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Warrior Cats RP - WindClan Territory

Posted 5 days ago (edited)


"Think about calling you the mouse-brain you are." The sarcasm in the calico's voice was clear. "What do you think?" She added, now getting slightly annoyed. The calico glared at the tom for a bit, before Fiercehawk told her what she could do. A moon, did she mean a month? Either way, Fate thanked her. It would give her some time to decide. Before the large kit moved, she shot another glance at the tom in front of her. Any cat like him was why she needed some time to decide.

(She's just a kit to )


Posted 5 days ago

"A whole moon," I grumbled, digging my claws into the ground. "A dog? If there's a dog around, fiercehawk, then it's time to move into the nursery. You're due any day and with a dog running around, it's to dangerous for you."

Posted 5 days ago
Beartooth | she/her | med cat

"Would you like to stay with us for a moon, Fate?" Beartooth asked, her eyes sparkling with hope. "I could show you the ways of the Clan!"

Posted 5 days ago (edited)

Gritting my teeth at beartooths words, I stepped towards the medicine cat, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. "Stop with all the welcoming and cheery stuff. This kit needs to leave. She's a danger to the clan, my mate, and my kits!"

(If fate joins, sunchaser is gonna have a lot of trouble adjusting to her and opening up to her. Once she becomes an apprentice it'd be a good idea for sunchaser to mentor her, allow him to start trusting her or such)

Posted 5 days ago
Beartooth | she/her | med cat

Beartooth whipped towards Sunchaser, her pelt beginning to bristle. She was ordinarily very calm and easy-going, but something about this kit incited her passion.

"Sunchaser, she's a kit. What in StarClan's name are you talking about? She's not some adult loner, she wouldn't even be out of the nursery if she lived in our Clan."

Posted 5 days ago (edited)


"If I could have killed you, I would have done it by now!" The she-cat snapped. The calico ignored what Beartooth had to say. Her patience was gone. This tom was done for. Fate would make sure of he would learn a lesson he never forgets...


Posted 5 days ago
Beartooth | she/her | med cat

Beartooth swung back towards Fate, narrowing her eyes. "Fate, you better not do anything stupid. I will take you out of this camp right now." Overbearing mother bear shone in every aspect of her visage.

Posted 5 days ago
"Sunchaser, I'm not helpless. You're acting like this kit could kill me. And I'll be fine, I can take on any dog."


Posted 4 days ago (edited)


" 'Not do anything stupid'? You already have him for that! I'm regretting even coming to this camp, full of mouse-brains who think a kit is dangerous!" With an annoyed huff, the kit turned around and padded away from the cluster of cats. She didn't head for the camp entrance, no, but instead a dark corner inside of the camp. The Clan was stupid! Full of mouse-brains. Yes, the calico was dangerous, they wern't wrong with that, but she had already learnt her own lesson. Fate's father was a know-it-all. A bossy tom. The she-cat bit his tail, not letting go until the very end was removed... She had never forgiven herself for that...


Posted 4 days ago
Beartooth | she/her | med cat

Beartooth sighed, shaking her head. She looked at Fiercehawk and mewed, "I'm going to go after her and try to comfort her," pointedly ignoring Sunchaser.

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