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priv rp with angst

Posted 2024-08-25 13:03:29
Viella dreamt of horrible things... twitching and kicking.

Renae spotted those deer, plunging towards them suddenly. Aha, perfect. Clumsy deer.


Posted 2024-08-25 13:05:29
Raven put her head on viellas side basically being a protective giant blanket

Tempest mildly startled held on as the dragon dropped and ducked so she didn't fall off or slow them down.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-25 13:17:59
She stopped kicking but still twitched.

Renae shot one with her burning red plasma, her body heating up a bit, and eyes glowing and all that, then glides and swoops to the side, twirling to get her off her back, and lands swiftly, nudging the deer towards the girl. She sits and licks her nose, watching.


Posted 2024-08-25 13:19:50
(Not gonna mess with rave till they wake)

Tempest looked at the deer then the dragon "oh so you tried to kill me and now your feeding me? Well that's lovely but I'm good thanks" she said both confused and amused.

Toothless that u?))

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-25 13:22:36
(Same lol)

Renae makes a confused face, then puts her paw on the injury, mimicking a healer, closing her eyes, then stops and looks at the girl.



Posted 2024-08-25 13:24:49
"Honestly wish you could speak right now,uhm do you want me to eat that or magically heal it?" She asked tilting her head a bit like a bird or cat would.

(XD tempest over here confused)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-25 13:32:47
Renae sighs heavily walking away.


Posted 2024-08-25 13:35:11
Tempest frowned at the dead deer as it was just waisted and walked over to it closing its eyes and then watched the dragon confused before realizing the time and that she was likely going to get kicked from her house in the village not that she was to upset about that.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-25 14:32:03
Renae walks back to the deer, realizing it'd be a waist if she didn't eat it, grabs it and takes off to go eat it, leaving the girl behind.

(LOL she ain't paying that rent unless she flys)


Posted 2024-08-25 14:34:32
With a quiet sigh tempest began moving towards her village home which they had gone the complete opposite direction from muttering something in Spanish

Yeaaa also fun fact tempest can speak 3 languages and is learning a 4th!))

Ghost of the lost

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