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Learning About the IB COI & what to mark wolves as

Learning About the IB COI & what to mark wolves as
Posted 2024-07-15 05:42:10
Hey there guys!

I need a little help trying to determine if some of my wolves would be considered Line-bred or Outcrossed, or if I just wouldn't mark them at all?

The little discussion post I read mentioned for outcrossed, there wouldn't be any repeats within the past 5 generations of heritage.

But... the COI and what not offered in the family tree has me a little confused.

I'm wanting to make sure I'm understanding how users generally mark their wolves.

It starts with Oreo, who ik is IB/LB because of her father. (Instances: 3, COI: 6.25%). His mother's great grandfather (maternal) is also his father's dad. It shows Oreo's COI as 0% with 1 instance of IB, but I can see the IB on Oreo's family tree.

Then we have her daughter, Aurora, who is incredibly IB/LB due to her father also being Oreo's half-brother (same dad, different mothers, but his mother is the daughter of Oreo's mother. (COI: 19.53% , Instances: 10)

So now I have bred Aurora with my Breeding Male, wanting to clean the line up a bit. There IS ofc IB/LB'ing within the generations shown on the family tree bc of Aurora's line, but the COI is showing as 0% with 4 instances of IB. Here's one of the New Puppies:

Offspring of Oreo that do not have an IB/LB father show a COI of 0% and no instances of IB. When looking at these Wolve's family trees, it does not show the IB on Oreo's father's line. Here is such a child:

So... should I just be looking at the COI and other info in the green boxes? If there are instances of IB, but 0% COI, they'd be OCR? N even if ik there is IB/LB in the line somewhere, if the green boxes show 0% COI with 0 instances of IB, would I still consider them OCR, or...?

Do y'all take the time to click through the generations to make sure there isn't any hidden instances of IB? Or do you just look at what is on the family tree?

Just wanting to make sure I'm understanding and marking my wolves correctly.

(ugh, my hyperlinks aren't working, sorry about that)

Posted 2024-07-15 09:47:07
Technically, any wolf with a number other than 0 in both of those is considered inbred. I believe the COI only shows the inbreeding in the family page that is visible, so only the past 4 generations. That's why it changed to 0 when you bred the wolves and made the inbreeding generations go into the not visible generations, but it'll keep showing instances of inbreeding as it's a part of its overall breeding history.

I normally check that both COI and instances are 0, but I'm also not getting any high gens at this moment. The highest gen I have is 7, but I'm inbreeding her with my studs for R&C projects. Most people won't take the time to check generations unless it's super important to them.

Also maybe your links aren't working because the link address has to go in between the quotation marks, then you can name it woth the wolves name where it normally said "link"

🍇 Uva 🍇

Posted 2024-07-15 10:04:14

Oooo, tysm for the info! Bot for the COI info, and the link thing! ^^

Posted 2024-07-15 10:04:48
No problem, I'm happy to help!

🍇 Uva 🍇

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