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Those Who Survive(WolfRp)~ Chat & Characters

Posted 1 day ago
Hello, everyone! Hope we're all well!


Posted 1 day ago

Hai rouge
Welcome back to.. the chaos

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago
ima post my character soon

πŸ’”The Prince of HeartsπŸ’”

Posted 1 day ago

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
Character Sheet
Appearance(Picture/Description): link
Name: Tempest
Age: 1 year and 1 1/2 months
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Powered or Normal: Powered
If powered explain - His power takes up a lot of energy base off of what it is and how big it is or how long. He can solidify air, use it as camoflauge, and mildly control air temperature. (by like, 2 or three degrees.) He can also create force fields.|
History: As a pup, he was born with a kind family that he does not remember. He only remembers that they all Vanished. As he slowly grew up, he formed a sense of thought: trust no one. he continually was attacked by the Turned, and he never wanted to see any wolf again.
Group: None
Rank: Loner
Relatives: None he knows of.
Crush: None
Mate: None


Posted 1 day ago
Mind giving a better explanation on his power?
Is it like randomly becoming stronger?

Ghost of the lost

Posted 23 hours ago
No, he just randomly gets it, specifically when he's feeling strong emotion.


Posted 23 hours ago
But like.. what IS the power?
Like super strength
Magic kinda power
Like I get he randomly gets it, but what, does he GET? xD

Ghost of the lost

Posted 23 hours ago
I was thinking like, void. He can summon shadow, ig?


Posted 23 hours ago
So shadow control?
That would likely be more of a defense power rather then violent

Id love to give ya ideas if you're unsure!
Also your pfp makes me laugh πŸ˜‚

Ghost of the lost

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