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-OPEN- Interactive Cat Adopts

-OPEN- Interactive Cat Adopts
Posted 2024-07-31 23:06:46 (edited)
HELLO ready to enter the forest?
( LemonTree you get a discount:D 20 off each thing payed for)

^ short hair no markings ^
(All cats are different :0 )

Q. What is this? A. They are cat adoptables but with a twist :0 you get to interact with them (got the idea from lemonTree #138311 so all credit to them and there amazing ferrets)
Q. How can I get a cat :0 A. Head to the store and I'll meet you there
Q. What do I do this the cat? A. You can do whatever it's art but if you don't want the cat you can chase it to the forest and someone can get them :)

WELCOME ok first we need to buy some food if this is your first time then I'd recommend a fish :) cheap and ok % to get a Cat
(If you go out without an item it's possible to find some but very low chances)
Fish (they like fish right?): 10% chance to find a Cat
50 SC

Raw tuna (is this edible?): 20% chance to find a Cat.
70 SC

Lickable treats (I've heard they like these): 40% chance to find a Cat
100 SC

Bacon strips (wait are these for dogs?) : 50% chance to find a cat or something else…
130 SC

Regular Treats: 60% chance to find a Cats
150 SC

BIG TREATS!: 80% chance to find a CAT
200 SC

Auto Tame: Tames any Cat.
3 GC

- Cosmetics shop -
Collar: Puts a collar (color is your choice!) on your cat. 20 In Stock
50 SC

Top hat: Adds a top hat to your cat  10 In Stock
50 SC

Monocle: ah yes, very handsome.
10 SC

SOCKS: gives your CAT SOCKS  5 In Stock
150  SC

Bow: Gives your cat a bow  10 In Stock
80 SC

Bow tie: gives your cat a bow tie  10 In Stock
80 SC

Pride flag/bandana: Show your colors!

Fishy friend!: gives your cats a little fish friend (you can have multiple on one ferret)  5 In Stock
120 SC

Necklace: a necklace to go around your cat neck! (Choose the color)  10 In Stock
400 SC

Pounce pose: make your cat pounce on a toy!!
1 GC OR 500 SC

Loaf mode : see your purrfict pal in loaf mode

Custom decor:
100-300 SC (depends on what it is)

- the alley -
Marking Of Choice coin: Gives the owner power to choose any marking to put on their cat. 5 InStock
400 SC

Mutation Of Choice coin: Gives the owner power to choose any mutations to put on their cat. 5 InStock
2 GC

Extra marking slot: Adds an extra marking slot to the 5
6th slot: 100 SC
7th slot: 200 SC
8+ slot: 400 SC

Extra mutation slot: adds an extra mutation slot to the 5
6th slot: 200 SC
7th slot: 400 SC
8+ slot: 600 SC

Get rid of a marking/mutation
10 SC

Scry kits: see how many kits are in your cat!
40 SC.

Induce the kittens: Sends your furry friend into immediate labor.
500  SC or 1 GC

Lettuce : Makes your cat have a more realistic sized litter (1-6 kits) 6 In Stock
800 SC or 2 GC

Green beans : Increases chances of a rare+ mutation!  8 In Stock
400 SC or 1 GC

Catnip: makes your cat have all females its next litter!
100 Sc

Grass: makes your cat have all males its next litter!
75 SC

Gender Swap: Changes the gender of your cat
1 GC

Crate: A rotten wooden crate that contains 4-6 items from the shop
300 SC
Art?: order a custom art piece for your furry friend

You have made it this far good job well next we need to chose the place we search :0

Yay custom cats are now available
For the cheap price 250sc fill out this



Different forest have a different chance of getting things, but also no 100% of a cat or cats


It costs 0 SC to explore the red forest and spring forest, but it costs 100 SC to explore everything else.

The red forest: Higher chances of getting a realistic colored cat
The spring forest: Higher chance of getting a realistic colored cat
The flower forest: a flower forest ooOoo it's toasty here...
The Village Forest: people hmmm wonder if the cat live here too!
Light Forest: Higher chance of getting an light colored cat!
Ice cavern : not a forest... Wonder what here ..


- Pound -
Nothing here yet...______________________________________________________________


Price : 200sc


- now ITS time to get your own fuzzy friend -
Or if you have one go here


Posted 2024-07-31 23:29:04 (edited)
---news posts---

-new pounce pose :0
- 6 new markings
- new mutated stud
- custom cat are open :D
- new muties

--- ITS HERE---
- bang bang bang... What's that a roar ....


Posted 2024-08-01 20:18:43
hallo!! i'd would like to buy 1 big treats and use it in the spring forest right now:3

❄ oddlottle ☃ // 🌼🌈

Posted 2024-08-01 20:20:17
Alrighty I'll do your roll :D


Posted 2024-08-01 20:45:18 (edited)
Here you are

Name: cat 1
ID: #90575
Base: #8
Mutations: albino
Other: rolled posed :0 pounce
Gen: 1
Gender: male


Posted 2024-08-01 21:04:18
he looks absolutely amazing, tysm!!:3
i definitely know i'll be coming back!

❄ oddlottle ☃ // 🌼🌈

Posted 2024-08-01 21:05:49
I'm glad you like him if you want to find him he will be in the hoard


Posted 2024-08-01 22:20:31 (edited)
Slides 1260 SC over.

3 big treats
2 bacon strips

3 big treats go to: 1x flower forest explore, 1x red forest explore, 1x ice cavern explore.
2 bacon strips go to: 2x Villages explores.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-08-01 22:26:22
Ok I'll get right on that :0


Posted 2024-08-02 00:06:15 (edited)
Wow you found... (Hold on adding photos)
2 items
collar and bowtie

3 Cats (idk how you got so lucky I had to restart the app to make sure it wasn't broken lol)

Cat 1

Cat 2 (in hoard you'll see the Mut off an on)

Cat 3

And what's this...
A DOG??? ( This has a 0.3% with bacon strips and village)


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