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Those Who Survive ~ Wolf RP Thread

Posted 2024-10-09 11:17:03 (edited)

Lilith - Alpha of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Zaver, Raven, Soren
Lilith growled slightly, "Fine...but don't complain about my commands. I don't know where Eliza is, but for now I'll take charge of this. We keep circling it, do your best not to get bit. Especially you, Raven. Don't think I haven't noticed the amount you've been bitten. I need you guys to stay as in tip-top shape as possible. Considering they got separated...Eliza will likely be dragged in a different Turned when she gets back to us! Weave in, bite, dodge as fast as you possibly can! Don't get cocky and try to take this thing down just yet. Zaver, that includes you! We will find Eliza later. Let's just try to accomplish what she wanted."

Zaver - Warrior of Normal - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Lilith, Raven, Soren
Zaver glanced out to the woods, hoping to hear anything, but knew Lilith was right. "Alright." He listened to her words, she was right. They would need to be in the best possible shape. It was clear this Turned Wolf was already on the cusp of death. So eat attack they got in on it would bring it one inch closer. He jumped in biting the rump of the wolf and flinching, its blood tasted awful and made him want to vomit. "Keep your head in the game, Zaver!" Lilith shouted, shoving him out of the way as the wolf sank its fangs into Lilith's collar. Its aim had been Zaver's throat. It shook its head tearing into her flesh, but she bit back her bite force stronger as she bit into its front right shoulder, something snapped within her jaws. A bone? Whatever it was, it had been enough to get the damn thing to release her. "Zaver, if you can't focus back off!" Lilith growled as blood slid down her fur. He felt shocked and ashamed of himself, "I would hate to have to explain to Eliza why one of her warriors died." She was trying her best to ignore the pain from that bite, but to be honest, it had been bad. "K-keep leading it inward...I think I broke its leg..." Lilith muttered through gritted teeth.
Diego - Hunter of Powered - 4yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Storm
Diego frowned, "What's going on?" Now feeling a bit more curious than worried. Perhaps he could join her up there? He glanced at the trunk of the tree. Before trying to climb up it, but his previous wound made his balance off and he tumbled to the ground with a thud, "Ow..." He muttered before getting back up to shake the dirt from his coat.
Echo - Pup of Normal - 7months - Location: Camp - Tags: Vera
Echo shivered slightly as she rested with most of the others in camp. They had been told of the plan and a lot of them hadn't liked the idea, but their alpha hadn't been there it had been Zaver telling them all of this. That it was an order. She glanced at Vera, "Do you think everything will be okay?"

Vera - Pupsitter of Normal - 4yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Echo, River(Mentioned)
Vera sighed, resting her head, gently over Echo's back, "No matter what happens I'll stick with you. Besides didn't you and River plan to do some training? Do you want to see if she'll show you something now? To take your mind off what the others are doing?"
Falco - Hunter of Normal - 4yrs - Location: Roaming - Tags: Open
After his spat with his sister, he hadn't returned to the campgrounds. Instead, he found himself roaming about without much thought or clue as to where he was going. It had been one thing when he'd turned his back on Eva, but when she'd done so to him... He wondered if this was how she'd felt. Hurt and betrayed? Did he have any right to feel that way?


Posted 2024-10-09 11:29:23
Raven-hunter of normal-4 1/2 yrs-location:woods-tags:soren,lilith

She nodded springing out of the way of another bite and twisting around bashing it in the head with her paws sending it to the ground for a moment as she moved farther away.She had a weird feeling of being watched but tried to ignore it.

storm-warrior of power-4 1/2yrs-location:camp(in a tree)-tags:Diego

Storm blinked "I don't know,but I'm gonna find out" she said leaping down quickly from the tree.she paused I can't leave! Im supposed to take care of the pack! she thought torn

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-10-09 11:38:18

Holly - Traveller - 1yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: None

Now this was getting interesting. Dragging in a Corrupted? Standing up, she walked along the shadows, getting a better glimpse at every wolf there. It was near impossible to see here, unless you knew the female was there.


Posted 2024-10-09 16:08:37
Eliza - Alpha of Normal - 4yrs - Location: Outer Woods - Tags: Zaver --> Open

Eliza flinches, watching the turned wolf chase after Zaver. Her ears pin back, tail going still and stiff behind her. She goes to call to Zaver but gets cut off by a snarl. She looks over and sees another turned wolf, but this one's face was missing, the skull of it in full view, and it's eyes nowhere to be seen. She grimaces at the sight of it. She stays silent and watches as the turned wolf walks around, not being able to see or smell Eliza, only trying to hear her.
The turned wolf slowly leaves, but it stops when it hears Eliza sigh in relief. It snaps its head over to look at Eliza, making a horrible sound as its bones struggle to hold itself together. Eliza quietly moves away, further into the forest while the turned wolf follows along, it's steps loud compared to Eliza


Posted 2024-10-22 14:12:43

Lilith - Alpha of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Zaver, Raven, Soren
Raven was doing splendidly as she bashed its face into the ground. "Good hit Raven." It only phased it long enough for Lilith to steady her breathing. Before she knew it the Turned Wolf was back up and lunging, she dodged another bite. Pain exploded through her collar, perhaps the thing had bitten deeper than she'd thought. Their exchanges certainly hadn't been equal, but it told her this thing had more strength in it than she had thought. "Keep getting in hits. Weaken it as much as possible while we lead it inward."

Zaver - Warrior of Normal - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Lilith, Raven, Soren
Zaver steadied himself he couldn't let Lilith and his pack members down. He circled the thing putting himself between the monster and Lilith. "Hang back and tell us what to do Lilith..." Lilith snarled at him slightly, "Then you better not freeze again." He nodded, jumping in and biting into the place Lilith had to do more damage. He leaped back, "I won't again." He growled. Jumping into with another bit to the things back leg on the same side. If they could cripple it, that would make killing it easier.
Diego - Hunter of Powered - 4yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Storm
Diego's ears pressed against his head slightly, "Go! I'll be here and I'll keep everyone safe and ready to go if I need to. I know you wouldn't be able to focus on work just leaving Lilith to possibly die." His ears swiveled slightly as he stood more confidently, "Go bring our Alpha back."


Posted 2024-10-22 14:16:42
Raven-hunter of normal-4 1/2 yrs-location:woods-tags:soren,lilith

"Thanks" she said and when it lunged at Lilith she took the chance to dart forward and ripped at its side and belly quickly lunging right back before it could flip around and bite back.

storm-warrior of power-4 1/2yrs-location:camp-tags:Diego

She nodded "good,and your right,ain't no one allowed to get hurt on my watch!" She said and turned darting out of camp speed up far faster than any normal wolf should be able to.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-10-22 14:28:56

Lilith - Alpha of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Zaver, Raven, Soren
Lilith was glad to see Zaver pulling himself together, still though she wanted to scold him. This had been his idea, but it seemed he hadn't fully thought it through. She kept her eyes on Raven, she'd been bitten several times but didn't seem to show any signs of change. Was it possible? Were those with power immune? If that were the case it gave her even more reason to want to work with those who were still normal. Slowly but surely they lured the monster inward. She noticed it, the closer they got to the Meeting Lake the thing slowed. It seemed confused, its focus shifting from attacking to trying to head back outward. Her eyes narrowed, it seemed that it was possible...that the lake was safe. 

Zaver - Warrior of Normal - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Lilith, Raven, Soren
Zaver seemed to notice it as well as a small grin curled along his maw. "I think I was right." Lilith nodded, "Possibly. A little bit more. I want to see something and then we end it!" Zaver's eyes narrowed, "Yes."
Diego - Hunter of Powered - 4yrs - Location: Camp - Tags: Storm-->Open
Diego had only blinked and then she was gone. He felt confused for a moment before shaking his head. He wasn't sure what Storm had seen, but he hoped everything was okay. He glanced around camp, he'd spoken with such confidence but when it came down to it...would they follow him if needed?


Posted 2024-10-22 14:31:57
Raven-hunter of normal-4 1/2 yrs-location:woods-tags:soren,lilith,Zaver,storm

She continued on but her eyes flashed with confusion at the sight of another wolf and with wings it seemed bounding towards them."guessing that's one of your pack come to help rip this thing up?" She guessed one eye on the turned

storm-warrior of power-4 1/2yrs-location:camp-tags

She continued running until the group came into sight she slowed slightly judging the situation with sharp eyes.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-10-22 14:52:41

Lilith - Alpha of Powered - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Zaver, Raven, Strom
Lilith frowned, "What?" She glanced towards the direction Raven had pointed out and it made her gasp. "Storm?" Lilith's mind wondered how she'd gotten so close this fast. Unless she had followed her against her wishes... Storm wasn't one to disobey like that though...a small huff left Lilith, she'd deal with it later. "Storm your teeth can be used get your butt over here and help since you're here!" There was a hint of thankfulness in Lilith's tone despite how it came out. She felt herself feeling a bit lightheaded, it told her she was losing blood faster than she needed to be.

Zaver - Warrior of Normal - 5yrs - Location: Woods - Tags: Lilith, Raven, Storm
Zaver glanced towards the other wolf, her form just as striking as Raven's. But his eyes darted back to the Turned Wolf as it went through another spasm of trying to attack. They had pushed it inward more and now it was trying to run away rather than attack, though that urge was still there. Its attacks had certainly lessened. Something he took note of was the sudden shaking of its body...


Posted 2024-10-22 14:59:42
Raven-hunter of normal-4 1/2 yrs-location:woods-tags:soren,lilith,Zaver,storm

Raven had to take a double take on the other wolf for a moment momentarily startled but then went back to the fight.She bit onto its shoulder leaping back after a moment.

storm-warrior of power-4 1/2yrs-location:camp-tags:Raven,Soren,Lilith,zaver

Storm launched straight into the fight "sorry felt like you needed help" she explained glancing at Lilith and then proceeded to rip at the turneds hind quarters darting away again quickly.

Soren-hunter of normal-5 yrs-location:the forest-tags:Lilith,raven,zaver,storm

He bit at the turned wolf's side trying to keep out of the two practically flying around wolves it was actually making him mildly dizzy and he had to jump back.

Ghost of the lost

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