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Personal Record/Journal

Personal Record/Journal
Posted 2024-07-14 10:38:56

Hello & Welcome

This thread isn't intended to harm anyone(so hopefully i don't) it will have a bunch of information about my profile and page and hopefully with whatever i can make with this i can also help people that choose to PM me about wolves since i'm recently getting into breeding projects(after i sort everything out i'll come back and add the breeding projects part to one of the replies don't worry it's probably one of the first things i'll do) please keep reading down for more information. If you're new here then welcome to my thread! As you can tell it's a Personal Record/Journal for me so i can note down things, as said before keep reading for more information.

Any questions/compalints please direct them immediatly to me so we can work out whatever problem you have with me/this thread, thank you.
Please don't ask about any of my wolves/puppies for grabs in here since this is for me to note down things not to be used as a sales/giveaway thread like other people do them i'll probably make one of those someday but please refrain from posting your questions/concerns regarding any of the wolves in here, thank you. If you have any wolf related questions please direct them to PM(Private Message me).

Questions i hope to answer about this thread:
What is this/How does it work?
- This is just a small way for me to keep track of almost everything i do with my wolves/den or how i play the game myself. I'd even say it's a small journal/diary so i can keep everything in one place and don't have to keep worried about where i put it. It's a nice way for me to note down everything i need but it's also not going to be exessively used i just need it to note down some things mainly my gameplay style!

Why did i create this?
- I created this because i saw other people make their own either to note down name suggestions for themselves and others or just to have a way to organize themselves in game and i wanted to do the save since it's better to just fill papers and notes on end with the same things and then i forget where i put them or i acidentally threw one away and ruin everything.

This is a thread so other people can comment on it even if i'm using it for personal reasons i'd also appreciate it if people came and gave me suggestions on what to do better and suggest ways i can organize myself better. This thread will have a bunch load of notes when i'm finished getting everything to be in here to don't mind me, do whatever you want i don't care if you comment by accident just don't spam it.

Yes this is very much supposed to be in the board of Projects & Records don't worry i'm not using it to note down anything bad about anyone. If this affects you in some negative way/you don't like something i'll note down in it then just PM me so we can talk through the problem don't just immediatly jump to Block & Report just because something might have offended you.
Thank you for reading this far!

Posted 2024-07-14 11:02:23 (edited)

About: Hunters; Scouts; Pupsitters & Herbalist

Hunters (notes and teams)

(1) Apex Hunters
| Baroness Keoni SandyWraith - Hunter | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 38%/100 | Priority stats: Wisdom (1) currently 148 & Smarts (2) currently 153 | Gray Darker (1.36%) | Monochrome Dark I | 1 T0 and 1 T3;
| Countess Alliiyah The BiewerWalnut - Hunter | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 33%/100 | Priority Stats: Agility (1) currently 133 & Speed (2) currently 110 | Walnut (0.23%) | Warm Dark I | Piebald: Biewer | 1 T0; 2 T1 and 1 T6;
| Archduke Carnage Sköll - Hunter | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 1%/100 | Priority Stats: Agility (1) currently  120 & Speed (2) currently 108 | Grulla (0.26%) | Cool Medium III | 5 T3;
| countess Maisie The PenumbralApex - Hunter | Hutning: Finishing | Proficiency: 36%/100 | Priority stats: Strength (1) currently 185 | Apex (0.07%) | Cool Dark III | 1 T0; 1 T1 and 3 T3.
(2) Shakra hunters
| Damsel Raksha PumiceFern - Hunter | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority Stats: Wisdom (1) currently 148 Smarts (2) currently 136 | Pumice (0.51%) | Monochrome Dark I | 1 T0; 1 T2 and 1 T6;
| Archduke Homelander Gillman - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority stats: Speed (1) currently 153 & Agility (2) currently 163 | Badger (0.45%) | Muted Medium III | 1 T1; 1 T2 and 2 T6;
| Knight Boysenberry Blueschist - Hunter | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority stats: Speed (1) currently 183 & Agility (2) currently 176 | Blueschist (0.17%) | Cool Dark III | 2 T0; 1 T1; 2 T3 and 2 T7;
| Lady Shakra TamaskanOpossum - Hunter | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency 100%/100 | Strenght (1) currently 269 | Marengo (4.19%) | Cool Dark I | 1 T1; 1 T6 and 1 T7.
(3) Spring Hunters
| Scribe Spring LilacPredator - Hunter | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority Stats: Smarts (1) currently  184 Wisdom (2) currently 171 | Lilac (0.51%) | Cool Dark II | 2 T0; 2 T1 and 1 T3;
| Knight Zoro The IndigoFern - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1) currently 164 Agility (2) currently 182 | Chestnut (0.99%) | Muted Dark I | 3 T3 and 1 T7;
Archgalknight Flame The AuburnHusky - Hunter | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority stats: Speed (1) currently 140 & Agility (2) currently 176 | Sarder (0.54%) | Warm Dark II | 1 T0; 3 T1; 1 T3 and 1 T6;
| Viscount Kallias X The AnterosCoot - Hunter | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority stats: Strenght (1) currently 276 | Coot (0.21%) | Cool Dark II | Patches: Split | 1 T0; 1 T3 and 1 T6;
(4) Voyant Hunters
| Knight Voyante HuskySarder - Hunter | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 83%/100 | Priority stats: Smarts (1) currently 211 Wisdom (2) currently 246 | Sarder (0.54%) | Warm Dark II | 1 T0; 1 T2; 1 T6 and 1 T7;
| Prince Theseus X The HevlShadow -  Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 17%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1) currently 71 & Agility (2) currently 76 | Caelum (0.06%) | Special Medium * | 2 T3;
| No Name - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 00%/100 | Priority stats: Speed (1) currently -- & Agility (2) currently -- | Sidhe (0.02%) | Special Dark * | 1 T0; 2 T3 and 1 T6;
| Galknight Jäätikkö Slate - Hunter | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency: 83%/100 | Priority Stats: Strenght (1) currently 188 | Slate (0.18%) | Monochrome Dark III | 2 T3 and 1 T7.
(5) Wing Hunters
| Dorian Havilliard II - Hunting | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority Stats: Wisdom (1) currently 51 & Smarts (2) currently 60 | Sidhe (0.02%) | Special Dark T * | Piebald: Uneven | 2 T0;
| Marchioness Atka BifornCarnage - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority Stats: Agility (1) currently 82 & Speed (2) currently 73 | Black (6.04%) | Monochrome Dark I | 1 T0 and 2 T3;
| Sir Frostbite Zephyrus - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority Stats: Agility (1) currently 100 & Speed (2) currently 103 | Ghost (0.08%) | Special Light * | 1 T0; 1 T2 and 1 T3;
| Demon Aeraxtle CryptidAbomination - Hunting | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority stats: Strenght (1) currently 125 | Chestnut (0.99%) | Muted Dark I | 1 T1 and 1 T2;
(6) Wing Hunters Helpers
| Xaden Riorson - Hunter | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority stats: Wisdom (1) currently 88 & Smarts (2) currently 79 | Tempest (0.03%) | Special Dark * | 2 T0 and 1 T7.
| Lady Ruby MagmaAbomination - Hunter | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 12%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1) currently 67 & Agility (2) currently 74 | Merged (0.04%) | Special Medium * | 1 T0; 1 T1 and 1 T3;
| Countess Lycanthe CocoaStorm - Hunter | Chaser | Proficiency: 21%/100 | Priority Stats: Agility (2) currently 88 & Speed (1) currently 83 | Chestnut (0.99%) | Muted Dark I | 3 T1; 2 T3 and 1 T6;
| Lexi AnnwnWings - Hunter | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority stats: Strenght (1) currently 157 | Pumice (0.51%) | Monochrome Dark I | 1 T1; 1 T2 and 2 T3;
(7) Demon Hunters
| Bishop Elysium The AmorPredator - Hunting | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority stats: Wisdom (1) currently 81 & Smarts (2) currently 80 | Mineral (0.2%) | Monochrome Light I | Piebald: Uneven | 1 T1; 2 T2 and 3 T3;
| Princess Delilah Fall - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1) currently 78 & Agility (2) currently 84 | Caramel (2.49%) | Muted Dark I | Piebald: Biewer | 4 T3 and 1 T8;
| GalKnight Onyx Storm - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: --%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1) currently -- & Agility (2) currently -- | Arkose (0.24%) | Warm Light II | 3 T0; 2 T1 and 2 T3;
| Empress Penumbra Blackcurrant - Hutning | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority Stats: Strenght (1) currently 101 | Penumbra (0.02%) | Special Medium * | 1 T3.
(8) Demon Hunters Helpers
| Lady Zircon Gamorah - Hunting | Hunting: Stalking | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority stats: Wisdom (1) currently 76 & Smarts (2) currently 73 | Blueschist (0.18%) | Cool Dark III | 1 T0; 2 T3; 1 T6 and 1 T7;
| GalKnight Stardust Storm -  Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 18%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1) currently 116 & Agility (2) currently 107 | Blueschist (0.19%) | Cool Dark III | 2 T1; 1 T3 and 1 T6;
| Marchosias The IceAbomination - Hunting | Hunting: Chasing | Proficiency: 0%/100 | Priority Stats: Speed (1)  currently -- & Agility (2) currently -- | Gray Darker (1.37%)| Monochrome Dark I | 1 T1 and 1 T2;
| Empress Tundra Ragnar - Hutning | Hunting: Finishing | Proficiency: 12%/100 | Priority Stats: Strenght (1) currently 82 | Black (6.03%) | Monochrome Dark II | Melanism | 3 T1; 1 T2; 1 T6 and 1 T7;

NOTE: Put Astrais in Spring's place TRAIN STALKER | Put him in Asher's place TRAIN CHASER

Posted 2024-07-14 12:55:40 (edited)

About: Hunters; Scouts; Pupsitters & Herbalist

Pupsitters (and notes)

1- Queen Shadow The Oxblood - QUEEN | Pupsitter | Pupsitting | Proficiency: 100%/100 | Priority Stats: Wisdom (1) currently 53 Smarts (2) currently 66 | Black (6.05%) | Monochrome Dark I | 3 T0;
2- Archduchess Andromeda The ColdOrca - Pupsitter | Pupsitting | Proficiency 100%/100 | Badger (0.45%) | Muted Medium III | 1 T0; 2 T2; 1 T3 and 1 T6;
3- Damsel Zelda The BuffMudCross - Pupsitter | Pupsitting | Proficiency: 98%/100 | Priority Stats: Smarts (2) currently 60 Wisdom (1) currently 71 | Buff (0.16%) | Muted Light II | 1 T0; 3 T1 and 1 T3;
4- Handmaiden Bubbles The TornLuna - Pupsitter | Pupsitting | Proficiency 12%/100 | Priority stats: Wisdom (2) 66 Smarts (1) 51 | Black (6.05%) | Monochrome Dark I | Piebald: Torn | 2 T3 and 1 T6;
5- Duchess Karma The Megalodon FUTURE QUEEN | Pupsitter | Pupsitting | Proficiency: 76%/100 | Priority Stats: Smarts (2) currently 65 Wisdom (1) currently 70 | Megalodon (0.05%) | Cool Medium III | 5 T3;
6- Handmaiden Mist The GrullaWraith - Pupsitter | Pupsitting | Proficiency: 80%/100 | Priority stats: Smarts (2) currently 84 Wisdom (1) currently 108 | Grulla (0.27%) | Cool Medium III | 1 T0; 1 T1; 2 T3 and 1 T6.

Posted 2024-07-14 13:15:29 (edited)

About: Hunters; Scouts; Pupsitters & Herbalist

Scouts(and notes)

Notes (for scouts):
Deciduous Forest: Speed
Grasslands: Speed
Mountains: Speed
Coniferous Forest: Smarts
Prairie: Speed
Riparian Woodland: Wisdom
Desert: Strength
Taiga: Agility
Swamp: Agility
Tundra: Smarts
Glacier: Wisdom
Rainforest: Strength
Wolves with high values of a biome's specific stat will scout that biome more easily than other wolves
1- Anubis The HorizonCaribou - Scouting | Proficiency 20%/100 | Priority stats: Strenght (1) currently 89 Wisdom (2) currently 81 | Caribou (0.17%) | Monochrome Medium III | 2 T3 and 1 T8.
2- Emperor Abyssal Oiabmaz - Scout | Scouting | Proficiency 0%/100 | Priority stats: Speed (1) currently 79 Agility (2) currently 79 | Abyssal (0.01%) | Special Dark * | 1 T2 and 1 T3;

Herbalist (and notes)

1- Apothecary Cypress ChertPanda - Herbalist | Herbalism | Proficiency 74%/100 | Priority stats: (does not affect currente role by much) Smarts (1) currently 80 Wisdom (2) currently 88 | Chert (0.39%) | Monochrome Medium II | 4 T2 and 1 T3;

Posted 2024-07-14 15:07:33 (edited)

About: Breeding Projects (1/4)

Now comes the part for me to be able to organize my breeding projects, this one covers my current Breeding Projects, Breeding goals, Private Lines and Private costum lines which are the ones i'm working one/ planning to get started soon. It will also have a lsot of what i need/will use in it and all help with the materias, applicators, and even with the bland wolves i all welcome just PM me if you would like to help with any of it or if you're interested.

Because these things i'm bound to get pups i don't want (and has been happening a lot and will continue to happen) i won't always be getting pups that look as if they came out of a shadows ass or that look like a half eaten oreo so i know that there's still people who might want one of them and even the mutated wolves and sometimes i might advertise them in the Giveaways chat or i could simply donate them to other poeple that are doing giveaways to newish accounts and to people doing auctions.

Either way, mutated pups will never get thrown at Lilemor...if i can prevent it. I just won't keep them for more than necessary so if you see a pup you like please PM me immediatly. Any questions about these projects (if you want a pup and ect...) should ALWAYS be directed to my PM's or else i won't answer them, much less here.
Currently trying to gather:
Current Goals:
- Breed a mottled/split wolf with the caribou base; (link | link)
- Breed a mottled wolf with the Bluschist base (as little markings as possible) and NOX eyes. (link)
- Breed a Diana based wolf with enzyme eyes; Chill paws; Dius claws & nose: War Goddess Valkyrie
- Breed a Moonloss Patches: Pointed wolf (any gender but perferrably female): link
Piebald: Dalmatian & Piebald: Zerdava Madness
Piebald: Dalmatian (studs):
| 🏹Flannel🏹- Gwyrdd (0.01%) | Special Light * | Piebald: Dalmatian |  300 ;
| *Polaris*- Turquoise (0.05%) | Special Light * | Piebald: Dalmatian | 300 ;
| Fielacius- Akhlut (0.04%) | Special Medium * | Piebald: Dalmatian | 200
Piebald: Zerdava (studs):

Posted 2024-07-14 15:33:56 (edited)

About: Breeding Projects(2/4)

Breeding Projects

As you saw before these are my current breeding goals:
- Breed a mottled wolf with one or more white irish marking; (link)
- Breed a mottled/split wolf with the caribou base; (link | link)
- Breed a mottled wolf with the Bluschist base (as little markings as possible) and NOX eyes. (link)

You can find this in my den description thingy and again if you have any questions PM me. Even if i'm noting this all down for myself i will always appreciate it if someone has a question and send it to me jsut please try not to post it here since it's going to mess up my organizing goal with these note downs.

My other Breeding Project that i had in idea since i have mutated wolves that i won't be replacing soon was to breed them and giveaway the pups since that way will help people get more wolves for themselves except these ones are strict for people doing giveaway forums or auction forums. I might also do trades or raffles but i usually only ever do trades for stuff i don't need/don't have a current use for which is why i don't always have trades set up.
Private Lines:
Right now i don't have much use for these since they are different from Private Costum Lines and i don't exactly have a set goal with this, just to make my pack more originally me (whoever gets the reference, gets it.) and for my own enjoyment obviously. Right now most of the pups that i bred either went to giveaways, Lilemor or Uni (ALSO quick THANK YOU to Uni to whom this wouldn't be anything without. She was literally my wolf supplier for almost all if not ALL of the bases i have crossed frpm my wishlist since some of them i got from giveaways or the trading center. THANK YOU UNI FOR BEING AWESOME EVERYDAY).
Right now as i said i don't have much thought for my Private Lines except these ones:
Lead Wolf Private Line (Titled passed down my inharitage)
🪶1- Current Lead wolf (KING) - King Apollo The Irish His coat is a Goldenrod (1.33%) Warm Light I and has an Optimistic personality which makes foraging faster. His first and forever mate is Queen Shadow The Oxblood(QUEEN)  Black (6.05%)| Monochrome Dark I | Charming Personality;
🔒2 - Future Lead Wolf (PRINCE) - Prince Asher The Shepherd His coat is a Ashen (2.56%) Monochrome Medium I with a Helpful Personality and his first and forever mate is Karma The Megalodon (future QUEEN by bonding with the PRINCE) Megalodon (0.05%) | Cool Medium III | Observant Personality.
🔒3- FUTURE HEIR - Lynx The Megalodon(wardrobe) his coat is a Megalodon (0.05) Cool Medium with Blue eyes, after spending most of his life not worrying about getting a mate, he finally sparked something with his right-paw beta Onyx The CoalHeart (future QUEEN by bonding with the future HEIR) Artemis base Melanistic female with Azure eyes;
🔒4- FUTURE HEIR - Nyx The Rough born for sucess he's just as his name indicates with a Megalodon (0.05%) base | Melanistic and ready for sucess having found and proven himself for his one true love Diana The Rose;
Herbalist Private Line:
As you know, only the pups from my herbalist can take over her role which is really fun to play with.
1- Cypress ChertPanda - Herbalist | Herbalism | Proficiency 25%/100 | Priority stats: Smarts (1) currently 73 Wisdom (2) currently 66 | Chert (0.39%) | Monochrome Medium II | 4 T2 and 1 T3.
Private Costum Lines
NOW we got to my favorite project topic! I ABSOLUTLY LOVE the challenge that comes with designing a Private Costum Line not only because it's fun to gather the wolves as well as a challenge to get everything to make them exactly as i want them but because it's also very satisfying to see the results in the end.
Right now i only have one Private Costum Line planned since i only got back into breeding projects recently so i'd prefer to go slowly and see what works best for me right now. This is what i have.
For Atka's lineage
🪶1st.:Atka BifornCarnage [link] (Black|Saros eyes|Impulsive personality|4 markings) + Dorian Havilliard II [ link] / Finished wardrobe look (Sidhe|Lumino eyes|Dedicated personality|1 marking) <-- currently working on this one
🔒2ond.: Umbra HavilliardCarnage [link] (Umbra|Saeculorum eyes|1 marking (Sidhe wild tripes) + Xaden Riorson [link] | link (Tempest|carapace/crotalus/Clay/Hazel|as little markings as possible please)
🔒3rd.: Blake Riorsoncarnage [link] (Caelum|Bioluminescent Blue eyes|2 markings (Umbra Blight & Tempest Wild Stripes)/breed to random stud)
🔒4rth.: Losna UmbraCarnage [link] (Losna|Luciferin eyes|2 markings (Umbra Blight/Caelum Aurora)
Private Custom Wolves
These are wolves that i can get a base for during events (like the lunar event/november event etc...) and add them to the wolf. Sometime si can add more than one applicator or not.

- Aeraxtle CryptidAbomination [Wardrobe without decor] / Wardrobe with decor (Abomination|Cryptid eyes|1 marking (black freckles) + Bubbles The TornLuna (Black | some lunar eyes | Caelum Veneer)

- Frostbite Zephyrus [Wardrobe without decor] / Wardrobe with decor (Ghost | Spectral eyes) + Lycanthe CocoaStorm (Chestnut | Orange | 6 markings)

Posted 2024-07-15 10:49:34 (edited)

About: Breeding Projects(3/4)

Breeding Projects

As you saw before these are my current breeding goals:
- Breed a mottled wolf with one or more white irish marking; (link)
- Breed a mottled/split wolf with the caribou base; (link | link)
- Breed a mottled wolf with the Bluschist base (as little markings as possible) and NOX eyes. (link)

You can find this in my den description thingy and again if you have any questions PM me. Even if i'm noting this all down for myself i will always appreciate it if someone has a question and send it to me jsut please try not to post it here since it's going to mess up my organizing goal with these note downs.

My other Breeding Project that i had in idea since i have mutated wolves that i won't be replacing soon was to breed them and giveaway the pups since that way will help people get more wolves for themselves except these ones are strict for people doing giveaway forums or auction forums. I might also do trades or raffles but i usually only ever do trades for stuff i don't need/don't have a current use for which is why i don't always have trades set up.
Private Lines:
[No current updates/Nothing interesting happened]

Herbalist Private Line:
Daily Rollover Summary (2024-07-15 10:12:28/Game Notification) The following puppies became adolescents today:
* Cypress ChertPanda
User log (2024-07-27 05:47:59)
*Cypress ChertPanda (#10377972) aged up! She gained the following from training in puppyhood: +8 Smarts, +11 Wisdom!
Private Costum Lines
Right now i only have one Private Costum Line planned since i only got back into breeding projects recently so i'd prefer to go slowly and see what works best for me right now. This is what i have.
For Atka's lineage
|🪶1st.:Atka BifornCarnage (Black|Saros eyes|Impulsive personality|4 markings) + Dorian Havilliard II (Sidhe|Lumino eyes|Dedicated personality|1 marking) <-- currently working on this one| Notes: Bought out trade G4 Uneven (#6143355) from Frost04 (#78854) for 650 SC and received:
1 wolf (G4 Uneven Amber)

Posted 2024-07-16 01:27:01 (edited)

About: Breeding Projects(4/4)

Breeding Projects

As you saw before these are my current breeding goals:
- Breed a mottled wolf with one or more white irish marking; (link)
- Breed a mottled/split wolf with the caribou base; (link | link)
- Breed a mottled wolf with the Bluschist base (as little markings as possible) and NOX eyes. (link)

You can find this in my den description thingy and again if you have any questions PM me. Even if i'm noting this all down for myself i will always appreciate it if someone has a question and send it to me jsut please try not to post it here since it's going to mess up my organizing goal with these note downs.

My other Breeding Project that i had in idea since i have mutated wolves that i won't be replacing soon was to breed them and giveaway the pups since that way will help people get more wolves for themselves except these ones are strict for people doing giveaway forums or auction forums. I might also do trades or raffles but i usually only ever do trades for stuff i don't need/don't have a current use for which is why i don't always have trades set up.

Breeding Males to remember/save up for when needed

This is a small list i had inicially made to acoomodate to my breeding projects which you can check out in the comments above this one if you want. The list has recently been updated to be in order of Cheapest to Most Expensive, please keep in mind that i will NOT be breeding to studs above 300~450 and i will NOT be using on my breeding requests (on any of them) which is also part of the challenge beause it's fun to look for studs that accomodate to this. After i set up my new stud (Zoro The IndigoFern) which will be after my lead wolf/current breeding male dies i will be using him more than the studs on this list(maybe, we'll see). Anyways, here's the list:
Kase [Umbra Pointed NBW] - Umbra (0.05%) | Special Dark * | Patches: Pointed (170);
Badger II 🪶 - Badger (0.44%) | Muted Medium III | Patches: Split | Bone 👀(200);
𝓛𝔂𝓴𝓪 (G1 HC Carrier) - Sidhe (0.02%) | Special Dark * | Lunisolar 👀 (200);
Indigostar - Blueschist (0.2%) | Cool Dark III | Patches: Split (200);
Abyssal mottled - Abyssal (0.02%) | Special Dark * | Patches: Mottled | Rangifer 👀(250);
Butch - Abyssal (0.02%) | Special Dark * | Stellaris 👀 (300);
𝔈𝔰𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔶 - Abomination (0.04%) | Special Dark * | Patches: Mottled (300);
Luminos - Caribou (0.23%) | Monochrome Medium III | Patches: Pointed (400).
This list will be getting updated regularly if i find more studs i'd liked to remember/have in this list. Keep in mind that most of them are fit for my breeding projects and as i progress with breeding projects i'll add more studs to this list always keeping in mind the rules i set up for myself.

Posted 2024-07-16 03:56:14 (edited)



Aggressive: Alliyah; Azriel; Aragon; Keoni; Margo; Maisie; Lexi; Kai; Magma; Xaden

Stoic: Boysenberry; Homelander; Lycanthe

Friendly: Apollo; Andromeda; Blizzard; Bubbles; Flame; Asher; Raksha; Voyant; Zoro; Kallias X; Karma

Romantic: J; Pax; Shadow; Shakra; Spring; Zelda

Pairings for socializing

Each group can only go out to socialize ONCE per day and the group can have at max 5 wolves and at minimum 2 wolves.
1- Alliiyah, Mist, Lycanthe and Lexi;
2- Apollo, Shadow, Asher and Karma;
3- Keoni, Margo, Maisie and Magma;
4- Bubbles, Flame, Raksha, Delilah and Dorian;
5- Boysenberry, Homelander, Anubis;
6- Andromeda, Cypress, Aphordite and Minx;
8- Voyant, Zoro and Kallias X;
9- Aeraxtle, Atka and Xaden;
10- Pax, Spring and Zelda;
11- J, Shakra and M&M; 
12- Azriel and Kai;

Posted 2024-07-16 06:37:41 (edited)

Decor Wishlist

This is a small list that will be updated regularly depending on my needs and what i want from Decor/Applicators. This can include base/markings/eyes/skin applicators, can include Backgrounds and simple wolf decor that i can get from events. If you have any of these and would like to sell them/give them please read the ones i currently want! Thank you. Items in bold are more important to cross from the list than others but you can PM me about any of them.

Lunar Shoppe(Every month)

For breeding Project:
- Eye Applicator [Lumino]
- Base Applicator [Umbra]
- Eye Applicator [Saeculorum]
- Markings Applicator [Umbra]
- Base Applicator [Caelum]
- Eye Applicator [Bioluminescent Blue]
- Base Applicator [Losna]
- Markings Applicator [Losna]
- Eye Applicator [Luciferin]
- Marking Set Applicator [(Biforn) Freckles]
- Markings Applicator [Caelum]
Lunar Stag Antlers [Blue] - 29 LT
Facepaint: Lunar Crescent - 4 LT
Lunar Tear [Bodywraps] - 27 LT
Glowing Lichen Flower [Bodywraps] - 13 LT
Lunar Forest Fog [Background] - 35 LT
Total: 108 LT

Badger Cave(Coigreach/November event)

- Base Applicator [Sidhe];
- Marking Applicator [Sidhe];
- Smoky Quartz Necklace 15 SQ;
- Loch Maree 30 SQ;
- Celtic Astrology [Rock Crystal] - Stag Tiara 15 SQ;
- Dragon Pendant 15 SQ;
- Ogham Emblems Bodywear [Silver] 15 SQ.
Total: ~90+ SQ (proximate value)

Aurakai's Brokerage(Cataclysm/August event)

- Base Applicator [Abomination] 100CS; (Tier 3)
- Eye Applicator [Cryptid] 50CS; (Tier 3)
- Feather Wings Black [Top & Bottom] 40CS; (tier 2)
- Feather Wings White [Top & Bottom] 40CS; (tier 2)
- UFO Beams; (Tier ?)
- Volcano Erruption 60CS; (Tier 2)
- Attached Antlers [Red Deer]; (Tier ?)
- Disaster Clutter; (Tier ?)
- Ear Tuft [White]; (Tier ?)
- Claw Extentions [Black] 12CS. (Tier 1)
Total: ~302CS (aproximate value)

The Merged: (Not by priority order)
- Claw Extentions [Black]; (Tier 1)
- Feather Wings Black [Top & Bottom]; (Tier 2)
- Volcano Erruption; (Tier 2)
- Eye Applicator [Cryptid]; (Tier 3)
- Base Applicator [Abomination]; (Tier 3)

The Kinfolk: (Not by priority order)
- Ear Tufts [White]; (Tier ?)
- UFO Beams; (Tier ?)
- Feather Wings White [Top & Bottom]; (Tier 2)

The Independent: (Not by priority order)
- Attached Antlers [Red Deer]; (Tier ?)
- Disaster Clutter; (Tier ?)

Mohkra(December Event)

For breeding:
- Base Applicator [Ghost] 100 ME ;
- Markings Applicator [Ghost] 85 ME ;
- Blue Bonfire [Background] (Tier 2) 70 ME ;
- Mist Stalkers [Background] (Tier 2) 70 ME ;
- Giant Effigy [Background] (Tier 2) 70 ME ;
- Haunted Cave [Background] (Tier 2) 70 ME ;
- Spiked Horns [Headwear] (Tier 2) 28 ME;
- All Spikes [Bodywear] (Tier 2) 16+16+16+16+16= 80 ME;
- Dark Crow Skull [Necklace] (Tier 2) 24 ME.
Total: ~597 ME

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