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Walfflewolf #141752

link for Feb. event link


Based of of the Tribe in the Warriors series (If you have no idea what I'm talking 'bout it's fine)


Leader: Name ends with ____star; see bio for description
Med-Wolf/Herbalist: Has the name of some herb/plant; description in regular place
Warriors/ Regular Wolves: Has a description underneath their name. Ex. A wolf named Snow has Snow that Melts on the Fur


Snow was wandering through a forest engulphed with flame, the ground covered with soot and flaming branches while the sky was stained with ash rising from the flames. She ran around, every breath a burden... suddenly pain shot up one of her legs and when she looked down she saw a flaming branch. licking her paw, she looked up and saw that all the shapes were beginning to to become fuzzy... as if she was witnessing the border between consciousness and dream. Then her legs buckled and her body landed with a thump on the charred ground. Everything pitch black. Not a noise, not a scent, not a sight.
Is this the end?
Then she saw a flicker. It wasn't much, just the weak start of a flame. Alarm shot through her, but was quickly soothed. The flame was calling her, it was nothing like the ferocious fire in the waking world but more like the warmth of a freshly killed squirrel. Snow slowly approached the light until she heard a slithering sound from behind her. But it was to late. A vine had wrapped around her back leg. This wasn't any vine though, it radiated with hate and and was wrapped with tendrils of darkness. Another came and wrapped around her front leg, then another on her stomach picking her up. One by one, the vines covered her up like a cocoon, blocking out the warmth of the fire with an unnatural sensation of hatred and anger... A voice echoed in her mind. There is darkness coming, like a night of no stars. Only the brightest light, one of hope and compassion can guide the world to the sun, to Ra.... Then there was nothing.

Snow woke up and saw a fuzzy black shape looming over her. Shaking her head, Snow stood up, only to fall down again.
"Woah there, keep still, don't want to pass out again do you?"
Member Information
Name Walfflewolf
Pack Night of No Stars
Queen Snowstar
Joined 2024-06-15
Last Active just now
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