❤ Piplet Studs ❤
❤ Piplet Studs ❤
Posted 2024-07-03 13:28:20 (edited)
TO BREED: If you would like to stud, please message the Piplet owner for permission before contacting the artist for the hatchling creation! Breeding combines two parent Piplets to create 1 or 2 eggs! Eggs hatch after 24 hours. Offspring have a chance to inherit their parents' markings, and either inherit parent colors or a mixture of both (for base, beak, wings, mask, and eyes), and even unlock breeding-exclusive colors, including pinks, greens, oranges, and purples! Standard cost to breed is 150 SC (to go to the artist). To breed your Piplet hen, it must be 24 hours since hatching. You may choose a stud from the Piplet Studs list (link), the event stud (if any), or one of your own Piplet males. If you want to offer your Piplet for stud, comment or message me with which Piplet you would like studded. Once your stud is posted in the forum, other users may message you and ask to breed with your Piplet. Please note that mutations currently have a 1/3 pass rate. |
ღ⊱ Enphys ⊱ღ #134637 |
Posted 2024-07-04 23:43:58 (edited)
Event Stud: Bug HuntPiplet #_06 Name: Buglet Gender: Coco (M) Base: Lemon (light yellow) Inner Mask: Heavenly (light blue) Outer Mask: Night (dark black) Beak: Blend (medium russet) Eyes: Garden (light green) Wings: Marian (medium blue) Markings: 2 Stripes: Night (dark black) Bug Belly: Sand (medium orange) Mutations: Buglet Wings: Marian (medium blue) Buglet Eyes Antennae The stud fee is set at 150 SC. Player Stud List |
ღ⊱ Enphys ⊱ღ #134637 |
Posted 2024-07-04 23:49:24
My hen: |
Spottednwn #93864 |
Posted 2024-07-05 00:00:34
ღ⊱ Enphys ⊱ღ #134637 |
Posted 2024-07-05 00:07:05
Spottednwn #93864 |
Posted 2024-07-05 11:19:32
ღ⊱ Enphys ⊱ღ #134637 |
Posted 2024-07-05 12:03:23
ღ⊱ Enphys ⊱ღ #134637 |
Posted 2024-07-05 12:48:52
Spottednwn #93864 |