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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-03 06:58:39
Balance | The Strays | Warrior Trainee | Female
"I would have been fine!" She snapped, the husky's stubbornness kicking in. "I'm going back to the mine. If you want something from me, I'll be there" Turning her black and white head, Balance walked off in the direction of the abandoned coal mine. Her fur was already coated in black dust, so she seemed jet black. Her ears only slightly betraying her white patterning. What would she do now? An idea of a pack seemed nice, but Balance knew she would just be a burden. A small, angry burden.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-03 07:15:36
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male

He observed the interaction between Shadow and Ace with curiosity. The disdain they felt for each other was no secret. Aragon couldn't help but wonder when the simmering tension between the two males would eventually reach a breaking point and erupt into a brutal fight. He watched the Belgian Malinois disappear down the street, then turned back towards Diablo and Ace. "Shall we go on?"


Posted 2024-07-03 07:23:31
Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She woke up with a yawn and stretched. A quick glance around the room told her that most of the other hunters were already and that meant she had slept in. She probably should have been up way earlier. Hopefully, she wouldn't get in trouble for it. The best she could do now is to bring back some nice prey for the pack to make up for it. Since the other hunters were already out, she would be going alone. She wasn't part of this for long and didn't really know the others, so she didn't mind to go alone. She trotted out of the room and into the back yard. She nodded towards the beta, as she walked past her, Shadow and Halo.


Posted 2024-07-03 08:56:01 (edited)
Simo | Diablo's Pack | Fighter Trainee | Male
He had gotten bored. The large, white Akita had went alone to patrol, as no-one would train with him. When you have a high prey drive, it's hard to stay still when there is so much to kill! Trotting around as if he owned the world, Simo wished he could be practicing his killing blow. Finding a log nearby, the white dog looked for it's 'head' and aimed a powerful bite to the 'neck'. Once he was a true fighter, he could even beat Diablo! Probably. No. No, no. Simo would never even dare glare at him wrong, let alone fight his alfa!

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-03 11:17:28 (edited)
As always, if I forgot someone or something - let me know!

Diablo | Aragon | Ace
Patrolling the park, relieved Shadow from his night watch.

Shadow | Aria | Halo
Shadow returned from the park, asked to accompany Aria. Halo reported the altercation with the Strays.

Callie | Clover
Hunting in the woods in the park.

Rain | Ruger | Apollo | River
Have banded together. Heading to the warehouse.

Ran off from the dogs who saved her back to the coal mines.

Chico | Echo
Arrived at the warehouse.

Pandora | Simo
Both woke up, starting their day.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-03 11:29:19
[Scene: It's about noon and the day has turned sunny with mild humidity.]

Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo scanned the park quickly as Aragon asked him if they should move on. All seemed quiet in the park, but what if Aragon was right? What if this was the calm before some great storm? "Ace," Diablo growled. "Guard the park until Shadow returns to relieve you at sunset." He motioned for Aragon to follow him back to the house.

Ace | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
Ace stood taller at being given a direct order. The tension with Shadow all but flew out of his mind. "Yes, sir." He responded then proceeded to trot to the flat stone near the center of the park. If trouble arose, he'd let Diablo know immediately.

Callie | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
As swift as a fox, Callie pounced on the rabbit, arcing through the air with elegance. She pinned it beneath her strong paws and delivered the death blow. Callie held up her prize to show Clover, pride shimmering in her blue eyes. She set it down to speak. "Let's see if we can get at least two more to bring back." She suggested.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo gingerly picked up the pup and led the rag tag group through the city streets. His paws were tired, and fatigue was starting to weigh him down. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten. Apollo perked up when he caught sight of the warehouse. It was surrounded by a concrete wall and the building itself was rectangular in shape. Tall, floor to ceiling windows would allow natural light in. This could be a safe place.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo followed Chico into the building. The carpet in the office felt soft on her paws; it reminded her of the carpet in her humans' house. "Let's explore!" She suggested excitedly. Echo left the office to explore the rest of the warehouse. Other than two office rooms, the rest of the warehouse was one rectangular room. Tall floor to ceiling windows filtered in the afternoon sunlight. The walls were fairly solid considering its state of abandonment.

(Apollo brought them to the same warehouse where Echo and Chico are.)

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-03 11:53:31
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
She roamed the streets aimlessly while contemplating where to find food for today. The mostly black female kept to the shadows trying to evade the notice of the humans who went about their day. She wasn't very fond of humans and some them didn't take kindly to strays. She had learned that the hard way when she was younger. She could go to the river, she decided. She was headed there anyway and one could usually find something edible in the trash cans by the houses lining the river. Most humans didn't like it when dogs poked around their trash, so it was safer to search for food at night. Wasn't there an abandoned warehouse near the river? She could hide there and maybe even stay for a couple of nights. Perhaps there were even some rats she could catch. Fresh meat tasted better than human trash.


Posted 2024-07-03 12:26:49
Shadow | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
At her joke, the Malinois tilted his head in confusion for just a moment, resettling his posture shortly after. "I would never," he began, attention pulled away from his Beta as one of the hunters approached. He listened intently to Halo's report, before resettling his attention to Aria, awaiting her response. Two pups? He wondered. They must have been born within the last week, as Shadow hadn't heard any news of any cowering mothers in that time. In fact, he hadn't known any of the strays that he was familiar with to be expecting.

Ruger | The Strays | Beta | Male
The rottweiler had stopped thinking about 2 blocks ago, now mindlessly moving his legs in front of him. He hoped that they would be approaching soon, but Ruger wasn't all that familiar with the city here, and the blocks felt much longer than he remembered when he was walking with his humans. As they approached the building, the limited amount of foliage around the walls were a welcome sight. It wasn't much, but assuredly some small animal of some kind was living within it, and that was better than nothing at all.

Chico | The Strays | Scout | Male
Tan tail wagging a mile a minute as the Vizsla entered, Chico followed close behind her. Though, after exiting the plush, carpeted room they had entered through, it was quite boring. "Well, that's it, huh?" He asked, looking around at the baren wasteland for a moment. "It has potential!" He barked, the sound echoing dramatically off of the empty walls, before taking off as fast as his little legs could carry him to the far corner. At the top of his lungs, he called back to his newly found friend.

"We can put food here!" Again, he darted across the warehouse floor, stopping somewhere vaguely in the middle "And over here we can put sticks we find!" As Chico continued his show of what they could do with the space they had claimed, he continuously looked back to Echo with eager eyes, waiting for her reactions to each of his silly ideas.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-03 12:42:54
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo led Aragon through the park back towards the house. Humidity made the air heavy, causing his movements to become somewhat sluggish. His size made him more susceptible to heat and humidity - they didn't agree with him. Still, Diablo pushed on until he could see the house in sight. Aria, Shadow, and Halo were standing around in the yard. He immediately noticed the tension between them. Diablo trotted over, his presence commanding. "What's going on?" He demanded.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo led the group through a gap in the iron-wrought fence closing in the concrete wall. A few trees provided shade in the yard, and bushes along the wall might provide hiding places for mice or rats. The grass had grown in a bit since he'd last been here. Apollo stopped beneath the largest tree in the yard - an oak - and set the pup down. "We should investigate to make sure it's safe," Apollo suggested.

Echo | Strays | Warrior  | Female
Echo's excitement grew with every idea that Chico spewed. This place could be a really nice home! She liked how open it was; it would make it easier to spot invaders. Just as Echo was about to respond, she heard voices just outside the warehouse. She stopped in her tracks, becoming still as stone. "Chico," Echo whispered, "Someone's outside."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-03 12:51:41
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male
"Keep a sharp eye out for those strays, Ace," Aragon nodded at the younger male before following Diablo out of the park. He briefly wondered why Diablo didn't order him to continue the rest of the patrol, but he didn't voice the question this time. The alpha seemed to have grown agitated back there at the park. Even Aragon recognized now was not the time to question the dark male.

As they slipped through the gate, Aragon noticed several of their pack members having a discussion in the corner of the yard. He glanced at Diablo before trotting over to the group. "Good to see you're still alive, sister," Aragon teased his sibling, greeting her with a playful bump of his nose to her shoulder. His carefree demeanour disappeared when he saw the seriousness in Aria's eyes. Glancing at Halo, he could tell she was worried about something but trying her best to hide it. Just then, Diablo spoke up, demanding to know what was going on. Aragon kept quiet, waiting for someone to explain the situation.

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