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Warrior Cats RP - WindClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-22 17:22:33
When she crossed back into WindClan territory, she started to run. Fiercehawk loved the feeling of the wind rushing past her, and she ran all the way back to camp.


Posted 2024-07-22 17:31:47
She strolled into camp, trying to act natural


Posted 2024-07-22 17:35:34
Bearpaw | she/her | med cat apprentice

Bearpaw had made it back safe and sound with all of her dock leaves, and had just finished putting them away. As the last one settled into place, the big she-cat decided she was ready for some fresh-kill, and just as she strolled out into the clearing, she spotted Fiercehawk. Though the warrior was senior to her, Bearpaw's eyes narrowed. Something the way Fiercehawk was acting. Maybe it was nothing, but Bearpaw's whiskers were twitching, and it wasn't amusement.

She made her way over to the black she-cat, mewing, "Hello Fiercehawk! How were the prey running?"


Posted 2024-07-22 17:36:48 (edited)
Oh, um, it's running…


Posted 2024-07-22 17:38:52
Bearpaw | she/her | med cat apprentice

"Really?" she asked, tilting her head. "You didn't bring anything extra back, did you? Clearly they weren't running that well." She laughed, but her eyes remained fixed on Fiercehawk. Something about her hunch was right, and those weird vibes Bearpaw had gotten from her earlier when the she-cat had wanted to be alone definitely had something to do with it.


Posted 2024-07-22 17:40:07
They're running too well. I couldn't catch any, they were so fast!


Posted 2024-07-22 17:41:08
Bearpaw | she/her | med cat apprentice

"Oh, I see," the female purred with amusement, flicking her tail. "Well, better luck next time I guess!" With that, she turned to head to the fresh-kill pile, grabbing a mouse.


Posted 2024-07-22 17:43:57
Watching Bearpaw go, she sighed quietly in relief, and padded to the warrior's den. She suddenly felt very tired… curling up in her nest, she went to sleep.


Posted 2024-07-23 06:16:04
Hey Dandelion, do you want to patrol with me?


Posted 2024-07-24 05:36:23 (edited)

Bonesong {RiverClan medicine cat}

Padding into WindClan territory, her two apprentices behind her, the white tabby looked around. No sign of Ravenfeather, the WindClan medicine cat, or Bearpaw, the medicine cat apprentice. Walking onwards, Bonesong kept glancing at Nightpaw and Nettlepaw, making sure the two were behind her. If any patrol found them, it would be StarClan's will for them to be let past. Every cat knew that. The medicine cat wanted to make sure the medicine cat apprentices didn't get lost, though.


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