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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-07-19 07:59:25
I'm AFK right now, but I'll add my two cents quick. I'd say as long as we're following Wolvden forum rules, swearing is okay within reason. Don't be cussing at each other, but using 16+ language is fine. Nothing too obscene or explicit.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-19 09:22:15
Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo sat near the pond in the park with Fawn and Halo's blood drying on his muzzle, chest, and forelegs. He was sure that every passing human and lapdog were staring at him, but he paid them no mind. Unless the dogcatchers showed up, he had no reason to fear them. The sun warmed his fur and a gentle breeze wafted the scents of the park all about him. This was as close to relaxation he could get.

Oliver's scent reached him before the stocky Bernese Shepherd approached him. Diablo acknowledged the fighter with a nod, but didn't speak. He listened as Oliver spoke about the she-dog he'd knocked up some months back. The information was vaguely familiar to him, but he'd never paid much attention to it until now.

Diablo narrowed his eyes at Oliver, trying to think through the fighter's proposal. "I was planning on taking a small patrol to canvas the area first...but I suppose you could come along and we can see if she's there."

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-19 15:21:06
Ana | Strays | Female
Ana walked alongside her brother and Apollo, she still could not understand why her brother had agreed to help but she had accepted the fact that he had, as she made her way back alongside her brother and Apollo upon arriving she spotted another unknown dog, this one however, she could only assume was a beta if not a leader itself the male was a Rottweiler one Apollo showed respect for, so because of this Ana decided to dip her head respectfully towards the dog who Apollo had announced their arrival to Ruger.

Ana simply followed as they took the female inside although she remained outside not wanting to go inside knowing full well that if the female likely regained consciousness and opened her muzzle she would struggle to compose herself and she knew it wouldn't make the best first impression if she was to attack another within their possibly new home.

Ana then looked around she couldn't help but notice for a newly created group it seemed it still lacked order, there needed to be organization, there needed to be structure and yet it seemed that was yet to happen, which gave Ana second thoughts about whether her and her brother could make a home here, yet she chooses to remain silent and ensure that she was patient at least for the time being, she still refused to go far as she didn't want to be too far from her brother but she wasn't sure how to feel about this place, she had met two who lived here, one who had earned her respect to some degree and one who was simply to her a fool. So she chose to simply sit and observe in silence for the time being until something was to happen next.

Xena | Hunter | Diablos
Xena had arrived at the park, she had decided she was tired of sitting around today and she needed to get some space, some air and she needed to wrap her powerful jaws around something and end it, but she also knew a simple little critter wouldn't suppress her temper when it came to the many weak females that surrounded her, something she couldn't stand, although she had joined Diablo's pack she had never suspected to come across so many weak females, but then again Xena had spent all her life fighting and showing her strength so it was a habit and something the Cane Corso struggled to let go of.

(Just decided to fling Xena in as well in case anyone wants to interact with her xD)

Posted 2024-07-19 16:07:02
Shadow | DP | Fighter | Male
As the brick color dog approached him fearlessly, Shadow found himself in a state of confusion, the rigid anger dissipating only slightly to make room for raw astonishment. Illud's hot breath rolled over the newly exposed flesh in rhythmic patterns, sending a twitching chill up the Malinois' legs so irritably that he couldn't help but kick out at him. The sudden reflexive movement pulled his skin in such a way that bright, fresh blood oozed faster from his wounds, trickling down into a pooling mud as it mixed with the earth at his paws. Though, the fighter didn't move.

He had caught the excitement in Illud's expression and movements, and the way he roared with pleasure after Shadow's heedless vault up the barrier. That reaction was exactly what he craved the most: the attention and, most of all, recognition of his capabilities. His snarling faded slowly but surely into a defeated huff. As the other male had been sniffing around him, he realized that he had fallen directly into his trap, only when Illud had verified that fact. Shadow was now inside the fence, the beginning of a slew of things he firmly didn't want to do. The vexation radiated off of him, pricking each hair on his back to rise. "You're going to be a problem." He sighed quietly to himself as the stranger took off ahead.

If nothing else, he could follow him around and not help at an annoying proximity.

(lmao feels bad to go from paragraphs to this but i just don't have the motivation, I'm sorry)

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-19 16:27:34 (edited)
Ruger | Strays | Beta | Male
The morning had been mostly uneventful, and Ruger had been enjoying the calm peace of the surrounding warehouse. It was just far enough off the road that you couldn't constantly hear the sounds of the city, and it was cathartic to listen to the birds chirping against the rustling leaves. Though, that came to a screeching halt as the four other dogs approached. He could spot Apollo's snow-white coat from a mile away, but what he noticed sooner was the bright splattering of blood across him where he carried Fawn. Quickly, he rose to his feet and began trotting across the field towards them.

He hardly acknowledged the two Dobermans at first, fervently sniffing over Fawn's unconscious body. "Oh dear, is she even alive now?" He asked, his large paws stomping anxiously at the ground as he looked expectantly to Apollo. The glance was brief before he shook the panic off of himself. That was no way for him to be acting, so many of the dogs here were already looking up to him, and if he allowed them to see such blatant fear, he was unsure that they'd continue to lean on him. Though his concern was genuine for the young husky, he offered a brief smile to the two Dobermans who had helped to carry her home. "Thank you two," He began, offering them both a soft nod, "I apologize for the disarray, we've just started here." He spoke as he began to lead the group back into the warehouse. Not many steps past the threshold, he turned to see that the black and tan dog had stopped at the door.

"Miss," He reapproached her, after motioning to Apollo to take Fawn to the far back corner near the closed door. "Is there anything I can do to help make you a little more comfortable here?" The large Rottweiler's voice was as silky and rich as a piece of Thanksgiving pie, the way he lowered his tone to speak to Ana and her alone was in hopes of bringing her some sense of solace. "Even if you only plan to stay a night before continuing on your way, I'd like you to feel like a part of our pack."

(don't worry Aloisia, Ruger will make his way over there to get you into the office, please bear with us)

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-19 16:35:50
(Time and weather: It's late afternoon. The sun will be setting in a few hours. Weather is mild.)

Apollo | Strays | Warrior | Male
After gently laying Fawn on the ground, he decided to go find Rain. He followed her scent trail from this morning to one of the two offices where she lay curled around the two pups. Apollo paused for a moment at how peaceful they were. Still...the pack desperately needed order and, as of now, Rain was their unofficial alpha.

His pawsteps were soft on the carpet as he padded to her. He nosed her shoulder to rouse her from her sleep. "Rain? There's new recruits here and...well, the pack needs some organization. Ruger's started helping, but we need a leader."

Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo sat in the shade of the tree, waiting for Chico to ready himself to go hunting. The sun was already in the middle of the sky. It was afternoon and they still hadn't left yet. She gave a stretch and glanced to where her friend sat. "Chico, are you ready to go hunting? The pack is hungry."

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace trotted through the city until he came to the river. For whatever reason, he decided to follow it east just south of the park. A slight breeze ruffled his flowing fur and it brought him all kinds of scents. He caught something on the wind that was unfamiliar... Ace decided to follow it.

Amethyst Angel

Posted 2024-07-19 16:42:16 (edited)
Chico | Strays | Scout | Male
How quickly the time seemed to fly, before Chico even realized it, he had wasted half of the day playing with bugs in the yard. Just because he could consistently maintain his weight off of grubs and other insects, didn't mean that everyone else could. At Echo's interrupting voice, he looked up to her. "Oh, are we still doing that?" He asked sheepishly, pulling himself to stand. He kept his head low and shied away from her, unlike his usual demeanor.

"Lead the way, I'll be just behind you." He nodded, the aura of defeat thick around him as he cast longingly back to the warehouse they hadn't left the courtyard of.ย  Some small part of him hoped that maybe Echo would change her mind about all of this like he had, though with her eagerness to appease the rest of the dogs and gain their trust, he knew it was unlikely. "What're we going to try for?" Attempting to feign interest, the Chihuahua seemed to do nothing but stall today.

Jenny | Independent | Female
The breeze was lovely as it gently combed through her luscious coat, freshly brushed that morning before she and her human headed out for the day. Sticking to the end of her leather leash, Jenny sat patiently at the edge of another crosswalk, watching as the cars passed by her. Her nose flicked upwards to the man that she called her father, or really, he called himself that to her, looking for the signal that they were safe to cross.

She trusted the men that she lived with totally, they would never allow her to enter harms way, so long as they had a choice in the matter. The Queen of Suburbia, her rubber booties thumping away on the sidewalk, and not a worry in the world.

Jackalope (Jack) Light ON

Posted 2024-07-19 16:45:57
@ Jackalope (Jack) Okay sounds great, sorry if it sounded pushy. Aloisia is asleep currently anyways.


Posted 2024-07-19 16:48:45 (edited)
Rooster | Strays | Male

Rooster seemed to eye the Rottweiler cautiously. It was one thing stumbling upon Apollo and Fawn on their lonesome, but he could prove to be a challenge if his sister lost her temper on anyone, and it seemed as though her patience has been thinning today. Helping Apollo to place her where Ruger suggested her circled back to his sister. Without so much as a word he placed his wet nose on her shoulder before dropping his head parallelto his shojlders as he looked up at her. It's almost as though they were communicating without being verbal, a useful tool that has helped to keep them alive and communicate with each other so as not to have everyone overhearing their conversations. Ana knew what his gesture meant, it was her choice now whether to answers Roosters communication or to turn around and leave. He knew that Ana knew that if she were to leave he'd be one paw behind her.

Sorry it's not the greatest, my vision is acting up ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ 

Posted 2024-07-19 16:59:21
Echo | Strays | Warrior | Female
Echo eagerly jumped to her paws at Chico's response. "I was thinking we try the fields?" She thought out loud. "I passed through there once before and it's loaded with mice and rabbits. There even might be a pheasant or two!" Echo walked with a spring in her step, so excited that she didn't quite notice Chico's apathy. She was excited just to be doing something, anything.

Ace | DP | Fighter | Male
Ace continued on the street, following the sweet scent that held a fruity tinge. The wind billowed in his fur as he trotted along the street. A crowd of humans at a crosswalk lingered up ahead. He'd learned to use crosswalks when needed to. For once, the humans had invented something useful.

That's when the wind picked up again and the scent was stronger than ever. His head snapped in that direction to see an absolutely beautiful lapdog waiting at the crosswalk with her human. She was an unfamiliar breed - one you didn't see often on the streets. But she had long fur like he did and a coat like milk and honey. He couldn't look away.

Diablo | DP | Alpha | Male
Diablo sat with Oliver, waiting patiently for him to respond. That's when he noticed Xena arriving to the park. The female Cane Corso had joined the pack a while ago. Out of all the females, apart from Aria, she was the most dedicated to the pack. She hunted without complaint but also was strong enough that she could hold her own in a fight. Like Aria, he'd grown to respect her. "Xena!" Diablo barked to get her attention, calling her over.

Amethyst Angel

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