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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-22 14:36:21
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Noticing a female german shepherd with two pups laying down in one of the offices (correct me if I'm wrong) Aloisia made her way over their, dropping both mice on the carpeted office floor she couldn't help but think how much softer it was than the warehouses bare floors. Panting softly she tilted her head to the side watching the female.

"I found some mice at the back of the warehouse and was wondering if you might share with me?" The hopeful tilt in her voice kind. "My names Aloisia by the way, whats yours?" The smell of mice drifted up to her nose once more, making her pups squirm and her jaws salivate.


Posted 2024-07-22 17:50:59
Alfie | Lapdog | Male

The small miniature poodle was continuing to frett and worry, there was a lot of pressure on the small male to be perfect, a lot of thoughts going through his mind as he thought of what freedom felt like, he knew if he lost this competition it wouldn't just be bad for his owner and their lives together but it would also likely mean him being traded, although the old man cared for Alfie he wasn't getting any younger and that meant he was pushing Alfie now more than ever to be perfect, he wanted to finish on top this wouldn't be there last championship competition no doubt but it was likely to be the last biggest one and little Alfie was feeling the pressure more than ever.

It was as Alfie continued to pace across and chant to himself that he suddenly jumped when a familiar voice came into his ears, the jump wasn't one of fright but one of sheer joy as he saw his best friend, but it wasn't just her presence that made him happy it was her concerned tone that always seemed to lighten the little lads worries, it was when she asked him if he was working himself up again he gave a shy sort of smile as he spoke
"Maybe a little bit, but I have to be perfect, I don't know if I can be perfect, I don't know how much more perfect I have in my bestie, I just wish I didn't have to do all these championships, I hate them so much, but I don't want to disappoint the old man either, but if I fail I heard him talking to that young guy, you know the grouchy one who's dogs always seem miserable, they were speaking about if I lost this competition I may be up for sale as the old man can't do this much longer and wants to finish on top, what if I fail, what if I'm not perfect, what if I mess up and forget my steps" as he spoke his words were followed by whimpers and he hit the deck in a defeated sense. He was always confident and proud before a show but hearing what the old man had said had shaken the little lad to his core, knowing full well the younger man the old man had been talking about wasn't the best of owners and he was terrified if he was to go with him that his life would be hell and he would likely never get to see his best friend again, at least not like this.

Alfie looked up at tempest with a hopeless look in his gaze that was filled with fear and sadness.

Xena | Female | Hunter | Diablo Pack
Xena watched as Oliver addressed Diablo, she observed him closely and was able to tell by his body language he had felt out of the loop but not only that he appeared to have an issue of some kind with her, but she couldn't care less what this male thought of her, as she didn't trust this male, the way he followed Diablo around like a little lost puppy she couldn't help but wonder if this male had some kind of feeling for Diablo himself, she also didn't trust others and wouldn't very easily, she was used to being eyed with a disliked gaze yet it never fazed her, she knew she had strength, power and was a force to be reckoned with should things get out of hand.

It was then when Diablo spoke to her once more that her attention soon turned and focused on him once more. She listened to his words and it was clear by the growl that came from Diablo that he was not quite ready to accept another into his life, However, with that being said Xena did not shy away from him nor did she back down, she simply nodded her head and treated his words as though water off a duck back before she replied "Of course Diablo, I do not mean it in any particular way, I just mean we would be a rather formidable team, especially on a battlefield there is few who could outmatch us" her words sincere and true as she spoke yet still held respect for the male as she reminded him of what a powerful force the two were, in a way she was complimenting him on his strength without being all fan girly about it.
By asking him this she got the answer she had sought in a way, she could tell he was as untrusting as she was, which was a relief in many ways because it not only meant they would need to spend more time getting to know one another but it also meant he wasn't completely incapable of feeling things in any way, which intrigued her greatly, perhaps there was more to this pull than just her side, perhaps they would indeed find out what this pull was in time.

It was then Xena looked up as she watched the beginnings of nightfall begin, she couldn't help but feel the eagerness within her paws at the possibility she and Diablo would be going on a nighttime adventure after all, especially as there was still no sign of Shadow or Illud and she knew that something was going on and that something needed to be done. It was then that she looked at Diablo now that the pair was alone as she spoke "Do you miss it?, do you miss how it used to be in the rings Diablo, or do you prefer how life is now" she asked in a genuine tone wondering if he missed his old life in any way or if he was happy with his new life, again she was getting to know him and focusing on him and how he felt and in a way wanted him to know that she was there if he ever needed someone to talk to.

It was as night-time crept ever closer that Xena turned her attentions to the clear pond as she allowed her mind to wonder a bit about a simple time when this feeling of being drawn to another didn't plague her mind, where all she cared about was fighting and winning, where all she wanted was to be free and now she was she couldn't be happier, there was no more taking orders from those stench filled humans, but there were some things she missed, she missed showing her true power, she missed being on the battlefield so to speak, although she respected Diablo and had accepted her role within his pack she did, of course, miss all the fighting and violence that, of course, came with the life of a dog from the ring. Sometimes pack life seemed so much more docile and quiet for her than she liked, although she wouldn't trade where she was now she was in many ways restless. Not to escape Diablo's pack or to wander off from him in any way, that would never happen she was far to loyal to him.

Xena then began to notice that Diablo himself was flexing his claws in anticipation as Xena herself showed her anticipation by allowing her jaws to open and close a few times as though she was looking at a piece of fresh prey, it was then she looked at Diablo as she spoke once more
"Looks like we may be getting that wonder underneath the moon sooner than we thought, wouldn't you say sir" she asked in a respectful tone, still curious as to whether her previous comment had made him change his mind or if he did still indeed want her to accompany him, she hoped he did because she felt the two stalking the night together would make for not only a powerful view but also a rather intimidating one, showing that although Diablo may prefer to walk alone he was still one to be feared and that he still had a powerful and loyal yet capable team behind him who would lay their lives down for him.

Posted 2024-07-23 14:42:33
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Aria was sitting in the yard of the pack's base, keeping an eye out for trouble of any kind. It was getting dark and many of her pack mates still had yet to return. Diablo had gone off to meet with a potential new pack member, Shadow had followed and so had Halo and Fawn. None of them had returned. It was worrying. She wanted to see what was happening, but she couldn't leave their home unguarded. Callie and Pandora had gone hunting and Aria wished she had gone with them. Sure, she was Beta, but that didn't mean she was above contributing to the pack. She was one hell of a fighter but also one hell of a hunter. Aria's ear flicked and she stood up. Her paws padded the well-worn trail around the house, needing to move her limbs so that they wouldn't stiffen up.

Posted 2024-07-23 14:58:07
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
The sudden expression of jubilation from the other male caught Shadow off guard, and the way Illud trailed his words off along the way held his attention. "It's what?" He chased after him, almost frantically. There was a peculiar smell wafting around them, but it wasn't one that Shadow immediately recognized, and the longer he inhaled the rigidly aromatic odor, the more confused he grew. It was up to the Ridgeback to share his great knowledge and enlighten the Malinois about these newfound tools.

With a limped gallop, the sable fighter could catch up with him, trotting along at his side with a tilted head. "What are you on about?" He reiterated, now that he was closer to him, in hopes that this time he might catch enough of the drifter's eye to pay mind to his question.

Ruger | Strays | Alpha | Male
He listened intently to Ana, hearing her underlying plea for safety and reliability. It was exactly what the other dogs who had congregated here at the warehouse had been looking for, as they rallied behind him and the others who first had the idea to form their pack after the altercation with Diablo's labrador. At the doberman's offer for help, Ruger glanced to Rooster, still patiently nuzzled at the female's neck. "Miss, the both of you have done plenty to help us for now, please take some time to rest and meet some of the others." He motioned back to the ever-crowding hoard of canines.

"Would you like me to introduce you to a few of them?" The large dog began, but before he begin to lead them towards the others, he nearly collided with Apollo. The German Shepherd's words were sudden and surprising, Ruger's eyes narrowed briefly with confusion as he repeated the statement in his head. "You know, Apollo, that's quite the decision to make.." He trailed off, looking back towards the others once more. "I just don't feel right making it just between us. It ought to be a group choice, who our alpha is, don't you think?" He prodded gently, a twinge of nervousness lacing through his words.

It was a big decision, and what kind of a message would it send to the others if he just began pushing them around, making requests like they'd known him his whole life? That just wasn't the kind of dog that Ruger was.

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
"I'll be fine," he half insisted. The chihuahua didn't have the typical fight in him that he'd had for so long. Perhaps it was some sense of ease knowing that he might have a group behind him, and the adrenaline slowing down just drew his mood with it. Or, it was some sort of deeply internalized anxiety about the possibility of being abandoned again, or yet again, something else entirely. As they neared the fields, Chico tried with his entire being to keep his back to the kennel; perhaps this would be a mistake, but if he looked for too long, he swore that he could hear his mother's cries as she was carried away.

The soft dirt beneath his small feet delighted him though, despite the horrific feeling that tragedy was just around the corner. "I don't mean to bring you down, Echo. I don't really know what's gotten to me." He finally admitted, a heavy sigh forcing its way out from behind tiny lungs. "I just always thought I'd be alone, and then you showed up." And then they showed up. Pointed, tan ears flattened against his skull at the thought. Why was he so bitter?

Jenny | Independent | Female
Shortly as Jenny's eyes locked with his for what could very well be the last time, her human and her melded with a group of pedestrians, their legs blocking any chance that she might see him again. A frustrated whine escaped her as she finally turned back to the man, hugging closer to his legs than she often did on such outings. What was that? She whispered internally, her mind racing about the Australian Shepherd across the road.

Their day continued as planned, filled with tender affection and delicious snacks. Before they had even returned to their humble abode, Jenny had seemingly all but forgotten about the stranger who made her stomach nearly jump from her abdomen.

(I figure something is better than nothing, I'm trying to catch a rhythm again. Sorry y'all)

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-23 18:26:55
(Time and weather: The sun is setting and the wind is dying down. The night will be a bit humid.)

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo flicked an ear absentmindedly at Xena's questions; the ring hadn't crossed his mind lately. In the first year, he'd thought of fighting in the ring almost every single day. There was a thrill to being thrown into a pit with another dog, knowing that only one would emerge victorious. Even now, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his blood at the memories of ripping into each and every dog he faced in the ring.

"I miss the simplicity of it," He grumbled as he stared off in the direction of the construction site. "No politics, just blood and death. I always knew who my enemy was and I didn't need to dance around the problem - I could face it head on."

He rose to his paws like a shadow in the gathering darkness of the park. The wind had eased up to be replaced with a growing heaviness in the air that Diablo despised. He much preferred a cool breeze than stifling humidity. With Oliver gone, it certainly did appear that he and Xena would be going on a nighttime adventure after all.

"We're going after them,." Diablo decided with a growl. "Stay close to me and do exactly as I say."

Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala glanced away from Clover and up at the darkening sky. The stars would be out soon enough. "Cato!" She called to her son who still playfully rolled in the dirt. "Time to go inside!" He immediately obeyed and followed her towards the pack house.

The Amstaff immediately noticed Aria. "Good evening," Nala greeted the beta with a dip of her head. "Beautiful evening, isn't it?"

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
When Ace completely lost sight of the beautiful she-dog, he turned to head for home. He trotted through the streets quickly since he didn't want to be caught in an alleyway in the dark by himself. Sure, Diablo's Pack was feared among the strays, but that didn't mean a group wouldn't attack him if given the chance.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo mulled over Ruger's response: the Rottweiler was right. The pack should discuss leadership since they were trying to be better than Diablo. "Very well," the German Shepherd nodded. He proceeded to give a single loud bark meant to get everyone's attention. "Everyone please gather for a meeting!"

Bear | Strays | Scout | Male
Bear trotted through the city streets, avoiding both humans and cars alike. The ten pound Schipperke never complained about his small stature, but it did have its cons. He hated having to constantly worry about the oblivious steps of others. Still, Bear wouldn't complain.

His stomach began growling since his hamburger meal had been hours ago. Bear brightened as he remembered the field along the banks of the river just past the Kennels. Maybe he could catch a mouse or two there? He wasn't too far, so Bear started running. He darted across the street, narrowly avoiding the speeding tires of a motorcycle. His lithe frame weaved between human legs, trash cans, and signs.

Finally, he came to the bridge that crossed over the river. Cars rushed over it while sidewalks allowed pedestrians, and dogs, to cross. Bear carefully maneuvered along the sidewalk, nearly jumping each time a car passed him. Here on the bridge, there weren't many places for him to run if one were to veer towards him. His anxieties eased when his paws finally reached the other side. He could see the field in the distance and took off at a run once more.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo knew, in a way, that Chico enjoyed his freedom. He'd been on the streets longer than she had, so he must've gotten used to being alone. Not to mention, his trauma from watching his littermates and mother being taken from him...Echo couldn't fathom it. Well, perhaps in a way she could. She'd been in the vehicle that killed her adult humans. Her heart still twisted with emotion if she thought about them for too long.

Echo nosed his shoulder gently. "Well, if it's any consultation, I won't abandon you, Chico." She gave him a knowing grin. "We're in this together." That's when she caught sight of the fields. "Let's hunt!"

I'm also trying to get my groove back. Apologies!

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-23 18:33:32
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Hearing the call about a meeting Aloisia finished up her squirrel and headed that way.

(sorry about the short reply, i dont have time for the rp vote right now but ill be on first thing in the morning)


Posted 2024-07-23 18:51:11
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

With it getting darker still, her worry for her packmates spiked more. She barely heard Nala's greeting, but a moment later she looked at the nurse, whose pup was following close behind. "Huh? Oh, yeah, it is a beautiful evening.." She took a moment to look up at the sky which was turning into a beautiful amber-red color scheme to the west and dark purples and blues to the east. She loved the sky at dusk and dawn. But she could get herself to focus on the beauty of it. "Have you seen Diablo? Or Shadow? Or Halo and Fawn?" She asks the Amstaff.

Posted 2024-07-23 19:21:51
Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala shook her head in response to Aria's question. "No, I haven't seen any of them." The gold and white female hesitated before adding: "I did hear Callie and Pandora say something about a fight. It sounds like they ran into a lone male that Diablo and Shadow left to check out. They also said Fawn and Halo stood up to Diablo and, well, you know how that ends."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-23 19:26:01
Fawn | Stray | Female
Fawn leaves the office that she healed in. She slowly walked through the warehouse before accidentally bumping into a large male rottweiler. She took a step back and spoke, " are?" She glared up at the male as she examined him. Even as her neck still healed, she bared through the pain. She never wanted to look weak in front of others, no matter how much pain she was in.

Storm | Stray | Warrior | Male
When he approached the river, he crouched down as he eyes the flowing river. He stays quiet and stiff as he watched the waves of the water, as if waiting for something, an sign of movement. As he sees a shadow cascade through the waves, he launches into the water, biting at the shadow. The taste of blood and scale hit his tongue as he lifts a brownish, tan cod out of the water. This cod could feed 2 dogs based on it's size. He then starts to trot back up the hill towards the warehouse, prized fish in maw. While no other dog thought of it, Storm knew this river would become a viable food source unlike the mice, squirrels, and rats in the abandoned area.


Posted 2024-07-23 19:42:25
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Aria's ears flattened at the news of Fawn and Halo. She had figured that Fawn wouldn't stay here long. The she-dog was too proud to stay as a hunter. But Halo was a bit of a surprise. She hadn't seen the black retriever being so bold as to challenge Diablo. Fawn got what she deserved. She was given her options. She chose poorly and she had to face the consequences. Aria just hoped that the Husky wouldn't find that new pack that was forming. "Thank you for informing me." She told the Amstaff. She was now in between finding Diablo or staying here. Sighing she turned towards the house. "Let's get Cato inside." She blinked kindly at Nala.

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