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New daily snake quest ideas

Posted 2020-11-06 12:21:13 (edited)

@Nika: So far, I have been setting up the replacements to my senior teams. It feels like someone is always leveling up over here. Except my lead because I waste too many salves and have to re-save up before grinding up to the next level.

I plan to keep this an ongoing thing. But can still see your point and concede that not everyone plays the same way.

If we implemented the longer quest section, maybe the level up quest can go there? Or just scrap it.


Posted 2020-11-07 00:49:41

@Monster Pack & @QueenOfFrowns

Maybe the special and longer quests could be available at the Questing snake, but be called something different? Bounties? Though this probably would need to be its own suggestion.


Posted 2020-11-11 06:12:40

Added new slaying quest idea.


Posted 2020-11-12 15:53:16

I agree, however, I think you should remove the befriend one and the chasing pups one as those will be extremely hard to do if you don't like have space or you don't have a pup you want to chase. 


Posted 2020-11-12 16:05:25

I've decided to keep all suggestions/ideas on the first post so people will see what has been already suggested and also to see issues brought by the quest ideas. I think this is important for a proper discussion of new quest ideas and such, especially if devs are reading this so they can see what players think. 


Posted 2020-11-16 02:28:32 (edited)

I've color-coded my feedback. :P Green for yes, red for no, yellow for maybe.

- Rescout any or specific biome 2-4 times
^Having to rescout a specific biome means your scouts can't work concurrently, and a full energy scout takes what, 1:40:00? Having to scout the same biome up to 4 times is a big time investment that might be too demanding for busy players.
- Find specific feathers from rescouting
^Having to get the items via a certain method is too limiting.
- Craft 1-3 new medicines
- Find 5-10 herbs from forage
^not as limiting as finding certain feathers from rescouting since everyone's gonna be foraging anyway and it always brings back herbs, but 5-10 is too many. That's up to 10 hours of foraging, which gets into "impossible quest" territory. 1-3 would be more appropriate.
- Befriend 3-5 wolves
Territory space!
- Befriend wolves with specific requirements
Territory space, plus this could get really difficult given that NBWs are totally random.
- Fight herds
- Fight enemies above your level
tentative yes, it's possible for this to be impossible if your wolf is level 20 (I think that's the max?), so you'd have to not be able to get the quest at that level.
- Fight 5-7 ANY enemies, the number could be bigger too
- Hunt on specific trails
I've seen a large trail only once or twice in my ~21 days of playtime, and have yet to successfully hunt a medium or higher trail. This could easily be impossible to complete within a day.
- Chase puppies with specific requirements
Such a low chance to have a puppy ready with those requirements, people probably won't want to chase that pup, and buying one is still a waste of a pup.
- Get X score in a game (when we get games)
Depends on the ease of that score. Shouldn't be a major time-sink.
- Level up any wolves

Improbable to happen within a day at high levels


Posted 2020-11-16 02:31:57
I agree with a lot of the suggestions. I definitely think we should have more variety, especially since there’s a lot of successful hunt and item quests.


Posted 2020-11-16 03:32:15

Mossfoot I appreciate your feedback! But like I stated before (and just edited on the first post). I am not suggesting that all of these should be made into quests, but I just add all ideas that people come up with. So we can discuss about them & devs can possibly see our feedback about the ideas as well.


Posted 2020-11-20 02:53:41

Yes yes and yes! Snake quests are often extremely repetitive and very chore-like. Variation with them would be great.


Posted 2020-12-10 13:52:06

I'm interested in this

and i am actually testing the re-scouting thing where your scout is to bring back a certain item esp in that area for a re-built up of a playstyle i do A Lot.

It is possible from what my tests say so far but i'm doing more with it (Not rn cuz i got pups to watch and my only test scout failed her rite so XD

Support so far, maybe lessen the numbers a bit on a few that are insanely high? 

Kinda wish we could have tiers of difficulty like idk 

Tier 1: easy/1 stone hard 

tier 2: medium/2 stones hard 

Tier 3: Hard/3 stones hard 

Tier 4: Master/4 stones hard 

Tier 5: Legend/5 stones hard 

and maybe down the line Karma quests if we get those in (I hope so darn it)? Didn't see that there.  ^ ^;


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