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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-20 18:38:04
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Xena's warm breath tickled his ear and he sucked in a breath at her words. An image flashed in his mind of the two of them racing through the park at night with no inhibitions or duties weighing them down. Diablo could practically feel the cool night air licking his pelt or the rustling grass underpaw. He'd chase after Xena or let her chase after him; it didn't matter. Her honey brown coat would become a blur with his midnight black as they ran. His deep brown eyes settled on Xena with a fire burning deep within them.

"A pleasure indeed, Xena," Diablo breathed just loud enough for her to hear; he was well aware of Oliver sitting nearby. His eyes danced to Oliver, then back to Xena. "Nightfall could not come soon enough."

Then Diablo straightened, pulling away from her. He frowned as a mixture of feelings churned in his mind and...heart? Did he even have one of those? He often forgot about the demanding organ that kept him alive. Why were his emotions leading him astray? He didn't love Xena, not even close, but he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards her. Love was weakness - it festered until it completely took over and turned any rational dog irrational. That was something that he could not afford.

Diablo cleared his throat, glancing away from Xena towards the rippling pond. Its clear blue waters reflected the sun and clouds floating in the sky. What a frivolous thing, the sky. It could change its emotions at a moment's notice, yet no one questioned its sanity.

"To answer your question," Diablo's voice came clear as the pond he studied, "I find the pond at night to be honest. It doesn't lie nor pretend to be something its not. Everything becomes clearer in the night."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-20 18:43:59
As always, correct me if I' miss something!

Diablo | Xena | Oliver
Diablo and Xena are speaking by the pond with Oliver.

Illud | Shadow
Illud has witnessed a human kill another with poison in a vile. Shadow is observing Illud's mission.

Callie | Pandora
Preparing to go on another hunt.

Nala | Clover | Sirena | Cato
Clover had a run in with Ace. Nala smoothed out the situation.

Ace | Jenny
Ace and Jenny have a moment of connection in passing on the streets.

Apollo | Rain
Apollo is waking Rain.

Ruger | Ana | Rooster
Ruger welcomed Ana and Rooster to the warehouse.

Chico | Echo
Going hunting in the fields.

Injured in the office in the warehouse.

Halo is injured in the mines.

Bear is wandering the streets. Heading towards the fields.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-21 05:18:27
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Noticing that Ruger calmly welcomes them calms her rapid heart beat. With her worry gone Aloisia feels the need to stretch her legs with a walk. Heading towards the open warehouse doors, she makes her way outside. Breathing in the evening air, she can smell the scents of dogs, prey, and cars. With them being relatively close to cars she'd have to teach her young that cars were dangerous and they shouldn't come near them.


Posted 2024-07-21 09:02:16
Xena | Hunter | Female | Diablo Pack

Xena couldn't help but imagine what racing through the park at night with Diablo could be, it would be freeing, liberating, carefree and in her mind it simply felt right. The idea pulling at her very core to become a reality instead of a passing thought, there was something that drew her to Diablo, it was more than just his sheer strength and power, there was a connection of sorts something that felt even more powerful than the Cane Corso herself, as he spoke just loud enough for her to hear not only in agreement but also admitting nightfall itself couldn't come quick enough she felt her heart race, a strange feeling from within, a compelling from within her that she had never faced before, she knew it wasn't love it couldn't be, she had never had love in her life, she had never loved anything, not even her siblings that she had disposed of to ensure her very own survival she knew nothing of love, but yet there was still something and she didn't know whether she wanting to run with it so speak or fight it, but as Diablo straightened and pulled himself from her, the pull she felt towards him severed for a moment, still there but a more bearable feeling for now at least. She simply smiled and nodded in agreement as she spoke a simple sentence "Let us hope nightfall comes soon then".

It was then When Diablo began to answer her question she couldn't help but understand him, the honest water unable to hide anything, to be completely translucent in every way was thrilling in a way, it was unable to hide, unable to pretend it was just as it was and Xena found herself allowing a transfixed look to grace her facial features for a moment as she spoke "Well how can one argue with such a pure thing, I have never really thought of it this way until now Diablo Sir, you truly do have an intellect that matches your strength, if only other dogs were as pure as the pond at night. Wouldn't that be such a simpler task to wean out those who are troublesome, perhaps there is a way to discover the truth of dogs in the way the night forces the truth of the pond to light" Her words were deep from thought but sincere nonetheless.

Xena couldn't help but feel there was more indeed to Diablo than he allowed to show, perhaps there were deeper levels and layers to him than even he knew and she surely felt more drawn to him for it.
Xena's gaze then flickered over towards Oliver in many ways she was thankful for his presence as this force pulling her towards Diablo was stronger than even she knew, but her will in other presence was enough to help ground her in some ways but she also couldn't help but find herself wondering how and what would happen if it was just her and Diablo under the moonlight.
Xena then turned to face Diablo once more before she spoke outright and honestly but quietened to a certain degree only wanting him to hear "Have you ever thought of how we make a formidable team" The question was still somewhat vague but she also wanted to gauge where Diablo's mind would take her statement as she spoke it with a confident tone.

Posted 2024-07-21 14:04:39
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She nodded and started walking in the direction of the park. On the way there she was mostly quiet, though she thought about attempting a conversation. She didn't know any of her pack mates all too well, so she probably should get to know them better. Since Callie seemed nice, she figured she could start with her. However she struggled to find something to talk about. The only thing that was really on her mind was to ask her fellow hunter how she ended up in Diablo's pack. She figured that was something she should ask her once she knew her better.


Posted 2024-07-21 16:07:44 (edited)
Rain | Strays | Female | Alpha --> Nurse

Rain lifted her delicate head groggily, a cloud of haze surrounding her vision. What was happening... wha..? Finally her mind focused, and she saw Apollo standing before her. "Yes?" she sighed, finally having the sleep she had needed, that would in turn, clear her head. "You think I should be in charge? No..." She drifted off, her voice chuckling in a friendly way. "I lack the abilities to help all of you, let alone command. Now, where is everyone? I was left alone with my pups." Rains voice hed a sliver of contempt, but she quickly slicked it over, and licked her paw. Everything was well. Her pups were safe... Apollo was with her...and most importantly Oliver was gone. She would never see his sorry rump again, let alone commence in a conversation. "Whatever yo think I will go along with" she replied in a relaxed tone. |

Oliver | DP | Male | Fighter

| While Oliver was the oblivious sort, that didn't mean he couldn't still tell when he was obviously getting third wheeled. Tired of this, he looked to Diablo for instructions. "Should head back to base, make sure nothings happening." Nodding respectfully to Diablo, he awaited his response. There wasn't much to do here, except watch his leader slip into a hopeless lovestruck fool. |

Oliver is not a fan of Xena. He thinks that she will weaken diablo

โ„๏ธRaeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-21 18:37:57
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Strolling around this packs territory she couldn't help but worry about how barren it was, and wonder where the pack was going to hunt. Around here the most one could catch was a rat or mouse, thinking of food made Aloisia notice how hungry she was. Since the hunting party hadn't come back yet she decided she might as well try her hand at hunting. Although her Stomach was noticably swollen, Aloisia believed she could make it work.

Stalking her way only within the fencing around the warehouse she made her way behind the building. The smell of mouse hit her nose. Inhaling deeply she listened closely, it seemed like it was a nest of mice. Padding lightly their was so as to not alert them she though of the best way to catch the most, the more she caught the more she'd be able to catch. Although not able to be to close to the ground because of her distended stomach she made do the best she could.

Now just a couple inches from the mice nest dug into the ground she sprang, digging wildly into the ground. Snatching one mouse between her jaws she snapped them shut before dropping the mouse. Mice scattered, hoping to catch one more she smacked her paw on one of the last mice left in the open killing it instantly. Panting in happiness she made her way back to the warehouse, bot mice clamped in her jaws. Knowing it wasn't much but hoping someone would still want to share, she was content that she wasn't being a burden.


Posted 2024-07-21 19:39:20
Tempest | Lap Dog | Female

Tempest and her female human had just finished in the show ring. As usual, Tempest felt a great sense of pride as the crowd cheered for not only her, but also for her human as she had trained her so well. She was patient, obedient and above all else she was loyal.

So when she stepped out of the ring and didn't see Alfie, naturally, she grew worried knowing how he would likely be fretting over the competition. As she remained at her humans side, she waited until they stopped and sat on her haunches. She patiently waited until her human gave her a small treat before releasing her from her leash. With a pat on her head she kissed her humans hand gently before trotting off. She knew the rules that were in place during her freedom to roam, and she always obeyed.

Her fur bounced gently with each stride, each wave of her fur as mesmerizing as the waves of the vast oceans. Her auricles perked high as she looked high and low for her best little friend in the whole world. Stopping at a few makes, she politely gestured for their attention, clearing her throat gently to do so. "Excuse me gentleman, but have you seen Alfredo by any chance??" More than happy to help, they informed her that he had gone outside. Thanking them for their help she swiftly left to find the small male, a sigh of relief pushed itself past her maw as her piercing glacier gaze finally set its sights upon him. Trotting up to him, she sat down. "Are you working yourself up again you poor thing??" She asked him, concern evident in her tone.

Once ruger posts I will post with Rooster. It's just Ruger, Ana, and Rooster so no rush for this rp!!

Posted 2024-07-21 19:44:48 (edited)
Fawn | Stray | Female
She slowly awoken as she feels pain in her neck, growling, she sits up and looks around. She noticed she was back at the warehouse in the office. Getting up, she slowly walked out as she breathed slightly hard, it hurt to even move her neck as her wounds were still healing.

Storm | Stray | Warrior | Male
Storm was patrolling the warehouse, keeping close eye on the fence that surrounded the warehouse. Even though he was just a Border Collie, his footsteps sounded heavy as he had his head raised tall. He then walks towards the edge of the fence to look around. He perked his ears as he glared towards the direction of the river. He gets a idea and he slowly trots down towards the river, looking down into it. When he sees some fish swimming by, he immediately walked toward the river and lowered his head close to the water.


Posted 2024-07-22 14:10:26
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo tore his eyes away from the pond and called out to Oliver as the fighter turned to leave. "Oliver, when we finally raid the warehouse, you can come along."

He stared after the fighter before glancing back at Xena who's question lingered in his mind. "I am part of no team," The Cane Corso growled, "No dog is equal to me." Still, Diablo considered her words. Xena was a formidable female, certainly more impressive than the other huntresses back at the pack house. If he were to choose a partner, a dog to stand at his side, he might be inclined to choose her. But he didn't know her well enough to trust her intentions.

Diablo lifted his gaze to the sky where dusky blue chased away the sunlight. It would be nightfall very soon. He flexed his claws in anticipation. If Shadow and Illud weren't back by then, he would be going after them.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie padded alongside Pandora towards the park. With everything going on in the pack lately, Callie appreciated Pandora's company. Hunting always put her mind to ease, as seemed to be the case with Pandora. "So," The Catahoula dog began. "What shall we hunt? Rabbits? Squirrels?"

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's gaze softened as Rain spoke of the future, their future. Maybe she wouldn't step up to be alpha, but he still considered her to be a capable she-dog whom he'd grown to care about very much. Someday soon, he anticipated that his affections for her might grow. "We'll stay here and help build this pack," Apollo decided, nosing her cheek. "After all, this pack was your idea."

He turned his head to the door of the office where he heard the pack moving about. "Let's join them," He suggested. "Maybe we can start creating order." Apollo led the way into the warehouse and took in all the faces of the dogs within. He caught sight of Ruger standing beside Anastasia and Rooster. Apollo approached them.

"Ruger, I think you should be the alpha," Apollo stated boldly. "You've proven yourself to be capable, and you care for the pack."

Amethyst Angel

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