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canaridante #129558

"I was ashamed of myself when I realised life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face."

β€” Franz Kafka



21y/o Artist from Poland


β€’ +8h WD time (UTC+2)

β€’ Obsessed with Art

β€’ Gamer

β€’ Threw all the past life plans down the drain to go to art school πŸ”₯

β€’ May have problems gambling

β€’ Casually min maxing


DREAM WOLF! One day 🀞

I value markings more than bases. I love all about patchy, merle wolves. The more spots, the better!

I breed only Muted wolves, and my ultimte goal is to bring more variation and love to this group! Currently focusing on not only marks I like, but also bringing NBW-exclusive eyes to mited dark T3s :)

I like stat grinding with my lead wolf too β€” hopefully one day you'll see me on a leaderboard!

I'm trying to get out of the low gen obsession. If a wolf is pretty and matches my breeding goals, thats all that matters to me :)


β€’ My Art Shop

β€’ Custom Decors crafted by me and Custom Decors drawn by me!

β€’ My Stud

β€’ My Trades

β€’ My Carrd

Profile picture drawn by amazing oO3Oo #123460❀️
Member Information
Name canaridante
Pack Desolation Unknown
Pack Leader π™‹π˜Όπ™‡π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™„π™‰α΄³ΒΉ
Joined 2023-10-11
Last Active 1 hour ago