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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-20 11:22:23
That's fine! Weekends can be a lot busier for me as well.

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo observed Xena's approach, the way she carried herself with confidence. Her brown coat glistened in the sunlight which drew attention to her lean muscles. She was pretty, Diablo realized as if he were looking at her for the first time. It was also a bonus that she didn't try yapping or biting his throat out of nowhere. Most females were temperamental and unpredictable, but not Xena.

"No," He responded as he sat taller. "I don't need anything. I was just thinking you could sit and keep us company for a bit."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-20 13:04:47
Xena | Hunter | Female | Diablo Pack
Xena couldn't help but take notice of when she approached Diablo with confident strides he sat taller, normally Xena would not pay any mind to the mannerisms of others, but the way he straightened himself she couldn't help but notice how when he did so his muscles gleamed in the sunlight as the sun's rays reflected on his dark coat and made his muscles more refined something that of course got Xena's attention as nothing was more attractive to the former dog fighter than the show of strength that shone though rippled muscles.

Xena then nodded simply at his simple no, before she continued to listen, as he spoke of her simply sitting and keeping them company for a bit she was happy to comply with such a lovely offer. "It would be an honour to keep you company Diablo, so if I may be so bold I must ask, what brings you both out here today" she asked respectfully curious as to whether or not the Bernese/Shepard mix had even noticed her arrival, yet she wasn't concerned if he had or hadn't as long as he didn't try to push her around or push his weight with her as she would be quick enough to lash out with her jaws, she didn't fear any dog but when it came to others trying to push her around she had no problem letting them know that would not sit well with her.

Xena couldn't help but take note of the scars that littered the black Cane Corso and some looked rather familiar to her own time in the ring, which was another reason she felt drawn towards Diablo and his pack.

Posted 2024-07-20 14:35:12
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo noticed Xena studying him, especially the scars that crisscrossed his back. No dog could ever make him self-conscious of those scars - he earned them. Since he was old enough to fight, he'd been pitted against other dogs in the ring. Even as a young dog, he had been a formidable opponent. Some fights he lost, some he won, but the older he got the less he lost. Diablo was responsible for the record for most victories back at the ring.

"Callie and the other hunters came across this lone male named Illud who wanted to join the pack," Diablo explained. He paused, a little bewildered at himself. Why was he explaining himself to her? A malicious smirk shadowed his face. "I sent him on a mission to prove himself with Shadow supervising."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-20 14:44:24
Alfie | Lapdog | Male | little gay guy

Alfie was pacing all around the show floor's backstage area, his upcoming show had him nervous, he had just spent hours getting groomed, clipped, cleaned and so much more, the poor boy was a nervous wreck although he had always done well in competition and his current competition was the most important show of his life, his old man owner was really putting the pressure on little Alfredo to be picture perfect, show perfect and perfection personified, the poor little male had so much pressure put on his tiny shoulders that the little white miniature poodle couldn't stand it.

He had to wonder off just outside to get some fresh air, and as he did so he couldn't help but feel himself hyperventilate the poor little lad was under so much pressure he could feel the need and wanted to crack, however, he knew he couldn't afford to do fail not only because his owner had a big money prize, bragging rights and other things on the line but his very freedom, he knew he was only allowed out into the gardens and wilds as such to roam around freely as there would not be another high stake show for months, as Alfie continued to threat he couldn't help but wonder where his best friend was, her name was a Tempest, she had been alongside him for the majority of his show-dog life and the two had met in a show and because he was a boy and she was a girl there had been no rivalry or competition between the two, which gave them the perfect chance to not only become friends but become the best of friends.

"Oh god, oh god, breath Alfie, breath.... remember pose, poise, be perfect, don't show any faults or flaws" Alfie repeated to himself over and over again trying to instil some confidence within himself again, oh how he hated shows, how he hated having to play the role of Mr perfect.

Posted 2024-07-20 15:02:24 (edited)
Xena | Female | Hunter | Diablo pack

Xena admired each and everyone of Diablo's scars each both sharing and telling of a story, but it wasn't simply the fact he held scars that intrigued her it was the simple fact that she herself knew it was the pride the male felt with each one of those beautiful scars that mattered, most were disgusted, fearful or off put by scars but not Xena they weren't simply scars they were stories of strength, survival and a ferocious power, she knew this herself first hand as she had always worn hers with a pride like no other, each fight, each wound, each painful blow was a rush for her, a memory of triumph, yes like all dogs she lost some fights and she won some but she won far more than she had ever lost, this included against some males, she was the champion of the ring when it came to the females but she hadn't stopped there she had been entered into the rings with males, the one regret she had from her time in the ring was she ended the existence of her handlers before she was able to truly meet her match within the ring, however, perhaps that was a good thing for if she had she would not be here today within Diablo's pack, becoming a piece of history itself.

Xena listened as Diablo spoke,Β  as he spoke of Callie and the hunters and this male called illud she couldn't help but feel a distrust within the pit of her stomach there weren't many here that Xena believed strong or worthy to call a partner on the field of battle so the idea of yet another member joining the ranks made her curious, it wasn't until she caught the malicious smirk on Diablo's face at the mention of a mission with Shadow's supervision that she had returned a Malevolent smirk of her own in return at his words, she loved his cunning mind and his manipulative tendencies they sent a shiver down her spine one that was filled with anticipation for great things to come.
"I see well let's hope this Illud finishes his mission or perhaps has a tragic accident in the process should he fail, wean out the weak of course before they infect the many" she said with a nefarious chuckle, if there was one thing Xena did enjoy it was seeing the weak fall, she always had done.

Xena then turned her attention back to the here and now as she spoke "So Diablo Sir, tell me what else do you plan on doing with your day other than of course keeping the pack in line and secure of course" she asked in a curious tone, it was her way of trying to get to know him without being all touchy-feely about it, after all, she could show a somewhat more gentle loving side inaΒ  way but that was not for in front of others eyes such as Oliver.

Posted 2024-07-20 15:35:49
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo couldn't tear his eyes away from Xena. He knew that she'd been a part of the same fighting ring as him and held titles of her own in the female division. That earned her a certain amount of initial respect in his eyes - the same respect he owed Aria, Aragon, and Shadow. Xena has done nothing but prove her loyalty since she joined the pack.

He rolled his shoulder blades to release the tension for sitting for such a long time. What was taking Illud? Diablo released a growl of frustration. "If Illud and Shadow aren't back before nightfall, they better have a very good explanation!"

Diablo sighed at Xena's question. What could he do today other than wait for Illud and Shadow? He certainly couldn't allow a known loner to wander about their territory. "I suppose I'll remain here until they return."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-20 16:00:11
Xena could see the tension building with Diablo, she could understand the reasoning behind it as she spoke of them not returning before nightfall, and needing a good explanation, Xena couldn't help but admit due to her untrusting nature of others especially those she didn't know well, she didn't doubt Shadow she knew he ws loyal to Diablo she had seen it many times, but she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps this illud had lured Shadow into a trap, a thought she would like to rid herself of as the mere thought of treachery made her teeth grind something terrible and her mouth water for traitorous crimson, as she shook herself of the thought.

Xena then nodded before she spoke "If they have not returned by nightfall, I am happy to go searching for them should you need me to" she offered without hesitation and sincerity in her tone, as she thought many things could of happened, she was more concerned that perhaps shadow the one who had shown his loyalty to Diablo was led into a trap and perhaps captured or had gotten hurt if she did go in search of Shadow and find him hurt she would happily hunt down this loner he was last in the company of and not stop until she had found answers.

"I suppose there is nothing more you can do in this case, it must be a challenge keeping everyone in line at times, not just for the mind but the body too, but if it helps I am happy to keep you company until they return, I, of course, know you are here with Oliver and I am sure he is plenty of company himself but I have nothing that needs desperately done, I made a hunt earlier so really I was only out to hunt to cure the boredom of sitting around the pack's females to be brutally honest, they all seem a little soft-hearted for my taste in the company," she said with a slight chuckle, she was honest about how she felt about the others but also she didn't like the idea of having to try and bond with those that seemed overly fearful she preferred to surround herself with like-minded individuals although one or two of the females seemed to be finding a voice of such of late which intrigued her.Β 

Xena then turned to Diablo as she spoke "Here is a question for you sir, if you did have free time what do you feel you would find yourself doing" she said in a curious yet respectful tone but also a hushed one not wanting to delve to far into the depths of the alpha, especially with another present, clearly he was cold, manipulative and vicious when needed but Xena was curious if there was more to the alpha than just a want for power not that that alone wasn't an intriguing desire to have much like she herself did.

Posted 2024-07-20 16:15:15
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo nodded in appreciation of Xena's willingness to go after Shadow and Illud if they didn't return by nightfall. It had crossed his mind that Illud might've led Shadow into a trap. There'd be no way to tell, unfortunately, until it was too late. The thought of Illud harming one of his pack, especially such a loyal fighter made his blood boil. Diablo's chest vibrated with a deep growl as he considered what he'd do to Illud.

There was the obvious choice of simply taking his life, but that was not an option. Leading one of his own into a trap was deserving of a fate far worse than death. Diablo's mind swam with so many possibilities: flaying him alive, tearing him in two, good old fashion torture... A shiver of delight traveled down his spine at the thought of the blood, the fear...

"If they don't return by nightfall, then you may accompany me," He replied in an even voice.

He felt that Oliver might accompany him, too, but the thought of walking alone with Xena appeased him, surprisingly. The Cane Corso female was beautiful in the daylight, but he wondered what she'd look like under moonlight. Diablo's own thoughts were a shock to him. He'd never used this type of thinking before and it was as foreign to him as sympathy.

Her next question took him by surprise. "I don't know," Diablo answered honestly with a glance in her direction. "No one's ever asked me that before."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-20 16:56:39
Xena knew that if it was the case of a trap that illud would regret it for so many more reasons than he would know although Xena would be lying if the thought of seeing Diablo seek revenge for his loyal wolf Shadow didn't exhilarate her and make her wonder what a beautiful sight it would be not only to see Diablo in action but also to perhaps lend a paw in whichever method he choose to take with the wolf who dared such a thing, but of course also how exciting it would be to hear illud beg and plead not for his life but for his death as the suffering he would endure would of course continue, the idea made her fur almost tingle with enthusiasm, it was then when he had offered her to accompany him she gave him yet another one of those rare but genuine smiles of hers. It was when she heard the deep growl rumble from his chest that she then rose to her paws and took a step closer to him and whispered in his ear gently
"It would be a pleasure to accompany you Diablo, I will say stalking through the night with you would be a night to remember if I am being honest" Although her words are sincere and respectful there could be many reasons behind her words and those she would leave his mind to ponder about.

Xena couldn't say she was surprised when he answered her question with an I don't know because she knew it was hard being a leader, she had seen it, how everyone would look to him for guidance and protection yet no one seemed to try and make the effort to stand by him enough to ask him what he truly wanted, yes it was clear he was power-driven but to Xena, until she asked she would never know if that was all he was about or if he wanted or looked for more, she wasn't surprised that no one had ever truly asked their fear and weakness outweighed their strength in every aspect.
She, however, did not let his lack of knowing to throw her she simply said
"Well I guess I have given you something to think about for the next time we should meet, of course, if there is a next time, that will give you some time to think about it and give us something to discuss at a later time" she said with a confident yet respectful tone as always.

"I am curious about one thing though, do you enjoy the evenings here by the pond, I find it quiet peaceful here, be it on a hunt or just for a moment alone with the mind" She asked him this question for more than one reason, again she was getting to know him in her own way but also ensuring to any onlookers that it was simply two dogs passing the time in conversation, she knew that Diablo much like herself wouldn't reveal to much personally in the public eyes of others because some would see this as a weakness however, she saw Diablo for more than what others considered a monster or a cruel tyrant she saw him as a survivor with many layers, was she wrong perhaps she could be, but would she try to discover the truth about Diablo as a whole, of course.

Posted 2024-07-20 18:34:44
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Watching two dobermans moving around in the warehouse, she couldn't help but wonder what all had been happening while she was asleep. Whining low in her throat she couldn't help but tense up as they made their way closer, Hunching in on herself protectively she kept a close eye on them. Knowing that she had felt uneasy quite abit while at this new Aloisia kinda felt bad. Afterall they had welcomed her with open arms, and all she felt was worry.


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