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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-15 13:01:47
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Realizing that the dog now know as Echo was waiting for her to take the first bite, thats exactly what she did. Grumbling in pleasure at the taste of food, and the feeling of it in her belly. She waited for Echo to take her bite. "No its alright, I can understand being scatterbrained." Glancing around to check her sorroundings, she deemed it safe.

"Are you happy living here? Is it safe?" Aloisia raised to question knowing it would be good to get the opinions of different packmates. Although she was pretty sure this would be a good place to raise her pups she had to make absolutely certian.


Posted 2024-07-15 13:07:59
You know the drill.

Diablo | Shadow | Callie | Pandora | Fawn | Halo | Illud
Diablo and Shadow went with Callie to check out a lone male in the woods (Illud).

Waiting for Aragon. Also waiting for Diablo and Shadow to get back so they can scout the warehouse.

Rain | Apollo
Talking about Apollo acting as a father figure to the pups.

Checking to see if anyone is outside the warehouse.

Echo | Aloisia
Eating a squirrel that Echo caught.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 14:28:23
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
By the time the retriever had shown up, Illud had already lost interest in the hunt. He noted that it was a waste of time to try and reason with these hot-headed females. He slunk back quietly, turning around to face the black retriever that had shown up seemingly out of the blue. If it weren't for her, he might have gone at the doe himself just to stir up some action before another possibly uneventful night. He kept on his congenial facade, despite the slight annoyance ticking in his brain. He didn't make an effort to greet her, however, figuring they wouldn't have much time to converse. His ears had already picked up on the faint murmur of voices beyond the clearing he stood within. The corners of his mouth turned up in a sly smirk. Finally.

He turned around leisurely to face the alpha, bowing his head in admiration to him and Callie. His teeth flashed subtly as he began to speak in a formal tone. "You've heard correctly, seigneur. Such fine subjects you possess. They've clearly been shepherded by a capable and confident dog." Illud laxed his tail but raised his head to properly look over the Cane Corse. What a fine breed. A bit brutish, but still respectably clever. He made out, however, that intelligence wasn't the biggest component he used to keep his dogs in line. No, it was fear. Intimidation. Teeth. He knew his bootlicking would only get him so far, if anywhere at all, but it definitely wouldn't do much harm. It was going to take much more than talk to gain the black dog's trust, but talk was the first step, and Illud did it well.

"I'm indeed seeking to join your ranks. If you allow me a few more moments of your precious time, I can enlighten you on what I have to offer..."


Posted 2024-07-15 15:00:03
Mazie | Strays | Scout | Female
She nodded and replied. "Yes, I am. I will speak with them now." She took a deep breath to ready herself, before she entered the warehouse. She took in the scene, there were already quite some dogs in the were. All of them had to be part of the new pack. She decided to approach the two German shepherds. "Hello, I would like to join your pack." She stated. Her pose was non-threatening and she kept her gaze to the ground.


Posted 2024-07-15 17:13:04
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo took in everything: the Ridgeback's tone, posture, choice of words...he noticed it all. This lone male was charming with a side of roguery. Diablo flexed his paws as he considered his request to join the pack. "What's your name and where do you come from?" Diablo demanded. If this dog was going to join the pack, then he needed to know a few things first. He couldn't take any risks with rumors of an uprising in the city.

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
Apollo's attention was drawn away from Rain by a Border Collie female. Another stray? Word of their new pack must be spreading through the city like wildfire. It was a blessing and a curse because, soon or later, the news would get back to Diablo. Not much happened in the city without his knowing so. Apollo took in the female: she looked to be in good health and of gentle demeanor. "What's your name?" He asked before gesturing to himself and Rain. "I'm Apollo, and this is Rain."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 17:18:29
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
She was seriously considering moving her blanket farther into the warehouse, with her back to the warehouse entrance she felt vulnerable. Hackles raising again at the entrance of yet another dog, she couldn't help being wary each time an unknown dog walked through. Knowing it was possible this dog could already be part of the pack, she watched the female as she approached two german shepherds. Analyzing how no dog reacted aggressively she relaxed back into the blanket with a whine of exhaustion.

Turning back towards Echo, she continued to eat and share the squirrel with her.


Posted 2024-07-15 17:42:20 (edited)
Illud | Stray --> | Male
He'll only see what I want him to see, for now, Illud thought. He held a poised stature as the other male flexed his gaze about him.Β  He made no attempt to brandish his muscles, even though he was fit. No, there was something much more valuable he wanted to unveil to Diablo.

"My name is Illud." He answered curtly. "I've come very far. Many miles stand between me and my birthplace. I can't tell you what it's called because I was so young when I left. I hardly remember the face of my mother." Illud explained in a wistful tone. He wasn't trying to garner sympathy from the mastiff. Diablo didn't have an ounce of it to give, anyway- but he wanted to make sure he was as transparent with this new male as possible. Today, he'll see his truth. Tomorrow, Illud will demonstrate his apt for lies and collecting information.

"I've been all around this world...looking for you." He grinned. "You see, there have been whispers about a new pack forming...Or so I've heard." Illud continued, a cunning glint in his eyes. "Their numbers are growing quickly. It wont be long until they recruit the whole city, and by then your dogs will be outnumbered. It would spell disaster for you to attack them head on." Illud stopped himself, not wanting to give up too much of what he's eavesdropped on his way over here. He was studying the Corso now, waiting for him connect the dots; The Ridgeback has a plan.


Posted 2024-07-15 18:52:37
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo finished a bite of the squirrel, then opted to leave the rest of it for Aloisia. She licked her lips as she looked around for Chico. He stood among the pack looking very uncomfortable. Echo rose to her paws to head over to him. "Chico, maybe we should go hunting?" She suggested gently. "There's hungry dogs here, some that can't hunt for themselves."

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo listened attentively to Illud's origin tale. He could paint a pretty story, that's for sure. Something that Diablo knew he'd have to keep an eye on. Dogs who told brilliant stories also made excellent liars. Diablo sat down but never tore his gaze away from Illud. This was a dog that needed to be handled correctly.

The part about the rumors struck a nerve with Diablo. What was this impotent dog getting at? What could he possible tell them about the uprising that he didn't know. Diablo decided to indulge him. "Oh, and what would you do if you had a pack at your beck and call?"

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-15 19:25:06
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
After he had stepped outside onto the dirt that surrounded the warehouse, Ruger decided that maybe at this point, he should just stand at the door and great newcomers there instead of waiting for them to just walk inside. It might cause tensions to be high.

Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
He was trying to socialize, but it seemed that most other dogs were preoccupied with this or that. His head sunk lower and lower the longer he sat with them. It felt like being back in the shelter, except all the cages were open. His attention was easily grabbed as Echo reapproached him. A hunt? The chihuahua seemed to perk up a bit at the thought. They had been a pretty good hunting team yesterday, and maybe if nothing else, Chico could try and flank and redirect prey back to the others who might actually be able to hunt. "That sounds fun." He nodded, though obviously rather dissociated still.

Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
This dog talks a lot. The malinois thought to himself, growing bored with the blabbering. He didn't particularly like dogs that talked a lot, they always seemed like they were trying to convince whoever they were talking-too-much-to, and themselves at the same time. Though, when Shadow could and has gone days without so much as uttering a whine, most amount of chattering ground on his nerves. With a heavy sigh from behind the group, Shadow fell to his haunches in an annoyed sit.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-15 19:31:04
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
"Forgive me, but I think the question you should be asking is, 'what could I accomplish with Illud at my beck and call?'" He drawled, matching the other male's posture as he sat down. His ears were erect and forward, eyes intense as he bartered with the alpha.

"Think about it this way; I'm someone new. Those strays haven't the slightest clue as to who I am- or where my allegiance lies. I could help you tear them down from the inside out. I could be your spy." The words dripped from his tongue carefully despite his excitement. He wanted to play it cool here, but he didn't mind if just a hint of his obsession leaked through his composure to Diablo. It was better if he actually knew the lengths he would go to just for some action. That's what the old dog wanted, wasn't it? Someone as dedicated and sinister as him?

Illud pulled back slightly, a sigh surpassing him. "Of course, if wish to do it your way...I could always fight for you instead."


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