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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-04 11:55:52
Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's paws thudded against the cement. Dang, that Chihuahua was quick! "Wait!" He called after him again. "Stop!" Pawsteps from behind urged him to glance over his shoulder to see a red Vizsla chasing after him, and after her was River. Apollo decided that the Vizsla was more of a threat in that moment than the Chihuahua. He spun on his heels with a growl to face off against the Vizsla.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo slammed to a halt when the German Shepherd turned to face her. She had the shocking realization that now she was trapped between the two dogs. Hopefully, Chico keeps running, she thought to herself. He doesn't need to die, too. Echo curled her lips and her hackles raised along her spine. She would go down fighting if need be.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-04 15:04:32
Rain | The Strays | Alpha | Female\le

| Turning around, she saw a dog near Ruger. She raised her hackles, a deep growl burning through her throat. No one would hurt a member of her pack while she was there to stop it. And then for a brief moment of time, she felt pride. She had been a part of banding strays together, and one day, they would conquer Diablo, and show him that every dog deserves respect. She bounded towards Ruger, only to see them having a semi- positive conversation. She sat down on her haunches, every inch of her telling that she should fight, get this random dog of their territory. But didnt that make her as bad as Diablo? She tilted her head, confused. Slowly padding towards Ruger, she raised her muzzle to the air, sniffing. Their was fear scent in the new dog, and by that, they were no threat. Rain plopped down beside Ruger, never taking her eyes of the dog. "And who might you be?" she growled, her voice a mixture of power and friendliness. |

❄️Raeny (Lights: off)

Posted 2024-07-04 18:04:53
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
The sun was steadily lowering by now, and it would be completely dark before much longer. Ruger could hear the barking of a small dog from inside the building, but he had to trust that Apollo and River would be able to handle themselves against whoever was in the warehouse, as he and Rain had their own problem to settle out here. The rottweiler held his posture, large chest widened further by the way his paw was outstretched in front of the two puppies. As Rain settled into herself, he waited for a reply from the stray in front of him, hoping that she would just move on and they could go about their business. Now, if she had admitted she needed help, Ruger wouldn't be so quick to wish her away.

Chico | Strays | Scout | Make
It only took a moment for the young, tan dog to realize that the pursuing footsteps behind him had stopped. In the same amount of time, Chico slid to a halt, the same slippery floor that caused him trouble earlier in playful fun was now suddenly a daunting obstacle surveyed around him. The chihuahua tried with all of his might to regain his traction and begin running towards the white shepherd, though he ended up with a more comical scatter than anything. "Leave her alone!" He barked, finally getting enough of a grip that he could start running towards them once again. He was nothing but loud snarls, growling, and raised hair.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-04 21:58:51
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

She stood, stretching her legs. Her stub of a tail twitched as she did so. She looked toward Halo, waiting for the hunter to start to lead the way. Her eyes were intense. What if these strays started to form a pack? Her ear flicked as her gaze darkened more.

Posted 2024-07-04 22:05:58
Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo snarled impatiently towards Halo. "Must I do everything?!" He put his nose to the ground in order to pick up Halo's scent trail. If the hunter was so incompetent, then he'd follower her trail back to where her path crossed with the strays. Diablo set out without waiting to see if the others would follow.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo reeled back as the Chihuahua all but flung himself at him. He really didn't want to hurt the small dog, but he was pushing it. His teeth bared slightly to show his displeasure. "Can't you see all we want is to talk?!" Apollo growled impatiently with his hackles raised along his spine.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Caught between two strangers with only Chico at her side, Echo felt a bit distraught. If they decided to fight, then it would be bloody and quick. She studied the Shepherd and Aussie all the while trying to come up with an escape plan. "What do you want?" Echo growled slightly.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-04 22:28:18
Aria | Diablo's Pack | Beta | Female

Her ears flattened as she gave the hunter a disappointed look. Halo shouldn't have hesitated this long. Aria turned and motioned with her head to her brother for him to follow before turning and doing her best to catch up to Diablo. It took a small moment but she eventually reached him and followed behind him, her ears and nose alert for any signs of trouble.

Posted 2024-07-04 23:40:03 (edited)
Halo | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
Halo, despite the open threat from Diablo and disappointed look from Aria, remained her usual, emotionless self. Weaving around her pack she began leading the way. Yet, the black retriever no longer cared what her alfa did to her. If she got too hurt, perhaps they wouldn't be able to pick up the stays' scents, forcing Diablo and his patrol to leave them alone. Trotting in front of the other dogs that decided to join, Halo walked past Simo. What was he doing? By the look of it, practicing his killing bite...

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-05 01:26:11
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
"My name is Mazie." She reluctantly introduced herself, then hesitated a moment before adding. "I suppose I better go now." They seemed to want her to leave and she shouldn't stress her luck. The warehouse would have been a nice place to spend a couple nights, but they were here before her and it wasn't worth a fight she couldn't win. She would find another place for the night. She turned around to go.

River | Strays | Warrior | Female
She came abruptly to a halt as Apollo and the Vizsla did. "We're starting a pack and thought the warehouse would be a good home." She explained calmly. Despite this her hackles were raised. While she thought they could talk this out, she was ready to fight if necessary.

Pandora | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
She didn't pay all that much attention to what Aria, Shadow and Halo had to talk about, the only thing she really heard was that there were some strays trespassing. Should I be worried about this? She wondered on her way to the woods. She would rather not encounter a stray on her own. With the way her pack treated them she doubted it would be civil. She was good at hunting, but that was it. She could hardly fight and she knew she didn't stood a chance against most other dogs.


Posted 2024-07-05 06:07:38
Aragon | Diablo's Pack | Fighter | Male

Diablo's outburst didn't surprise Aragon. He was accustomed to it, and Halo would need to get used to it as well. Aragon watched the alpha trot away after picking up Halo's scent trail. The disappointment in Aria's eyes didn't escape his notice either. The dark male nodded after his sister urged him to follow. In that moment, he felt a strong desire to offer some comforting words to Halo. Surprised by his own thoughts, Aragon missed the opportunity to act, and simply watched as Halo began leading the way. Where the hell did that urge to be nice to her come from? Huffing, Aragon trotted after the other three dogs, keeping to the back. He had to focus on identifying any possible scents of the strays.


Posted 2024-07-05 08:31:40
[It is now late afternoon. Sun is at its highest point and it's a bit sweltering.]

Diablo | Diablo's Pack | Alpha | Male
Diablo allowed Halo to take the lead despite his natural instincts. He could hear the pawsteps of the others following close behind. The heat was getting to him, but he didn't allow that to slow him down. When they got back he could drink from the rain barrel in the back of the house then take a long, well-deserved nap. "How much further?" He growled at Halo.

Callie | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female
Callie hunted a few more rabbits with Clover. By now, they had four to bring back to the hungry pack. "Shall we head back?" The Catahoula Leopard Dog asked. Her blue eyes took in the woods and her nose was always picking up scents. A familiar scent rode the wind - Pandora. Callie stashed the rabbits before trotting over to meet the other hunter. "Good morning, Pandora." Callie woofed. "Clover and I caught a few rabbits and we might need help carrying them back."

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo moved to stand beside River. If they were going to try being nice, it probably wasn't a good idea to trap them in between. He studied the Vizsla and the Chihuahua...what an odd pair. "We were actually going to make this warehouse our camp," Apollo added.

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo's amber gaze darted between the Shepherd and the Aussie. Were they telling the truth? She glanced down at Chico then back at them. "How many of you are there?" Packs in the city were forbidden. If they were going to survive, they'd need a strong pack.

Amethyst Angel

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