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priv rp with angst

Posted 2024-08-31 18:10:32
(Yay, and pm me itttt)
Viella grabs her and hugs her, "Whatcha gonna do abt it? Hm?" She giggles.

Renae yelp-roars in surprise as the girl lands on her suddenly.


Posted 2024-08-31 18:15:58
(I will and it's still not like the best)

"Mmmmm I could do something" she said and hugged her back

Tempest who had been aiming for a branch and was suddenly standing on air leaped up snatching a branch and spinning her self around and onto the branch deeply startled

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-31 18:18:15
(At least it's more XD)

Viella buries her head in her neck smiling, ears pinned back. "Like what," she says, muffled.

Renae appears before her, angling her head up to look at her, tail lashing.


Posted 2024-08-31 18:24:05
(Not all that much)

"Hmmmm" she said still hugging her

"HOLY! God you scared the heck out of me! And also sorry for landing on you" she said her emotions shifting from one to another she was still perched there fully relaxed "though to be fair you just decided to be on the same tree as me" she said

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-31 18:28:28
Viella, tail still hopelessly wagging, pulls out of the hug, leading Raven to the door, "Ready?"

Renae makes a tiny roar at her, and hops up, grabbing her shoe, and tugging her off the tree, letting her fall. She giggles-ish.


Posted 2024-08-31 18:35:44
Looking mildly sad the hug ended but quickly recovering "yup!" She said and Saturn and fawn and pine ran over as the door was nocked on and raven opened the door "isle!" Raven grinned hugging them isle had dirty blonde hair and green eyes with tanned skin

Tempest watched it fall "hey! Are you gonna get that? Or am I going barefoot now?" She chuckled smiling

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-31 18:40:39
She pokes her head to look, "Hello there" she smiles.

Renae grabs/tosses the other shoe, playfully moving around.


Posted 2024-08-31 18:43:14
Isle smiled "hi" she said seeming unsurprised by the girl with ears in a tail

Raven smiled at the two not hating each other "thanks for taking care of them" she said and isle smile widened "ha no thank YOU" she said and raven laughed

Tempest watched this "oh so you're not a scary and mean pretty dragon huh?" She said yawning and glancing at the sky for no particular reason

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-31 18:48:01
"Thank you for this," Viella says to Isle.

Renae huffs, and struts, making sure the sun catches her scales, making a sparkling effect.


Posted 2024-08-31 18:50:12
Isle just winks and darts into the house into the bedroom repeatedly saying *awww*

Raven laughed and takes viellas hand and calls the dogs before closing the door.

"Yes I'll obey your every command your shininess" she giggled leaning back slightly

Ghost of the lost

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