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Patches: Tar

Patches: Tar
Posted 2024-07-09 12:11:01 (edited)
The general idea is to have a bit of the stripes feeling, but mostly something my friend pointed out — it looks as if the wolf came out of tar and it was slowly spreading across its body. I hope it's not too complex.

- The suggestion is painted in black, the base is brown
- Two vertical stripes on the face, crossing the eyes
- A lot of body visible, especially on the belly and thighs.
- The patches are thin, but they're spreaded around the body, so that they can leave space for markings while avoiding the feeling of emptiness in any part of the wolf
- Black tail tip, similar to existing Piebald: Torn
- Light toe on left hindleg. There's not much markings adding interest to legs, so I thought it's a nice way to do so. And it's adorable.

- Patches: Tar
- Patches: Latro ("latro" is latin for marauder)
- Patches: Hyena


Posted 2024-07-09 12:12:53
I'm absolutely digging this! Not too cluttered, doesn't cover the coat too much..
It's perfect!

TJ 🏳️‍⚧️

Posted 2024-07-09 12:14:52
Thank you TJ!!


Posted 2024-07-09 12:20:42
just YES

Jay 🌈 L-Off!

Posted 2024-07-09 12:22:08
Oooo~ I love it

⛧Toxic Candycain

Posted 2024-07-09 12:24:43
This is gorgeous! Very nice balance and the pattern is sure to make eyes stand out regardless of color (especially hets!). And the way this would look amazing on every pose too! Gosh I would LOVE to see this one used!

⚔️Ren⚔️ [Light's on]

Posted 2024-07-09 12:27:44
Hahah thank you a lot guys I would really love to see some more scattered pies and patches! Not to be a narc or anything but crossing my fingers


Posted 2024-07-09 13:16:05
Fully support I ADORE the face markings and the lack of "full" cover.

👑 Manawrath 👑

Posted 2024-07-09 15:36:59
Love this!

❄Xmas Idiot 🖕

Posted 2024-07-09 19:43:25
I love that it allows more room for markings to really stand out while still being a mutation! Automatic support
Morning Glory (Ray)

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