggy smile to her face. Her pups were gonna be born somewhere safe, and raised in a way she never was.

She couldn't wait to teach them how to hunt, outwit humans, be social with dogs in this newly formed pack. Glancing around she saw some commotion but from where she sat she couldn't tell what it was all about. Decidiing she would check it out in a moment, she reveled in the begining of her new life.

I won't be on much today, since I have work, but I'll still check in. Possibly still post.


Posted 2024-07-20 10:55:48
Ana | Strays | Female
Ana watched as they continued to fret and worry about the female her brother had helped bring back to the pack with Apollo, she simply observed her surroundings silently as she ensured not to make any sudden movements or rash decisions, it was then that the male that Apollo had gestured to, she simply turned to face the Rottweiler with a gentle turn of her head as she offered him a dip of her head in respect, he seemed to be respected by Apollo and therefore had hers as well for now at least. It was then when he called her miss she found herself letting out a soft moment of a chuckle, she wasn't used to being addressed by others let alone being called miss, once the moment of tickle had passed she spoke "No need to thank me, I did not assist in bringing the female back that would be thanks to Apollo and my brother Rooster, but I appreciate the sentiment" her tone as soft as honey yet held respect. There was something about his voice that was comforting yet calming although she couldn't quite place what, but for now she accepted it as a welcomed relief.
"As for the miss, my name is Anastasia, but you may call me Ana" Her tone remained the same, although she followed these words with a gentle and kind smile.

Ana then paused for a moment as he asked if there was anything he could do to make her feel more comfortable as well as apologizing for the disarray within the pack, she understood it was still new and was still coming together but his offering of her feeling more comfortable was appreciated even as he said if she had only planned on staying for an evening before moving on.
She remained silent for a few moments as she thought about comfort, Ana herself wasn't sure what would bring her comfort it wasn't something she often thought about, for her, it was all about safety and security or at least it had been for some time.
"Nothing per se, that I can think of to make me comfortable as such, I am simply just looking for a new home for myself and my brother, one that will be somewhat like a family I suppose, one that will not only accept us but take us for who we are, one that does not pass judgment before getting to know us" this time her tone was a little more serious as she turned her head to look towards where the husky female had been brought to, she was one of the reasons Ana was unsure whether or not she wished to remain here with the likes of her, her first impression and threats had left a bad taste in Ana's mouth that was for you.
"It is kind of you to offer, I appreciate the hospitality as for the duration of our stay well that is yet to be decided, although Apollo had made a promising suggestion as to what your pack is all about, I would be lying if I said it wasn't intriguing, however, you do not need to apologize for the disarray I can tell you are all still finding your paws here together so to speak, which is understandable, but if there is anything I can do to assist you in any way while I am here please do not hesitate to ask" Her words were kinder as she spoke about what she had gained knowledge wise about the pack thus far.

Ana then turned as she felt something cold touch her shoulder, at first she was about to snap instinctively but it didn't take long for her gaze to meet her brother, her features softened instantly as he gazed up at her, asking her a question without any words attached, she knew what he was asking and no words needed to be shared at this moment in particular, she simply looked down to her brother to meet his gaze with a look of her own that said 'I will give it time, I will not decide to abruptly, let's see what this place has to offer as well as deserves in return before I choose' this look was to reassure her brother that she wasn't going to move to swiftly but she was holding judgment at least for now.

Xena | Diablo Pack | Hunter | Female
As Xena made her way through the park she suddenly stopped in her tracks as she proudly walked through the park, her large body and focused mind being brought of its targeted thoughts as a familiar voice caught her attention as she looked up she spotted Diablo, a male she not only respected but shared a lot in common with. With him calling she wasted no time in heading over to him to not keep him waiting, she offered him a respectful dip of her head before giving a gentle smile, a rare thing from the damsel but one that she showed to those she respected.
"Diablo sir" she addressed him formally as she most often did with those higher in ranking before she continued "Pleasure to see you here, is there something I can do for you" Her words although formal were merely a sign of her loyalty to himself and the pack, of course she was aware the two shared a mutual respect and she was more than happy to converse with him, but she also wanted to ensure the black wall of muscle and strength before her did not need something from her first and foremost.
It was then her eyes turned to the others with him she eyed them for a brief moment simply taking in their structures and features and judging them slightly within her mind, they seemed to be obedient and here for a reason so she left the thought there and her attention then once again returned to Diablo, unlike the others she did not fear him, she simply respected him and his views.Β 

(just hoping my reply in, will try to get more than one in tonight but apologies if i make it a challenge with my post times weekends are a little busier for me than week days ^^)

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