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Event: Cataclysms

Posted 2024-08-04 05:26:39

Posted 2024-08-04 17:52:19
owo,, cryptids my beloveds


Posted 2024-08-05 02:53:04
(wooah) we're more than halfway thereee


Posted 2024-08-05 12:11:55
I've never before participated in this event because I've been on hiatus. Now that I'm experiencing it for the first time I have to say the idea is very cool! I love how the creatures look, there are some very neat designs. Plus it's a nice idea to choose which one of the groups to help and gain both currency and reputation.

However... the quests are the ones I don't like. Doing quests would be very nice. I chose to help Kinfolk first, and at least their quests are almost impossible to do. There are many that want me to defeat different creatures, investigate some biomes or help injured animals, but at the instant I activate the quest, I don't encounter almost any. It took me half a day to finish the quest that asked me to help three injured animals. I spend so many energy bars that I lost the count. I don't know what kind of grinding this event wants; I'm pretty active, but I'm not spending my money on guaranas because so many of them would go to waste.
So please, please, could something be done to the encounters so that doing quests would be more fun? Because I'm not having fun even if I really want to.

Posted 2024-08-05 13:33:41
They are very aware of our problems with this as seen in this latest ticket but refuse to do anything about it. Lowering the requirement for some of the quests doesn't fix the glaringly obvious problems. It's not even a bandaid. Oh yay, it might take two days instead of three days to complete a single quest now -_- what a joke.
the response in that ticket really frustrates me and makes this event ten times less enjoyable than it already is to the point I'm barely even inclined to partake in it now. normally I'm rather understanding and patient but this unwillingness on the dev's end to adjust the rates that have CLEARLY been a problem since last year is so, so disappointing.

Posted 2024-08-05 13:50:52
The shop hasn't even opened and I'm already poor and without items. These crypids are sucking the life out of my pack.
Yeah i do have 420 scales to spend on apps when the shop is open but.... at what cost?

If the game is hard on people who buy gc to get guaranas, imagine for those who can't do it frequently...


Posted 2024-08-05 13:55:31
I love this event, and I love that it's a little bit more challenging than some of the rest of the events. I don't think it's that hard, but also nobody is obliged to do events if they don't want to! I'm so excited about finding the Cryptids and rather than trying to get every CS I'm trying to focus on having fun, so I'm not fighting every one I find or doing every quest, though I'm sure by the end of the month I'll have enough for a few applicators :)

Ninsun [🕯️Lights On 🎃]

Posted 2024-08-05 14:07:21
I did I thought the same way as you on my first time at this event, but now that the game doesn't have much new to offer besides the items I'm poor and without new content to enjoy, a little storyline or something else could definitely benefit old and new players


Posted 2024-08-05 14:08:48
While the quests do take a lot, I think people should remember that the apps don't cost much. (Assuming it's the same as last year.) 440 CS can buy a full set of base, marking, eye, nose, skin, and claws.

Some of the quests are rough, hut you don't HAVE to max them out every day.


Posted 2024-08-05 14:16:41
@Eri that's fair, I can imagine it's possibly not so exciting when it's not your first time playing it 😅 I've not been playing long enough to replay any of the events, do they usually update them much every year?

Ninsun [🕯️Lights On 🎃]