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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-11 19:51:25 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clover looked down at the poor pup with pity as Callie returned with the disheartening news. It made her stomach drop. She thought for a moment that maybe the pup had been saddened, but wrinkly learned that she had fallen asleep at some point while Clover had been giving her a much needed bath. While she looked clean, she still look rather thin and sickly. Clovers gaze lofted to Callies from her laying position, her auricles falling back as she whispered to her so as nkt to wake the sleeping pup. "What do you think we should do?? We can't leave the poor thing out here. We can't just bring her inside without bringing this to Diablo's attention either... do you think you could go fetch him??" Her heart raced with anxiety at the thought of being before Diablo, though she couldn't leave the pup to fend for herself when she already looked so poor.

Posted 2024-07-11 19:57:24
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn enters the yard and sees Clover, Callie, and Sirena. She walks over and drops the dead baby deer in front of them. "Here, I know the pup is tired, but we need to wake her up and get some food in her." She explained before she uses her sharp teeth to tear off some small chunks off of the corpse, getting her muzzle bloody. "With how skinny she is, her body will go into shock soon, but she can't eat so much all at once either." She rambles, concerned evident in her voice.


Posted 2024-07-11 19:58:33 (edited)
Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie's heart spiked with anxiety at the thought of disturbing Diablo. She'd heard from Fawn about the failure of a mission yesterday had been. He surely wouldn't be in a good mood. Still, it needed to be done. They couldn't turn the pup out without anyone to take care of her. Heck, maybe the three pups could act as doting mothers together - it might lift their spirits. "Wish me luck," Callie muttered before entering the house in search of Diablo. Luckily, she needn't travel far. "Diablo," She lowered her eyes to the floor to avoid his wrath, "There's someone outside that I think you should meet."

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo frowned at Callie. The pretty hunter rarely spoke to him, but her voice was soft like honey. It was enough to prevent his wrath...for now. "Meet someone?" He wondered. Why so vague? What was it with females and their vague reports? This is why they couldn't manage being fighters! "Show me." Diablo followed Callie outside to where Clover was coddling a young Husky-Shepherd pup. "Where'd she come from?"

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace's hackles raised along his spine at Shadow's sharp response. Why couldn't he show any bit of respect? They were in the same pack on the same side! He was quickly growing tired of their continual bickering. "Diablo made it very clear to leave the post unattended for now." Ace responded as level as possible. "We're both to return to the house."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 20:04:33 (edited)
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Clovers hackles raised as she growled at Fawn when mentioning waking the sleeping pup up. The pup was exhausted to a point she had dark circles beneath her eyes. She settled herself before speaking to Fawn. "Leave the pup to sleep for now. We can all work together to monitor her and ensure her health improves, I promise. Let her gain some energy after running from those cats though. Who knows how long she ran eoth those little legs from then before bumping into me. We can bring her the fresh food once she wakes. I'm sure she won't be asleep for long."

Posted 2024-07-11 20:15:00
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo approached the two females arguing over something mundane. He frowned when he noticed the little pup sleeping next to Clover. She was very scrawny and looked like a gentle breeze would blow her over. "Where did she come from?"

Callie | DP | Hunter | Female
Callie followed closely behind Diablo, careful not to get in his way. She avoided looking him in the eye since she knew that might set him off. When they reached Clover and Fawn, she let him do the talking. Hopefully Clover would feel comfortable enough relaying the situation to him.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 20:15:13
Fawn | DP | Hunter | Female
Fawn sighed before sitting down. "Fine...but if I see signs of her body going into shock, I will wake her up.." She watched the young pup. Memories of her past back at the ranch flooding her mind. She had seen many pups die due to malnutrition and it always broke her heart to see them in such conditions. Her ears lower as sadness fills her eyes. Her tail curls around the sleeping pup as she just sits there and watch the pup.


Posted 2024-07-11 20:22:08
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
At the sight of even the small response that Ace had to him, Shadow couldn't help but draw his lips back in a smirk that exposed his teeth just barely. Irritating the Australian Shepherd truly was a hobby, having started from the first day the young dog had flocked to their pack for protection. Perhaps one day Ace might earn his respect with him, but it would be a bloody battle before then. Only a display of vicious arrogance that mirrored his own would convince the fighter that the ball of fluff before him was anything but another mouth to feed for the pack. Shadow's expectations may be high, but they weren't completely unobtainable. "How peculiar." He stated, before pushing his hind legs from the ground.

The two blocks home would be excruciatingly long having to pad alongside his peer, though he could use an extra mouth to help return his overnight escapades to their den. Into the bush line that he typically guarded, Shadow disappeared. He had a small stash of critters that he had managed to successfully hunt over his guard, having taken it upon himself to help flesh out the huntress's haul for that day. The least he could do was feed himself, and of course he had to make sure that Aria had more than enough to eat. One by one, Shadow dropped the carcasses of two opossums and a fatty, dumpster-fed raccoon in front of Ace. "Get it." He barked, stepping out of the bushes before returning the two opossums to his grasp. The outreach he had in his jaw was huge, almost unnatural as he gripped the pelts tightly between his teeth.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-11 20:23:04 (edited)
Just ignore this, im so confused k thanks, ill write smfing tmrow

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-11 20:43:20
(@Rainy I posted an update on page 20. Also, logging off for the night after this post)

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace fought to restrain himself from lunging at Shadow's throat. He hated the Malinois with every fiber of his being. It seemed that Shadow was toying with him much like a dog with a chew toy. He found it extremely demeaning and wanted to slash Shadow's face for doing so. Still, Ace knew his odds of beating Shadow in a fight and they weren't good. Not yet, at least. Ace gave a growl before picking up the raccoon. He'd help feed the pack, at least.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-11 20:47:45
Clover | Diablo's Pack | Hunter | Female

Her auricles fell and her hackles lowered, as did her head and gaze as Diablo made his presence known. With her tail curled, and tucked, she meekly replied to the Ruthless Alpha known as Diablo. "She ran into me, there were a few cats chasing after her. She looks thin, although... if you would allow me I would take on the responsibility of caring for her. Callie said she couldn't find any trace of her parents or anyone who has lost a pup."

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