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Within the Cervidae’s heart (ended & closed)

Posted 2024-09-05 12:24:05
Yalaktinos nodded. "The humans most definitely have caused much distress to everyone. Such vile and cruel creatures they are," the stag said. He didn't ask further questions about her past sensing that it wasn't an easy subject to talk about and it seemed to make her uncomfortable, which was more than understandable to him. After all, everyone had some things they rather not mention or dwell upon.


Posted 2024-09-05 12:46:13
She nodded and went silent for awhile unsure on how to actually say she was leaving.Perhaps she would just miss the easy life she had here or maybe she just felt at home with the herd.She didnt know why she was so hesitant to say it but she knew she needed to so she finally looked at him "im going to continue my travels" she said and then she realized why,because when she said it there was no going back she wasnt going to be able to go back and stay a bit longer

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-05 13:43:18
Yalaktinos raised his brow at such a sudden announcement. However, it was expected, she had mentioned that she wasn't going to stay for too long within the herd. Of course it had been nice having her around, but the stag couldn't say that he would fight for her to stay. After all, it was the doe's choice in the end.

"Leaving so soon? Did I or any other members of my herd do anything to offend you or treat you poorly?" he asked. His tone was friendly and slightly worried as he was worrying if there had been a situation that had pushed her towards her sudden decision.


Posted 2024-09-05 14:08:55
"No,I just feel I need to go I told myself I wouldn't stay that long and then well I guess I became to at home" she chuckled thought she seemed a bit sad "I'm basically a moving target until the winter so it will be safer for you your herd and me if I get moving" she said as sad smile on her face

(Dang this feels so sad)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-05 14:14:21
"I understand," Yalaktinos said with a nod. He had a small smile on his face too, but it was mixed with hints of sadness.

"You'll always have a home here, if you wish to become a part of my herd," he said, but respected her decision. He could understand well the feeling of certain restlessness that would force other to continue their journey, whatever the destination might be.


Posted 2024-09-05 14:27:37
She dipped her head for two reasons 1 to hide just how sad she was to leave and 2 out of thanks "thank you,perhaps I'll come visit in the sno which isn't to far I suppose" she said watching Lilith play for a moment

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-05 14:31:28
"Winter sure is coming fast this year," Yalaktinos said turning his gaze to follow Frost's. "Lilith will miss you," he said, it was more like a statement than anything else.


Posted 2024-09-05 14:35:50
"Yea I just hope it doesn't crush her as much as I'm thinking" she sighed frowning worried that the fawn may not be able to handle frost leaving her as well

(She can't hehehehehe)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-09-05 14:41:09
"Sadly that is a part of life, I suppose. The deer we come and go for various reasons. While others may stay for a long while, some only visit our lives briefly," Yalaktinos said. He could only imagine the fawn's anger.


Posted 2024-09-05 14:48:36
"I suppose that's true" she said watching Lilith running happily with another fawn."and some you never get to have in your life" she said looking back at him and part of her wondered what it was like to be him always patrolling and with no one to actually care for him like a mate would and no fawns to show just how amazing the world could be.At some point she thought she could be something to this stubborn yet kind stag but she could tell he didn't have the room in his heart for it or at least that's what she thought.

Wow this might just end their friendship for now))

Ghost of the lost

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