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🎍 Rappa's Art Hub [Closed] 🎍

Posted 2021-03-13 11:02:20 (edited)

@🍃Amber🍃hmm, then I can try a bust! I'd call the bg complex so it'd be 14gc! (also what do you use to size it down)

Sure! Just slap down the form when you're ready! - I do have a Lioden but I don't actively play anymore so LD currency doesn't interest me as much.


Posted 2021-03-13 11:46:52

@Rappadapa awesome thank you! I use the app image size. 


Posted 2021-03-13 12:04:18

Commission Type: 2 lined full bodies with a complex background 
Payment Method: sc / all upfront!
Character Reference: here and here!
Other Notes: Could they both be running across the moor/a hilly area, laughing and smiling? Or anything really that just looks like they are having a good time! Would this be 1980 sc?


Posted 2021-03-13 12:25:20


Sure thing! I think it would be 1960sc actually?


Posted 2021-03-13 12:26:50

Okay sounds good, I'll send that over rn!! Ty!


Posted 2021-03-13 16:30:34

Commission Type: 2 lined headshots transparent bg
Payment Method: gc, paid ahead of time
Character Reference: 
First characterSecond character
Other Notes: for the first perhaps something smug, proud. For the second perhaps nervous and wary?


Posted 2021-03-13 16:55:03


Sure thing? These would be separate, right?


Posted 2021-03-13 18:31:34

Oh yes sorry seperate! 


Posted 2021-03-15 01:17:09

Idk if I grabbed a slot after all, but if yes - here's the form (sorry for the delay!)

Commission Type: 2 lined fullbodies with complex bg (on the same image)
Payment Method: 28 (?) GC in advance
Character Reference: Harold and Remedy
Other Notes: I would like them to look happy and or/playfull. I picture them running through some sort of sunny field with flowers on it (probably mostly yellow flowers). Please include Harold's jewelry. It would be awesome if you also included his snout shape (visible best here, sorta bullterier roman nose but like less curved on the top line) but I from experience know that it might be tricky, so don't feel obligated to if it's too hard. || Remedy's ears should be all dark brown -  on both reference images the edge look a lot lighter but it's accidental and not true. 


Posted 2021-03-15 04:12:54


Sure! I can fit you in since I’ve got open slots now. It would indeed be 28gc and I’ll add you to my queue in a bit!


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