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BG3 Private rp

BG3 Private rp
Posted 2024-08-25 14:14:05 (edited)
Private rp with Nikki based on Bg3


Posted 2024-08-25 14:33:33 (edited) - Character Sheets


Posted 2024-08-26 06:39:01 (edited)
Character Sheet

Name: Ulke Onri (Ool-keh Oun-ree)

Age: 218 (Human age of around 28)

Race: Seldarine Drow

Class: Life Cleric of Eilistraee

Primary Weapon (opt): Quarterstaff (or maybe Spear?)

Secondary weapon (opt): Sickle

Appearance: Ulke stands at 5'11 with dark grey almost black skin, bright white hair, and pale silvery grey eyes. His build is more average though with slightly broad shoulders. A symmetrical array or white dots decorate his skin, especially his cheeks, temples, and chin and on both eyes there is a red smear of  makeup.

Backstory: Ulke spent much time studying the teachings of Eilistraee, the chaotic good goddess of the Seldarine drow, privately, teaching himself as many songs and dances and healing spells as he saw fit to fill his days with before the Nautiloid ship kidnapping. Now, facing death or worse by their parasitic worms, Ulke endeavors to save himself, and hopefully with the help of other survivors, manage to make it out of this nightmare alive.

Personality: Ulke is a dedicated fan of his goddess, happy to spread word and share of her teachings whenever invited or asked. With a gentle soul and a kind heart he can be sensitive to the suffering of others and wishes only to help whomever he can when the chance arises, however he doesn't go looking for trouble so he can be hesitant to step in if the situation is public or obviously morally complicated. Generous but practical, grounded in reality but appreciating the small things, compassionate but goal oriented.

Likes: Music, Rain, Nighttime, and things that glow or produce small lights (magic, glowy mushrooms, fireflies, candles etc)

Dislikes: Slimy/Gooey things, Summertime, Sunshine

Strengths: Insight, Medicine, Wisdom, Charisma

Weaknesses: Prone to doubt/hesitation, can be sensitive

(Not sure if I can edit posts but will either edit to add or post again with a bust picture that I'll draw 😁)


Posted 2024-08-26 14:41:01
The pod opens up with a quiet click followed by a hissing sound as it's occupant began to stir. Sitting up slowly, Caesy brings a hand up to her forehead. Gods her head was pounding. Blinking slowly as her mismatched eyes adjust to her surroundings. Her ears twitch slightly as she hears the crackling of a fire nearby. The ship was on fire, and as she jumped down out of the pod, she could feel the ship shake and the sound of a distant roar echoes from far away. Dragons? Was the ship being attacked? And just how had she gotten here? The throbbing in her temples obscured any memory of her past. She grits her teeth, whoever was responsible for this was going to meet her malice when she got out of here. Provided she could find out who was responsible for the predicament she found herself in. But for now... she had to get out of here. The ship probably couldn't withstand another attack if that was what was really happening she mused.

Taking a step forward, she notices that the ground was still smoldering in places. So dragons were indeed attacking the ship. That meant that it was time to act and act fast. She wasn't about to put her life in the hands of whatever illithid was in charge of flying the nautiloid. The question of where to go remained however... if she had ever been on a mind flayer ship before, she could not recall the experience. There was a huge gaping hole in the hull of the ship though where the dragon must have burst through. Perhaps that was a start, or at least a way to get a better feel for where she was in reference to the rest of the ship. She didn't have a better plan anyway, so that was that she supposed.


Posted 2024-08-26 15:32:25
Beside Caesy original pod, another began to hiss and open. A drow, somewhat obscured by his dark clothing and skin against the pod gave way to long stark white hair that almost glowed with the fire around. Ulke gasped and clutched his forehead likely in similiar pain as her. He nearly stumbled out of the pod, catching himself on the edge of it with his free hand before looking around at the smoldering room, enviornmentally dangerous, and... the woman before him?

He blinked away the burning in his eyes from the somewhat smoke tainted air and coughed before asking hesitantly "Uh, where... where are we? Are you...hurt?"  his brows knitting together as he defaults to his healing tendency, not truly comprehending the gravity of the situation quite yet.

Posted 2024-08-26 15:52:06 (edited)
Caesy's ears twitch slightly, pinning back against her head as the sound of an unfamiliar voice. With everything going on, it was hard not to be on edge. She turns slightly to assess where or whom the voice was coming from.  Her eyes were still adjusting after being unconscious for goodness knows how long. Though after a moment her mismatched gaze lands on the source of the voice. A man, roughly the same age as her from what she could tell, give or take a year or two. It takes her a moment to comprehend his question. Hurt... he was asking if she was hurt. Why? Was she? Gods her head was pounding, dried blood was present on her leather armor as well. But as far as she could tell, she was uninjured. At least nothing was recent enough to be a concern right now. Though the pounding in her skull indicated that something had to have happened to her at some point. What she could not remember though.

She shakes her head slightly, realizing that she had been so lost in her own torrent of thought that she had yet to respond to either of his queries. "I... I don't know. Maybe? Either way... we don't have time to sit around and nurse old wounds. This ship is under attack... dragons I think. It probably can't take another attack. We have to get out of here" she says, glancing out the hole in the ship's hull as the wind brought in the sound of beating wings. Another dragon. The situation seemed to grow more dire by the moment.


Posted 2024-08-26 19:23:26
Ulke waited patiently as he watched her think and when her answer came he smiled weakly but nodded in agreement, stepping slightly closer and glancing around, more ready for action having taken the actual danger in as much as he dared, "Fair enough..." the briefest pause before adding in an attempt to be polite "After you?"

He gestured to the only thing he could think was a door, a strange wet looking membrane that quivered slightly as if alive... Maybe the whole ship was. Ulke shuddered at the thought of being inside some slimy stomach of some flyable beast but that was something he could work out once they got out of here.

Posted 2024-08-26 19:49:10
Caesy's ears relax slightly, returning to a more neutral position as he smiles. He didn't come across as a threat. In an otherwise bleak situation... that was something of a relief. She'd offer a smile in return, but thought better of it. She wasn't sure how he might take it if she did and right now she wasn't too keen to find out. Best not to risk a negative reaction while they were already in mortal peril. An intellect devourer scuttles past her feet, causing her to take a step back to avoid letting it climb over her boots. At least it wasn't attacking them. One strike from that thing could spell the end.

"Okay... though I should warn you that I don't have any better of an idea of where to go." She says, her gaze following in the slimy membrane. It was probably safer going through that then trying to get closer to the hole in the hull of this ship. Drawing her sword, she prods the membrane with the tip of the blade. The strange door opened up with a disgusting squelching sound. But if they were going to get out of here alive, there was no time to be disgusted.


Posted 2024-08-26 20:45:23
Ulke nods again in understanding and notably seemed a little nervous of the membranes sound, paling a touch in clear disgust. He then took a moment to ready his quarterstaff as he follows Casey into the next chamber. Though he tries to diffuse with some light humor.

"I tend to let those with blades carve the path..." a slightly withering chuckle as his ears fold back just a touch with his head on a swivel, noting the large opening across the chamber with a now external fleshy walkway and cringing slightly.

Posted 2024-08-26 21:06:32
"Fair enough I suppose... I might have done the same had I been in your position. At least for now using me as shield doesn't seem needed. These intellect devourers are mostly ignoring us... no doubt because of our blasted little passengers they don't see us threats. That could easily change though" Caesy says, her upper lip curling upwards slightly in disgust,  as her boot touches down in what seemed to be more slime. "If we make it out of here alive... I'm jumping in the nearest river. Though how much good that will do against illithid stench I haven't a clue" she mutters taking another step forward. There was no use in wiping her boots off until they got out of here. The whole floor looked slimly.

"I suppose for now our best bet might be to follow the abhorrent little things. Maybe they're heading somewhere we can take control of the ship and land this thing. Though I don't know where we would land it." She says. But even a crash landing was better than straight up plummeting to the ground because the dragons managed to fully take down the ship. At least a crash landing was some sort of landing, and it would be more of a controlled descent if they could at least try and take control of the situation.


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