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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-23 19:47:43
Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala studied Aria's response to hearing about Fawn and Halo. The six-year-old female didn't get herself mixed up with the politics of the pack. She was just grateful to have a safe place to raise her son. Although, she'd admit to not caring for Fawn. The abrasive she-dog always seemed to be looking for a fight where there needn't be one. Nala could only hope that she'd grow out of it for her own sake. She gave a full body stretch and a yawn before woofing as a signal to Cato.

Cato | DP | Pup | Male
Cato had been drawing shapes in the dirt with his claws while his mother spoke with the beta. The pack business was only mildly interesting to him and he couldn't focus too long on the conversation. His eyes widened at the mention of both Fawn and Halo's exile. He had liked Halo! She sometimes would play with him when everyone else was too busy. He hurried to his mother's side at her signal, sneaking a shy glance at Aria.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-23 21:47:04
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Aria followed the nurse and her pup back into the house. As they went ahead of her, she noticed Cato sneak a swift, shy glance at her. Unable to help herself, she gave the pup a wink and walked after them. With all her fierceness, she had a soft spot for the pups in the pack. She would never dare harm or act cruel to them. They were the future of the pack after all. She would let Diablo toughen them up and she would reassure them. That's how she viewed the cycle she had with Diablo. With the older dogs, she wouldn't hesitate to snap at them if they stepped out of line. It was just the way she was.

Posted 2024-07-24 05:24:32
Cato | DP | Pup | Male
The young male stopped in his tracks at the wink from Aria. Cato didn't even know how to react, he just ducked his head bashfully and stuck close to Nala. In truth, Cato admired Aria and the other fighters. They were so strong and brave, much like the dogs in the ring. His mother hadn't bothered to hide the truth from him: if they hadn't left their home, he would've ended up in the ring. Cato was grateful to his mother for keeping him from bloodshed, and now he had a future within the pack.

Nala | DP | Nurse | Female
Nala led Cato up the stairs to the room meant for nurses and pups. She yipped a good night to Aria before entering the room. The Amstaff settled down on the pile of blankets designated for her and Cato. Nala imagined that Clover and Sirena would be joining them in here from now on. The idea thrilled Nala because that gave Cato a dog his own age to play with.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-24 07:58:21
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Gathering around Apollo and Ruger, Aloisia sat and waited. After eating one of the mice earlier, she had put the second one she caught in the middle of the warehouse. Although the more she thought about it this pack might have their own ritual of eating, so it would be best next time to ask before eating any prey she caught. Licking her jaws guiltly, she glanced around at her packmates. Hopefully they would understand that her being new to the pack, she didn't know about any rituals.


Posted 2024-07-24 08:13:41
Xena | Hunter | Female | Diablo Pack
Xena waited patiently and silently for Diablo to speak as she began to watch as the sun settled and the wind died down, the night soon meeting them as it began to get humid, the breeze leaving as swiftly as the sun seemed to, it was then her left cropped ear flickered as she heard Diablo speak, first he spoke of how he missed the simplicity that came with the life in the ring, how there was no politics just simply blood and death, how you had no reason to be tactical about a problem you could simply face it head on. As Xena continued to listen she couldn't help but admit she to missed the simplistic ways of the ring, where she wasn't made to socialize, didn't have to pretend to get along with others, didn't have to hide from the problems she felt they had with her, she was simply able to be, if she felt another had a problem she could take them in the ring and deal with it there and then.

It was then Xena was about to speak on the subject but suddenly stopped herself as she heard Diablo speak once more after rising to his paws as the humidity settled in place of the wind, something Xena herself was not a fan of due to her large size.
It was then when the words left Diablo of going to find them and for her to keep up by his side and to listen to him that Xena gave a nod before she finally spoke forgetting all about their previous conversation as her mind went on target like a dart aiming for its bullseye.

"Yes Sir, Lead the way, you need not worry I will stay by your side and follow your orders" She said in a clear, somewhat obedient tone. It was then Xena immediately rose herself to her paws and began to follow the lead of her alpha without question or doubt, although she secretly hid the excitement that she felt at finally getting the nightly adventure with Diablo now that Oliver had departed, Xena couldn't help but admit she was thankful for his departure however, as when he spoke to Diablo she got a feeling something was off with that male, almost as though he had some kind of beef with her, although she paid no mind to that at this precise moment she simply followed Diablo and stayed by his side as she was commanded to.

Posted 2024-07-24 10:26:49
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
"How about rabbits?" She suggested. She preferred hunting rabbits over squirrels. Rabbits were easier to hunt in her opinion. They may be fast, but at least they couldn't climb trees like squirrels. A few squirrels she had hunted when she first joined the pack escaped that way, since then she preferred hunting other prey. Though she wouldn't pass by the chance to hunt a squirrel if she couldn't find anything else.


Posted 2024-07-24 10:40:36
River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She had explored the warehouse and the yard in the meantime. It would be her new home and she didn't get a chance to get to know it yesterday. When she heard Apollo call for a meeting, she quickly trotted over to him and Ruger. She sat down close to them. The meeting was probably about how the pack was going to be organized, since they hadn't discussed this.

Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
She had settled down in a corner of the warehouse from where she could observe her new pack. She should probably socialize with them, since she would be spending a lot of time with them in the future. But she didn't knew them very well and preferred to observe how they treated each other for now. She stood up and walked over to where the meeting would take place, when she heard Apollo's call. She decided to sit down at the edge of the group.


Posted 2024-07-24 13:40:17 (edited)
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Trusting that Xena would have no trouble keeping up, Diablo took off at a ran straight across the park. His paws carried him swiftly in spite of his large frame. The construction site was just a bit north of the park, so not too far. Diablo rationalized that Shadow and Illud should've been back by now; it was a bit worrisome that they had even taken this long. His paws thudded on the nearly deserted road and cursed the heat once more. What he wouldn't give for cool autumn days.

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
"Rabbits it is, then." She didn't have much of a preference. Squirrels were a more slippery prey. Callie trotted alongside Pandora, lifting her blue eyes to the darkening sky. "It'll be nighttime soon," She mused. There was something about the night sky that mystified her. She could stare at the moon and stars for hours uninterrupted.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo began to grow anxious as the pack gathered around him. Sure, he had called the meeting but he hadn't expected everyone to obey so quickly. He waited a minute to see if others would gather. After all, he intended to nominate Ruger for alpha and see what everyone thought of the idea.

The idea of becoming alpha himself did cross his mind, but Apollo quickly banished the thought. While he boasted a good moral compass, he didn't see himself as a leader. He'd rather spend his time helping the pack rather than leading it. Not to mention, Ruger was a tad older than he was. There was something to be said about wisdom and age.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-25 11:24:55
Xena | Hunter | Female | Diablo Pack
Xena rushed forward ensuring she was keeping in paw steps with Diablo making sure not to be any further behind than a tail tip's length, this was because she was ensuring to still stay behind him being respectful of his rank as alpha, although as she raced forward she could feel the humidity within the air, how she hated how humid it was, she longed for a cool breeze, yet despite her dislike for the humidity and her large frame she moved surprisingly quickly ensuring not to fall behind Diablo.
She knew Diablo was suspicious as to why Shadow and Illud had yet to return and she had to admit she was beginning to grow concerned to, as the pair continued to run by each other's side Xena couldn't help but admire the speed that Diablo had, it was surprising given his size and sheer strength but then again Xena didn't find it overly surprising because she knew there wasn't much Diablo couldn't do she had seen him in the rings while she was there, although she never approached him back then she knew of him.

"Where do you think they could have gotten to Sir" Xena questioned respectfully not wanting the search to be silent after all she was curious herself as to where they could have gotten to, Xena still felt in the pit of her stomach something bad had happened but god help them if they were fine because Diablo would likely not be impressed that he had to come out searching for them.

Posted 2024-07-25 11:42:36
Fawn | Stray | Female
Noticing the pack gathering around, she grumbled and slowly walked over. She kept her head slightly low to make sure she doesn't re-open her wounds again. Once she got there, she slowly sat down and tried to relax, but it wasn't easy for her to relax around basically strangers.

Storm | Strays | Warrior | Male
As Storm entered the warehouse with the dead cod in his mouth, he sees the pack gathering around. He trots over and sits down in the circle with the other dogs. He gently puts the fish down in front of everyone to show the food he caught. "If anyone is hungry, go ahead and have some." He spoke softly as he looked around at the pack before turning towards Apollo and Ruger. "I don't know who the alpha is yet, but i have made a terrific discovery that will be very useful for the pack." He speaks to the 2 males.


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