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Clan Points!

Clan Points!
Posted 2024-07-17 02:32:00 (edited)
Hi! This thread is for members of my clan, the Auction House to donate wolves for points! Here is also a link to my auction

First off, thank you for even THINKING of donating wolves to my cause, helping new, and old, players get their hands on some cheap wolves!! I've been seeing a lot of point systems on Lioden and I've decided to try it out on here!


Splits: 1 points
Mottleds: 3 points
Biewers: 2 points
Torns: 1 point
Unevens: 2 points
Melanism: 3 points
Albinos: 3 points
Tlll's: 5 points
T*'s: 10 points
Carriers: 1 point
3 plain pups: 1 point


50 uses (will take expiring food): 1 point

20 amusement uses: 1 point

3 medicine: 1 point

4 nesting material(need to nest the mamas on my future auction wolves!): 1 point

(Plain pups being regular wolves, no special mutations, markings, bases, ect.)


50 points: 400SC
75 points: 600SC & 2 nesting materials
100 points: 1500SC & 4 full use medicine of your choice
200 points: 3000SC & 2 refunded breedings to my stud
500 points: 10GC or a custom decor of your choice


Use this thread to keep track of your points, please only post once then edit that post to keep track of your points. I will not be keeping track of points, so I'm trusting you not to abuse my trust.


I have several things going for the clan, including raffling off free wolves, the auction house(of course), and several other things. So there is no guarenteen that the wolves you donate will end up on the Auction House thread, but they most likely will. If you would like the wolves to be used for a specific thing, please message me and I'll try and make that happen

If you have any questions, feel free to message me!

Posted 2024-07-17 16:39:47

Zyo's points and records

Current Points: 0

Personal Records

Total amount: 0

  • Splits:

  • Mottleds:

  • Biewers:

  • Torns:

  • Unevens:

  • Melanism:

  • Albinos:

  • Tlll's:

  • T*'s:

  • Carriers:

  • 3 plain pups:


Posted 2024-07-18 11:41:16 (edited)

Zambaio's Points

Current Points: 12

Donation History:
- Sent a gift called Auction Pie (#6153632) for Dynamite1429 (#138908), containing: 1 wolf (Aragon The CynthiusSkarn)
- Sent a gift called Donating wolf (#6164985) for Dynamite1429 (#138908), containing: 1 wolf (Apex (0.07%))
- Your gift Auction Pie (#6223218) was accepted by Dynamite1429 (#138908)!
- Your gift Auction Patches (#6224549) was accepted by Dynamite1429 (#138908)!
- Sent a gift called Auction House Wolves (#6237321) for Dynamite1429 (#138908), containing:
2 wolves (Auction Piebald: Frontal, Auction Piebald: Frontal)


Posted 2024-07-18 12:37:16

ShroudFang's points and records

Current Points: 0

Personal Records

Total amount: 0

  • Splits:

  • Mottleds:

  • Biewers:

  • Torns:

  • Unevens:

  • Melanism:

  • Albinos:

  • Tlll's:

  • T*'s:

  • Carriers:

  • 3 plain pups:


Posted 2024-07-24 13:59:26 (edited)
Donated :

5 Tlll wolves

One basic pie bald : uneven

Current points: 27

🤡♦American Jester♥🤡

Posted 2024-07-24 14:01:51
Thank you! Make sure to keep track of your points

Posted 2024-07-24 15:03:54
Donations are currently closed! I need to sell a few wolves before I can accept anymore

Posted 2024-07-27 06:06:40

Zyo's points and records

Current Points: 0
  Put the Text here

Personal Records

  Put the Text here
  Put the Text here


Posted 2024-08-04 12:42:16
Donations have been reopened! Currently looking for T*, frontals, melas, and unevens but I'll accept any!

New rule! For now on, you may only donate 5 wolves per rollover

Have a good day/night and thank you for all the donations!

Posted 2024-08-22 16:36:26

1. Uneven=2
1. BC=1

✨️🧚‍♀️{ Faerie }🧚‍♀️✨️

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