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Storyteller Role

Posted 2020-11-05 18:53:20 (edited)

Be cool if we could give this role to a old wolf and have it work much like the grandpaw/retired king feature in lioden.


Posted 2020-11-05 18:56:04

Yeah the grandpaw thing was cool!! It could be cool to be able to have your old lead around for a little while to interact with pups. For the nostalgia

Moony ☾

Posted 2020-11-05 19:04:21

The grandpaw thing in Lioden is annoying and useless.  I certainly hope they don't put any effort into such here.  

As Storyteller the idea of the role is okay, but it really isn't needed.  There's motivation to keep your wolves at 100% and one use adds 10%.  Having them at 95% after roll instead of 90% would be pointless.  I don't even have my scouts re-scouting yet and I get plenty of amusement items.

Lunar Lords

Posted 2020-11-05 19:08:21

A storyteller as a grandpaw thing sounds fun! I love the grandpaw flavor text on Lioden, it brightens my day up so much :'0


Posted 2020-11-05 19:25:27

I like this but the not being able to breed is a bit off putting I don't see why it wouldn't be able to breed just because it keeps lore 

I do however like the set for life like a breed male 

And to show staff it's a good idea we can just set one as such in our packs and have it in her foot note and bio 

But they a bit more to do then just "keeps wolves happy" something we can set them out to do or specific task 


Posted 2020-11-05 19:28:28

Lunar Lords#6914 it would serve as using amusement items every other day as opposed to once a day


Posted 2020-11-05 19:32:29 (edited)

Okay, what others just said gave me an idea. The storyteller role can be used on a lead in transition for retirement/death to help the new leader "transition" into the lead role. This would make it so while the former lead/storyteller is around that the scouting areas are not cleared out entirely and territories can be rescouted faster rather than having them wiped. Once the lead dies, whatever wasn't fully rescouted will be wiped and need to be rescouted fully.

This would have a starting age that it could be used and a fixed amount of time. You'd lock-in your leads replacement once Storyteller is activated.

The other roles can have apprenticeses. But this would be the sink or swim passing of the torch to the new leader.

Like all roles, Storyteller Role is not mandatory.

Just an idea. You guys can hate on it or tweak it all you like. I'm not attached.


Posted 2020-11-05 20:24:41

Or if it is a special role for retired leads, it would be interesting if they 'helped' your lead instead. Uncommon to Rare chances to help you in combat (dodge/increased focus chance sometimes/1-2 HP/etc), a slight exp boost to your lead (Nothing huge, but a 5% to quests and fighting would be nice), the proposed boost to scouting biomes to open (I don't know about keeping biomes open but a boost to percentages gained when scouting would be nice), and/or simply nice flavor text in your Den sometimes when you visited them.

It would be a very nice marriage between the Grandpaw on LD and the more interesting role system here. Even if they only did one functional thing and just added some flavor text for the rest.


Posted 2020-11-06 01:04:07

I like the idea of a role of a role that improves morale, though I don't understand why it has to be so restricted. The herbalist is also a "one per pack" role, but herbalists can be swapped out and sold, and can breed - why not the storyteller?

Also, as Lunar Lords pointed out, the role as described doesn't have much functionality because whether you're going from 90% or 95% morale, you use up one use of an amusement item. Yes, as KalikaRoo31 pointed out, this would mean you'd only have to play with some wolves every other day, but for pups and nursing mothers you have to have 100% mood each and every rollover.

Personally I'd prefer to adapt the role into something that simulates conveying knowledge. Perhaps, storytellers could be assigned pups and adols, up to, say, 10, and each rollover they impart a small amount of exp (total amount determined by their proficiency), divvied up among all of their charges. This represents the storyteller gathering their pups and adols round and telling them about the way things are. The feature would have to be balanced such that even a fully proficient storyteller given only one pup for that pup's entire youth can't get that pup above, say, level 5 (and usually it'd be less because it'd be split over more than one pup). Could be a fun way to groom heirs.


Posted 2020-11-06 01:15:26 (edited)

No support for calling it Omega, support for introducing a Storyteller role. Adding 5% is a bit inconvenient, so maybe each Storyteller could take up to 5 wolves under their "care" and give them a 10% daily boost? That way people can save on amusement items, but they'll still need them if they want their pack to be over 5/10 wolves, since I'm assuming Storytellers will be limited to 1-2 wolves per pack.

hydde 🥀 on hiatus

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