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Warrior Cats RP - ThunderClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-21 13:39:03
While Nightwing was watching his apprentice, Nightwing started feeling cold, like when he felt while he was running through the rain.
No... no, I can't be sick... the clan has to many mouths and to little warriors... even pigeonpaw is only newly apprenticed...

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-21 14:18:33
Pigeonpaw | he/him | warrior apprentice

Pigeonpaw glanced with some concern at his mentor, but he knew better than to disobey, so he crouched easily and moved forward in the training ground, trying to pick up and put down each paw with care, so he wouldn't alert his "prey". He noticed Nightwing out of the corner of his eye, standing with his fur rippling as if he were shivering and with a distant look in his eye, and he frowned. Something was going on with Nightwing...if he was getting sick, he should go the medicine cat den.


Posted 2024-07-21 14:20:57
"great, I feel like you're ready for real prey, meet me back here before sundown"

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-21 14:24:17
Pigeonpaw | he/him | warrior apprentice

Pigeonpaw stood up straight at his mentor's words, surprised. Nightwing had never sent him out on a solo hunting mission before, since he was only a moon into his training, so he was taking it as a good sign that he was allowed to go try it out on real prey alone! He certainly wasn't looking this gift horse in the mouth...whatever a horse was.

He said, "Okay, I'll be back before sundown!" and scrambled off into the woods.


Posted 2024-07-21 14:51:23 (edited)
Without looking back, Nightwing stalked towards a oak tree, where he saw a finch minding it's own business. Just when Nightwing was in pouncing range, he uttered a cough and the finch flied away.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-21 14:52:32
Shivers went down Nightwing's spine. Maybe he was sick.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-21 14:53:49
Even with all the coughing and sneezing, Nightwing managed to catch a magpie and a particularly fat squrriel. Satisfied, he went back to where Pigeonpaw and he agreed to meet up.

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-21 15:58:57
Nightwing started pacing. Where is Pigeonpaw? The sun was already looming near the horizon. He knew that his very attentive apprentice wouldn't miss the deadline except for emergencies.
Nightwing still hasn't stopped coughing and sneezing, and the chills down his spines were really getting to him.
A little nap would be nice, it's just a chill...

π•Žπ•’π•—π•—π•π•–π•Žπ• π•π•—

Posted 2024-07-21 18:24:36 (edited)

------------- Frostwhisker ---------------

With the kits finally down and asleep in the nest, Frostwhisker made her way outside of the den. With the clans members being so sparse she needed to go a little ways out of camp and collect some nice bedding. With her kits being 4 moons old they no longer needed her milk, which meant that she didn't have to be so close to them. Hoping that they would stay asleep she padded out of the camp. Stopping a little ways out of camp she clawed some moss up off the ground, laying it into a pile she continued searching. Finding a feather or two, along with some soft leaves she grabbed the jawful and headed back to camp. The night air and walk felt refreshing, it had been awhile since she'd stretched her legs. Making it back to camp she checked on her kits before setting up the new bedding.

Once the kits awoke she'd trash the old nest, and they'd move to the new one. Going to the fresh prey kill she grabbed a Squirrel and mouse since she was feeding herself and 4 hungry kits. Setting the prey down near the new nest she decided that she would eat once the kits were awake. Walking over to her kits she curled herself around them protectively, and went to sleep.

PS: I realize I have been putting them in the wrong age category, 4 moons = 4 months NOT 4 weeks


Posted 2024-07-21 18:36:17
Jaybark | he/him | warrior

After eating, Jaybarkβ€”as quietly as everβ€”slipped out of the camp, the white tuft of his tail disappearing through the thorn tunnel that led out of the camp. He shook his head and darted into the brush, jaw parted slightly to catch the scents on the loose breeze.

Heading perpendicular to the wind, the black tom made his way towards the ShadowClan border. Marking the border and keeping his nose out for any intriguing prey-scents was the plan. He followed along the edge of the border, ears pricked, until the scent of a rabbit crossed his tongue. Instantly he stopped and lowered himself, beginning to follow the scent, listening for the sound of rustling in the underbrush. What's a rabbit doing this far out? he wondered as he approached.

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