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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-16 19:37:26
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo leveled his gaze with Illud's. He squared his shoulders as a growl rumbled from deep within his chest. "She won't make it far and, if she does," Diablo cast a sly smirk in Shadow's direction, "We'll make quick work of ripping her to shreds." He shrugged, coming across as completely unbothered. "Fawn isn't anyone to be worried about."

Diablo paused to consider Illud's worries. "Although, this does put a damper on using you as a spy, hmm?" Diablo rolled his shoulders as he sat down, tall and dignified. The fight hadn't rattled him one bit. Fawn was one of those dogs who thought she was more bite than bark when, in reality, it was quite the opposite. "I suppose now is as good a time as any to send you off with Shadow. Don't disappoint."

Bear | Strays | Scout | Male
Bear moved along the alley like a small shadow, his nails clicked on the pavement. He ignored the hunger pains in his belly as he trotted towards the street. A silver trash can caught his attention Trash cans meant food, though not always good food. Maybe he'd get lucky. Bear's little paws carried him over the silver can as his sharp eyes searched for some way to climb on top. Sitting just behind the can was a stack of discarded cardboard boxes. That'll do.

Bear jumped onto the first box, then the next, each one bringing him a little higher. Finally, he was staring down at the lid with excitement. He leaped from the box, purposefully crashing on top of the lid. From this point, Bear was able to sway his weight just enough to topple the trash can with a loud, echoing clang.

He landed on his paws with a shock that shivered up his limbs. Shaking his fox-like head, Bear began to rummage through the garbage. His efforts were rewarded with a half-eaten hamburger wrapped in that silly paper the humans were so fond of. Tyler had occasionally eaten a hamburger in one of those wrappings after a job. Bear's heart clenched at the thought of his late handler... He sunk his teeth into the burger and allowed himself to feast.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-16 23:17:36
Illud | Stray --> DP | Male
A single mocking laugh broke through him. He seemed so stunned at the black dog's recklessness that he faltered back from the two. "And what if she does make it? What then, Diablo? You think you and your pack can face a dozen dogs face on?" He shook his head fervently, peering back over his shoulder, eyes strained as he studied the blood trail Fawn had left when she fled the clearing. He was silent for a moment, as if mulling something over. Then, without turning his gaze back to the Cane Corso he spoke quietly.

"Very well," He pushed out with a grimace, as if there was much more he wanted to say. Biting his tongue was something Illud barely did, but trying to reason with this temerarious leader would be fruitless, for now. Besides, he would have plenty of time to think of another plan during his little excursion. "I'm not one to back down from my word, Diablo. Remember that. I will bring you what you desire." Illud announced as he bobbed his head in signal to the Malinois, before beginning his trek toward the construction site.

"I need some time to think, anyway.."


Posted 2024-07-16 23:41:13 (edited)
Halo | Diablo's Pack..? | Hunter | Female
Padding out of her shadow, the black she-dog followed the brown dog. As soon as she recognised Fawn's path, heading for the strays, Halo realised she was leaving... For good... Wiping her black head towards Diablo, Halo smirked at the amount of ways she could think of harming him. "That was quite weak for our 'unstoppable, infinitely powerful' leader." The retriever teased. "Show me your real power. Don't hold back this time!" She spat at Diablo. If Halo died, she died. She joined her family in the stars. Then, she could truly be happy.

{If Halo does die, and I don't mind if she is just badly harmed or killed, what happens?}

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-16 23:50:41 (edited)
Oliver | DP | Fighter | Male

| Oliver shook out his shaggy head, the scent of Diablo becoming overpowering as he stumbled towards the woods. A hint of blood was in the air. What a wonderful surprise... His licked his maw, his tongue wet with saliva, and a thirst for bloodshed. Oh poor, poor Oliver. He didn't sit back, and take time to think, no, he did whatever the hell Diablo wanted him to do, and if that meant killing, so be it. In fact, it was always a treat to kill for Diablo, the higher power. Oliver began to slowly canter, as he didn't want to disturb Diablo, in whatever business he had, whatsoever. For just a moment, Oliver's thoughts drifted. The forest long ago, a small stream where fish would frolic carelessly. Him and a admirable female German Shepard, padding together, forever lost in each-others gaze. But that was the then. And this was now. Finally the scent thickened, and Diablo stood a few feet away. There was a strange dog, and he had the look of someone who worms their way into whatever they damn want. A snake. That was what Oliver called dogs like this, who seemed to be so..... arrogant. He padded forward, his large belly sagging underneath him. "Diablo" he dipped his head, greeting the male dog. Shifting his wight onto his haunches, he stared bemused at the blood trail. |

Rainy Dawn 🌦️

Posted 2024-07-17 07:58:30
Aloisia | Strays | Nurse | Female
Looking over at storm, she whined sadly. Should I tell him, he did say he wouldn't tell anyone. He does seem to be a dog who keeps his word and is on the wise side. "I had a dream of my mate" Aloisia head hanging low, "When we escaped the humans... he didn't make it." Morosely whining she gently lie down on the blanket, "We just wanted to leave, to raise our pups someone better without the pain we endured" Feeling the urge to cry she lay her head down on her paws. " It wasn't fair."


Posted 2024-07-17 08:07:28
The only reason Diablo didn't kill Fawn is because that would be powerplaying, which is banned. In the RP, you cannot kill another player's character unless it's discussed previously. @Darkheart do you want Halo to die? You'd still have Simo and Balance. It's up to you because Diablo's so done with everyone testing his patience lol

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 08:09:50
I don't mind. I would prefer that Halo lives, but she would be extremely injured, as Diablo is already fuming. Perhaps she is damaged beyond repair?

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-07-17 09:22:42
Storm | Stray | Warrior | Male
When hearing what she had said, it was very familiar what she had said. "I know the feeling well, we all sadly have dreams of our past loved ones...weither they be, mates...or even kind owners. Its a way for us to cope, our dreams are just trying to help us cope and move on. There may be nightmares...and you may cry...sadly life isn't fair in death. I am sorry for your loss dear.." Storm spoke before gently putting his head by hers and gently nuzzle her to show comfort. He then curled his tail around himself and spoke, " i may not of known your mate, but i am sure he would want you to move on and be happy..."


Posted 2024-07-17 09:38:22
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo watched as Illud walked off with Shadow, leaving him there alone. That is, until Halo appeared from the woods. Her instant taunting was a cause for rolled eyes. Seriously? Hadn't he proven enough that he wasn't a dog to be trifled with?! Diablo's face twisted into a sadistic smirk. How would she fare without the ability to speak?

Diablo lunged for Halo's throat without a warning. He was done being taunted by his own subordinates. Diablo locked his canines around her throat, the crushing power doing exactly what they were designed to do. It took a delicate touch to maim but not kill. When he released her throat, blood dripped from his fangs to mingle with Fawn's on the forest floor.

"Let's see how you do without your voice," He sneered.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-17 09:41:59

Diablo | Halo | Oliver
Halo taunted Diablo, so now he crushed her voice box.

Shadow | Illud
Illud is heading out to perform Diablo's task.

Callie | Pandora
Carrying back the deer to the pack house.

Fawn | Apollo | Rain | Mazie | River
Fawn was exiled by Diablo and made it to the warehouse.

Guarding the warehouse door.

Echo | Chico
Going hunting for the pack.

Aloisia | Storm
Recently arrived to the warehouse. Settling in.

Recently arrived to the warehouse.

Wandering the streets of the city.

Amethyst Angel

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