New daily snake quest ideas
New daily snake quest ideas
Posted 2020-11-06 08:13:24 (edited)
I was about to suggest this on another topic, but as it was about a different thing I decided to just make my own post. I think it would be great to have a bigger variety of different snake quests. That way you would have a bigger chance not to get the same quest several times in a row and make doing the quest a little different. I am not suggesting that all of these ideas should become real quests. I have just listed everything that has been brought up in the topic, so users can easily see what has been suggested without reading the thread. I will also try to add all issues that people bring up about the quest ideas. --------------------------------------------------------------- Quest ideas by me & others: 1. Rescouting quests Issues: Needing to find specific items might be too limiting. Scouts can't work effectively. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Herbalist quests Issues: Foraging might take up to 10 hours, so 5-10 herbs might be too much (especially on winter). --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Befriending quests Issues: Limited territory space --------------------------------------------------------------- 4. New slaying quests Issues: 5-7 could still be too much, depending on who you ask --------------------------------------------------------------- 5. New hunting quests Issues: Hunting specific sized trails will bring the issue of ex. never getting large trails. --------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Other quests Issues: High-leveled pack is hard to level up, chased NBW's would just go to the chased pool and make it just even worse than it is now. Pup removal is best to leave for other (possibly upcoming) game features. Getting X-score in a game shouldn't be too hard to get. --------------------------------------------------------------- General issues: - Are quests challenging enough to do if a role action is guaranteed to succeed. --------------------------------------------------------------- Edits 16.11. |
![]() Kahvinporo #489 |
Posted 2020-11-06 08:18:58
another snake quest idea to add to your post host a certain number of trades in the tc say 1-10 somewhere between that number |
![]() junko enoshima #10052 |
Posted 2020-11-06 08:44:35
Love the idea, I agree we need some more variety. I think the scouting idea is pretty cool! Should be fairly easy to implement as well, since the collect quests already check which biomes you have unlocked. I think crafting 5 cures is way too much. It takes 7.5 hours minimum if you have all the herbs. (In comparison, 10 hunts take 5 hours minimum.) I would rather suggest 1-3. But the foraging I would say is more manageable. I am mixed on the befriending. For one, it forces you to have space (or free it/buy more) which I am not a fan of. But in general, its okay. I don't like the trade idea. People should not be forced to host trades and you could easily cheat by creating 10 trades for 1 acorn each for 100GC and delete them straight after. I wonder if chasing puppies would be a good quest? I know many think there should be a rewarded option to get rid of surplus pups in some way. |
![]() Sienna Snow #402 |
Posted 2020-11-06 08:55:13
@sienna it was arandom quest idea that popped into my head |
![]() junko enoshima #10052 |
Posted 2020-11-06 09:01:49
I'd love more quest diversity, but some of your examples go away from the challenge idea of the current snake quests. Right now the quests mostly require you to do something that's at least moderately hard, instead of just to send out your herbalist/scout out a few times with guaranteed success. I'm not sure if we want to go in that direction - I sort of like the challenge aspect. Befriending wolves and chasing puppies seems challenge-like enough. Or if we want to make it more interesting, maybe it could be puppies with at least X markings, or at least X stats, or something? (it could scale with the markings/stats of your breeding male or lead wolf, the way successful hunts scale with hunter proficiency. I'd say markings should be half the markings of your wolf, not sure exactly how to scale the stats but they shouldn't be too high.) Similarly, befriending could have an extra requirement, maybe personality? If you're going for a specific personality then it should only ask for 1-2 wolves - which would require 4-8 befriending encounters on average, but you wouldn't have to accept them all, so it'd take less space/time. I'd rather stay away from the trade center, like Sienna said - it's not a core part of gameplay and it's not challenging, so people would just set up a bunch of pointless trades and it'd feel like a chore. Hmm, I'm not sure what else would be nice and doable but a little challenging. I'm sure as we get more site functionality, more things will come up - "get an X score in a game" seems like it'd work fine as a quest too, once we have games. |
![]() Nika #10475 |
Posted 2020-11-06 09:05:03
I agree with Nika. I also really like her befriend personality types quest. |
![]() QueenOfFrowns #3910 |
Posted 2020-11-06 09:17:58
My own playstyle is very active, and so I haven't really found any of the current snake quests challenging at all. Even 9 successful hunts quest is just... Not hard, but just a little annoying but very doable for a person with two full hunting teams. Slaying is just... really easy and I almost always already have all the items for fetching quests sitting on my hoard. So I just tried to come up with something different to do every day that would utilize other roles as well and just make the quests feel less repeatable. But perhaps instead of just rescouting, the scouting quest could be more about finding specific feathers? I'm not sure, more ideas are always welcome! |
![]() Kahvinporo #489 |
Posted 2020-11-06 09:23:20
i was just thinking about this while i tried to reset my quest after failing a 9 successful hunt quest and got 4 more hunting quests with 0 hunts left in the day, wasting my sc on snake skulls here's some ideas i've had!
![]() »∘ dynne ∘« #1984 |
Posted 2020-11-06 09:32:46
I don't find them that challenging, I don't think I've failed any since I started, I just think it's more fun/interesting if you have to think about how to make sure you get it done, instead of just succeeding automatically. Finding specific feathers in rescouting could work if they're reasonably common - I don't really know what the item pool is. (Does it depend on biome?) Or something like have a scout gain a specific stat? (either from leveling up or from a scouting bonus). The problem with the herbalist is they don't do anything where you have strategic input into the results. With your lead wolf you can choose which enemies/levels/etc to fight, in hunting you can choose smaller/larger trails, with scouts you can send them to different biomes. But with the herbalist the only task options are either "you click the button and succeed automatically" (forage X times or make X medicines), or "it depends completely on RNG" (find a specific herb), neither of which are fun. Similarly with pupsitters - it's just not a role that does enough interesting things to make for a sensible quest. Although I suppose having a few non-challenging quests thrown into the pool wouldn't be too bad as long as they're not the majority, so "forage X times" just to give the herbalist something to do seems okay. (I'd consider "diagnose X diseases", but that might be too RNG-based, and hard for people who don't have time to do a lot of hunts a day...) Oh, I think it'd also be fun to have hunt quests that require small/medium/large prey (not 9 of them, just 1-3 probably), with the size scaling up with hunter proficiency. Of course that's just more hunting quests, but at least it'd be a bit different. |
![]() Nika #10475 |
Posted 2020-11-06 09:33:18
Support for more quest variety, but I'd stay away from quests that require user interaction or having specific requirements already (like pup chasing). The current quests require only individual gameplay, and I'd like it to stay that way. Pup removal should be through a Gorilla Enclave-like feature instead, but Chasing in general could be a good quest. |
![]() Before #8638 |