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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-30 09:54:36
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo allowed his gaze to move over everyone gathered. His heart lifted at the realization that they were making decisions that would affect the future of this pack for generations. The pack seemed to be in agreement about Ruger, but how did Ruger feel about being nominated? He couldn't tell from the Rottie's body language whether he liked the idea or not. This led Apollo to making a second nomination: "What about Anastasia?" He glanced at the female Doberman who had just joined their ranks that morning. "I know she's new to us, but I believe she'd also make a capable leader."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-31 16:02:01
Rooster | Strays | Warrior | Male

Rooster stood up at the mentioning of his sister Ana's name. His gaze narrowed as his chocolate gaze bore into her Hazel orbs with a confidence that Ana knew Rooster was about to speak on all too well. With his head held high he looked around at their gathered peers before speaking in a loud tone so that everyone could hear him. The trust, love, loyalty, and determination he held for his sister was heard in every word as he spoke on her behalf. "Ana has always been my leader, even when we HAD a leader, she was my leader. She always has, and will be the one I follow without a thought or care in the world because I knkw at the end of the day that she has my back, just I have hers. Should you choose to nominate her, she and the pack as a whole would have my undying loyalty. I'll follow Ana wherever I go, even if it means to my grave." Roosters heart skipped eoth joy. He knew that Ana had been looking for a home for them, but a home finding them?? And now this?? It was a lot, but Rooster had more faith in Ama than he did in anyone other dog on this planet

Posted 2024-07-31 17:12:22
Xena | Hunter | Diablo Pack | Female

Xena kept close to her alpha but followed the basic etiquette one should have when patrolling with their alpha and as she did so it didn't take them long as the construction site came into view, as she looked forth she could see that Diablo had picked up on the scent of the two they were searching for, although were exactly they were they didn't know as of yet, Xena simply stayed behind Diablo, holding a position that protected his flank should there be a trap set, she would be able to guard him against behind as she looked the in the opposite direction of Diablo so that their eyes would quiet be everywhere. It was when he said they were not far that she nodded in agreement as she too picked up on Shadow's scent, she didn't know this Illud's scent well but it was faint in her nostrils all the same, whereas Shadow had been around since before she came so his scent was well known to her.

"They are indeed Sir, I can smell them as well, now we wait for them to catch your scent Sir, then they should come if they have any common sense that is" she said with a slight chuckle trying to make somewhat light of the matter at hand to prevent Diablo from being to worked up.

Ana | Strays | Female | Rank: alpha?
As Ana arrived at the meeting alongside Ruger or at least she assumed so as she had asked him if he would care to walk together, once they had arrived Ana took a seat respectfully aside from her brother and Ruger as she gazed forward and listened to the nominations that were announced Ruger seemed like the most logical reason to her as he had been there from what she could only assume was the beginning, it was then that she heard her name being brought to the crowd by Apollo and she couldn't help but admit she was shocked, not only because she was new but because she wasn't sure how the others would take this, her being nominated by another. Ana remained silent not because she was fearful, not because she felt she was unable to do the job, she knew she could lead if she was chosen as she had been leading her brother all her life and she had led before granted smaller groups but still not something she was unused to, she knew if she was chosen she would proudly take the role and give the same loyalty, dedication, care, and devotion to the pack as she did her brother.
It was then before she had a chance to say or do anything she heard her brother speak and a wide smile stretched across her face as he bragged of her, it was then she felt a warmth from within one that wasn't often for her but one she always felt around her brother, despite what others call his flaws, that she calls his quirks.
Ana then shot Roo a look as if to say 'Don't lay on too thick now brother' in a playful way, it was then she finally allowed words to leave her
"If I am voted to lead, I will do so with pride, honor, integrity, and a firm paw, but know this you will all be seen as a family but I will not be overly soft and there will be things put in place including order because currently there is no order or organization here and to survive as a pack you need to be one, especially when there is a threat looming over our heads already, but I am not forcing any of you, it is your choice but just know if you do agree to me being your leader I will do my best to lead you well" she said with a proud yet respectful tone before she turned to Apollo as she spoke "I thank you, Apollo, for your kind words and the loyalty and dedication you already show here and the hospitality you have shown me and my brother" her words sincere and true although held strong and clear.

Posted 2024-07-31 17:17:16
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female

Head cocking at the turn of events, Aloisia found she was okay with this change. A female in charge who looked confident and capable, thats exactly what the pack needed. Wagging her tail she barked and agreement, "I don't really know Anastasia but she seems confident, and her brother sure is dedicated."


Posted 2024-08-01 03:47:33
Halo | ??? | Hunter | Female
A few hours had passed, and the black retriever was still bleeding. Badly. If she was to live, she would need help. Halo just had to accept it. Standing up on weak and shaky paws, the she-dog dragged herself out of the abandoned mine and looked around. Where could she go? The strays wouldn't help her, after attacking the young husky... What would mum do? Halo asked herself. In times of need, the retriever would always think what her mother would do in her situation.

DarkHeart | Lights On

Posted 2024-08-06 13:50:49
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo sniffed along the chain-link fence for the scent of Shadow and Illud. He reached a break in the fence where their scent lingered. The Cane Corso huffed in frustration since the break in the fence was a bit too small for him or even Xena to slip through.

"We'll have to find another way in," Diablo told her before trotting down the line in search of better entrance.  His eyes brightened at the sight  of a gate that was slightly ajar. This must be where the humans got in their monstrous machines. Diablo slipped through the gate and began scanning the construction site for sign of Shadow or Illud.

Apollo | DP | Warrior | Male
Apollo's amber gaze moved over everyone gathered. Could they finally be coming to a decision about leadership? Ana seemed like the right dog for the job. "Does anyone believe Ana not to be a suitable leader?" He asked loudly for all to hear. If they finally decided on a leader, then that meant the pack was already more set up for safety and success.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-08-06 14:04:25
Xena | Hunter | Diablo Pack | Female

Xena listened to the words of her alpha, she looked ahead at the entrance as she spoke he was right there was no way their large bodies would be able to squeeze through and so when Diablo began to search for another way in as did Xena followed closely behind him, once she spotted the gate that the humans must of used to get their machines in the lass followed suit and squeezed her way through the gap along with her alpha.

Once inside she began looking around with both swiftness and stealth in search of Shadow and Illud, although she remained closely behind him to protect his back, she was still suspicious of this whole situation, which coupled with the silence had the dame on high alert for any possible traps that could be being set, she couldn't help but feel frustrated that they were still in search of the pair they should have been not only back by now but should have been reporting to Diablo and the fact they still were nowhere to be found increased her suspicion.

"Sir this doesn't seem right, we should of come across them or at least a sign that they had been here by now, this is highly suspicious so please be careful Sir, the last thing the pack needs is to lose the only one with true strength" her words both sincere yet still complimentary towards the end, holding nothing but respect as she spoke.

Ana | Alpha | Female | Strays
Ana listened to the words of Apollo as he announced if anyone should have an issue with her taking up leadership, there was no need for her to speak at this given moment, instead, she simply held her head high and listened to not only Apollo but for anyone who would question her abilities, she was no tyrant she wouldn't attack them for speaking up, but she would ask for an explanation and she would try to ease their doubts to the best of her ability unless they did so disrespectfully in which case she would also allow them to challenge her fairly and she would fight for her right if she must. for she did not fear a fight she was growing impatient the longer it took to come to a decision the longer it would take to get this order in place.

Ana herself had already begun to think of plans, firstly she wanted to sort the hierarchy, then she wanted patrols to be sent out, then she wanted to ensure there were healing supplies gathered, then she wanted to ensure there were fresh supplies for their home themselves to be settled. But given she was still waiting for the pack's decision she had to remain patient as difficult as it was in such desperate circumstances.

Posted 2024-08-06 14:42:30


Diablo's Pack | Hunter

The older American Akita was on her way back from the park, slowly passing but the abandoned and deserted houses for just a quick patrol. A chunky rabbit hung limply from her maw with a snapped neck that signified a quick and painless kill. Her tail silently flicked back and forth behind her as she evaded that stray lines of barbed wire and sharp concrete. Her muscular frame underneath her pelt rippled slowly with each step she took closer and closer back home. She had been out for a minimum of three hours and had only came back with a rabbit. It was a good and plumb rabbit but she expected better of herself. Freyja was ashamed to be only bringing back one piece of food that she was going to push herself to immediately go back to the park in the night to find something better. She was going to pull at least twice her own weight in the pack as a hunter to keep everyone well-fed even though they had more than enough food for their bellies.

I will get something bigger tomorrow, I have to. Freyja made the mental note as she passed by the last row of houses before coming upon the pack's house. She slowly stepped over the barbed wire fencing. The big she-dog shifted through the front door and into the open room of the pack house with her tired eyes slowly scanning the room. She huffed underneath her breath softly and shifted down to the hallway where the majority of the hunters, fighters, and trainees slept. She rounded up the stairs quietly and slowly walked up to the nursery room. Freyja was beyond silent as she entered the room, being careful not to disturb any sleeping pups or mothers. She gently dropped the plump rabbit against the wall as her tail slowly flicked back and forth behind her.

♡ Igor ♡

Posted 2024-08-07 09:04:28
Turmella ("Corrupt") [] Five years of Age [] Diablo's Pack [] Hunter [] Female

A large figure prowled along the edges of the park,  nostrils tentatively sniffing as the creature assessed the area for nearby prey. This was Turmella, one of the first dogs who joined Diablo's ranks, and a fiercely loyal member to the pack.

Her creamy pelt, glazed in an ashen hue, was not the best for stalking prey. The Anatolian shepherd was well aware of such, but it never deterred the woman. They were strategic, cunning, and precise. Lethal.  Her pelt and size hindered her hiding abilities, forcing her to observe and find a way to outsmart, outplay any given target. This was no different, as an enticing stench wafted her way.

Deer were rare in the park, a result of regular human activity, so this was certainly a treat. The lady paused, dark snout twitching. She wasn't keen on failing, a trait akin to many. From her precise senses, the figured the stench came from the back of the park, where a sizeable line of forest oozed. There were small clearings there, and whenever she saw deer, it was in front of those trees. Her steps became slower, quieter, plan formulating in her consciousness. If the deer were out front, the Anatolian Shepherd could creep her way into the trees and circle back towards them, effectively hiding her bright fur. Her intense eyes narrowed, flicking towards the slightly lowered sun. Night was coming, another way to hide herself.

Open to interactions and relationships, just take a look at the link to her doc.

Posted 2024-08-08 16:34:11
Illud | Stray--> DP | Male

The Ridgeback's pointed ears stood up, and pivoted slightly at the sound of voices and movement coming from somewhere within the construction zone. Suspecting for a moment it was Man, he was just about to hightail it out of there until the pungent scent of Diablo wafted through his nostrils. He winced inwardly. One thing he wasn't too excited about when joining this pack was the awful stenches he would have to put up with, especially the mastiff's. But there was another smell accompanying him. This one was not as familiar.

Probably another one of Diablo's pawns come to join him and make sure he didn't get lost. Illud snickered, tail wagging enthusiastically as he crept down the stairs of the building he had just broken into, a small rectangular clasped box grasped tightly within his jaws. The metal box contained what he considered to be the turning point in his life, in everyone's life here. What he carried was something that could bring so much much destruction, and he was about to hand it over to the most dangerous and volatile dog in the city.

Illud stopped abruptly, paws concreting themselves into the dirt as all light drained from his expression. His tail fell as he saw Diablo and a strange female entering through a gate in the distance.

Was he really about to unleash hell for every single dog here just for his own gain? Just so he could he have a chance at bringing down this notorious brute? He would be putting everyone at risk just to finish what he came here for, trying to play the long game. It was safer for him, and had a higher chance at being successful. But at what cost? He was about to find out.

He didn't have time to intellectualize his own moral compass. He had to be extremely careful here. One wrong move, one minute slip up, and he it would be game over. With a sharp inhale, he felt his legs begin to move him forward once again, towards the black dog and his new little sidekick.

"Looh wha da cat dragh in!" Illud muffled over the box in his mouth, before dropping the object at Diablo's paws and grinning mischievously. "Looks like someone got a little impatient..." He cooed, tail swaying from side to side. He turned his head to the brown Cane Corso at Diablo's side, and bowed his head at the new face.

"Evening, honey. I didn't know Diablo had such a...beautiful mate." His maw pulled back in a toothy smiled that seemed just as forced as his compliment.


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