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RP Partner search

RP Partner search
Posted 2024-08-07 13:50:39
Hey there, I'm Carcosa and I'm looking for a role-play partner (or two)!

About Me
She/her pronouns. I'm in my early 30s and live on the west coast in the USA. I have a husband, two kids and a menagerie of cats and dogs. I work fulltime and am mostly around to respond in the evenings. I enjoy reading, playing video games and playing DnD when I'm not taking care of children or pets. I got my start in roleplaying back in elementary school when the internet was a lawless place and no one cared that 10 year olds were learning html on neopets and pretending to be wild horses on forums.

My Requirements

  • Similar in Age
    At the very least, you must be over 18!

  • Strong Writing Skills
    Please use full sentences in your posts, with proper writing conventions and descriptions of character thoughts/actions. Obviously everyone has typos, but overall please show that you've put care and thought in your replies. Personally, my preferred post-style is third-person past tense with one to two paragraphs depending on the scene (setting posts may be longer, quick dialogue exchanges shorter). Out of character I am way more lax and don't mind slang, short hand or casual speak.

  • Communicative
    Let me know your interests, ideas and hopes for our roleplays! It takes two to tango, and I love to worldbuild, plan and plot with my roleplaying partners! Similarly, let me know if you'll be unable to respond for an extended period of time for whatever reason. I don't mind breaks in replies, just so long as I know the other person is okay :)

  • Tolerance for Mature Themes
    By this I mean being able to handle adult language, difficult situations, potentially violent situations, romantic situations, etc. If you have limits or would prefer to avoid specific topics, just let me know so I know what to refrain from!

  • Inclusion and Acceptance
    I will not tolerate homophobic, racist, sexist or otherwise derogatory conversation or beliefs out of character. Mention, reference or exploration of these themes and how they impact characters IC is 100% fine.

My Interests
All interests are presumed to be with human/humanoid characters unless otherwise stated. I will be using original characters exclusively unless otherwise stated.

  • Fantasy
    I love fantasy of all types! For non-canon roleplays, I enjoy doing a bit of worldbuilding to flesh out things in general such as: use of magic (common/uncommon/rare), if there is magic what are the limits/constraints/rules, scene and setting (modern/historical/urban/etc). Some established worlds I would be interested in exploring include: The Locked Tomb, Grishaverse, Mistborn, Dragonriders of Pern, Dragon Age, Avatar: TLA. Feel free to ask about others!

  • Science-Fiction
    While fantasy is my first love, I do enjoy the chance to journey into space and explore other worlds! To give you a sense of the sorts of science fiction settings and plots I am interested in, I am including a list of some of the sci-fi works I have enjoyed.
    Mass Effect, A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, Saga, the Star Wars universe, Firefly, Starfinder RPG system

  • Paranormal/Supernatural/Horror
    I guess this is kind of an off-shoot of fantasy? At any rate, I do enjoy I good gritty and dark world with unsavory elements. I most enjoy horror that is weird, psychological, eldritch and occult. Witches are cool, and I have a soft spot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Interested? Send me a message or leave a comment!

Posted 2024-08-07 13:57:10
I'm definitely I interested! I am just 19 so if you don't want to rp with me, that's OK.


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